Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

When I hit 70 I told the doc that I don't feel a hell of a lot different then when I turned 50 & 60. He replied that I could expect my bodily systems to start breaking down. In less than two years my mitral valve failed, nine months later my Gall Bladder had to go. After that I needed cataract surgery and a vein in my thigh had to go.
That's for you kids to think about when you skip going to the doc on a regular basis. I thought I had a sinus infection and waited for it to clear. My friend said I should go see a doctor cause I had night chills. She took me. My doc was busy with appointments. Another doc in the office said she thought I had fluid in my lungs. She asked if I always had that heart murmur. I said what murmur. She sent me straight to the emergency room. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. I was put in a coma while my lungs were drained. Four days later they went through my sternum and into my ticker to replace the valve. I never skip a doc appointment now.
When I hit 70 I told the doc that I don't feel a hell of a lot different then when I turned 50 & 60. He replied that I could expect my bodily systems to start breaking down. In less than two years my mitral valve failed, nine months later my Gall Bladder had to go. After that I needed cataract surgery and a vein in my thigh had to go.
That's for you kids to think about when you skip going to the doc on a regular basis. I thought I had a sinus infection and waited for it to clear. My friend said I should go see a doctor cause I had night chills. She took me. My doc was busy with appointments. Another doc in the office said she thought I had fluid in my lungs. She asked if I always had that heart murmur. I said what murmur. She sent me straight to the emergency room. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. I was put in a coma while my lungs were drained. Four days later they went through my sternum and into my ticker to replace the valve. I never skip a doc appointment now.

At 50 I've had:
  • 85% of all bones broken at once - crushed by a semi at age 7. Body cast for 6 months.
  • Right knee replaced 1986
  • Right knee replaced again 1990
  • Back surgery 1998
  • 5 disk in neck replaced 2007
  • Cancer surgery - left kidney, part of pancreas, two ribs, misc. muscle tissue removed 2012
  • Follow up cancer surgery, large mesh installed 2014
We wont get into dental work.
You guys got me there. I was hurt at work a couple years
ago and had to retire a little early. I can't do all the things
I used to do so I am finding new things that I can do.
I always have had something of a green thumb so here I am.
I started smoking pot in 1968 and was a co-conspirator in a
few outdoor grows in the mid-70's but I hid out when things
got legally interesting. I was on the straight and narrow, except
for a couple of trusted weed connections for personal use.
I don't give a fuck anymore, I'm going to do what I want.
I have no interest in growing to sell. I am interested in playing
with genetics and growing my own. The idea that weed is $400
an oz. pisses me off. So I try not to think about it. mmmmmmm
mmmmmm Pineapple Thai. These kids and their marijuana.
You guys got me there. I was hurt at work a couple years
ago and had to retire a little early. I can't do all the things
I used to do so I am finding new things that I can do.
I always have had something of a green thumb so here I am.
I started smoking pot in 1968 and was a co-conspirator in a
few outdoor grows in the mid-70's but I hid out when things
got legally interesting. I was on the straight and narrow, except
for a couple of trusted weed connections for personal use.
I don't give a fuck anymore, I'm going to do what I want.
I have no interest in growing to sell. I am interested in playing
with genetics and growing my own. The idea that weed is $400
an oz. pisses me off. So I try not to think about it. mmmmmmm
mmmmmm Pineapple Thai. These kids and their marijuana.
I could have written this post 10 years ago to the day!
You guys got me there. I was hurt at work a couple years
ago and had to retire a little early. I can't do all the things
I used to do so I am finding new things that I can do.
I always have had something of a green thumb so here I am.
I started smoking pot in 1968 and was a co-conspirator in a
few outdoor grows in the mid-70's but I hid out when things
got legally interesting. I was on the straight and narrow, except
for a couple of trusted weed connections for personal use.
I don't give a fuck anymore, I'm going to do what I want.
I have no interest in growing to sell. I am interested in playing
with genetics and growing my own. The idea that weed is $400
an oz. pisses me off. So I try not to think about it. mmmmmmm
mmmmmm Pineapple Thai. These kids and their marijuana.
$400 a Z? All my pro grow brothers just perked up. Where did you say you lived?