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Ursus marijanus
Sweetheart we are ALL ageing are we not? I’m 35yo and still in my prime! Lol. (U ever think for a min it was simply an excuse for the exhibition?) Lol.

You were too busy basking in the attention of hormone-soaked males to develop yourself, and that is why you are now coming up against the limits of this sort of shallow, parasitic living.

As for the exhibition(ism), yes I am certain it was purely about the thrill of being seen and getting the old response out of the men. It is painful when that stops working, as it did on this weed forum (sic!), and like the grasshopper in the fable, you didn't lay any stores of actual character in for the coming long winter.


Well-Known Member

You were too busy basking in the attention of hormone-soaked males to develop yourself, and that is why you are now coming up against the limits of this sort of shallow, parasitic living.

As for the exhibition(ism), yes I am certain it was purely about the thrill of being seen and getting the old response out of the men. It is painful when that stops working, as it did on this weed forum (sic!), and like the grasshopper in the fable, you didn't lay any stores of actual character in for the coming long winter.
*ageing - British English
*aging - American English


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Sweetheart we are ALL ageing are we not? I’m 35yo and still in my prime! Lol. (U ever think for a min it was simply an excuse for the exhibition?) Lol.
So tell us besides exploiting the genetics you inherited how have you invested in your life? Because your utter solipsism and focus on aging telegraphs your fear of losing your only valuable asset.


Well-Known Member
So tell us besides exploiting the genetics you inherited how have you invested in your life? Because your utter solipsism and focus on aging telegraphs your fear of losing your only valuable asset.
I would be more than happy to answer your question if you are happy to answer the questions I’ve already asked so many times before? Such as:
1.When and how have I “lied”?
2. Who have I “hurt” and how?
3. What have I done to you personally for u to believe that your persistent and constant stalker-esque, trolling behaviour is not only warranted but also acceptable?
4. And what is it ur hoping to achieve by this borderline, obsessive behaviour?

Only when u feel as tho ur ready to answer these questions *sans lies or assumptions, will we be in a better position to actually converse.



Well-Known Member
I looked it up, and I concede that point. However it does nothing to dilute what I was telling you. It is diagnostic that you should retreat into a technicality to avoid discussing the rutting kangaroo in the room.
Or perhaps, there simply wasn’t anything in your response worthy of discussing?


Ursus marijanus
I would be more than happy to answer your question if you are happy to answer the questions I’ve already asked so many times before? Such as:
1.When and how have I “lied”?
2. Who have I “hurt” and how?
3. What have I done to you personally for u to believe that your persistent and constant stalker-esque, trolling behaviour is not only warranted but also acceptable?
4. And what is it ur hoping to achieve by this borderline, obsessive behaviour?

Only when u feel as tho ur ready to answer these questions *sans lies or assumptions, will we be in a better position to actually converse.

quod erat demonstrandum
Or perhaps, there simply wasn’t anything in your response worthy of discussing?
As my response was about you, I am constrained to concur.
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Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I would be more than happy to answer your question if you are happy to answer the questions I’ve already asked so many times before? Such as:
1.When and how have I “lied”?
2. Who have I “hurt” and how?
3. What have I done to you personally for u to believe that your persistent and constant stalker-esque, trolling behaviour is not only warranted but also acceptable?
4. And what is it ur hoping to achieve by this borderline, obsessive behaviour?

Only when u feel as tho ur ready to answer these questions *sans lies or assumptions, will we be in a better position to actually converse.

LOL nice dodge so you have done nothing but rely on your inherited genetics. At your age I was more concerned about morbidity and mortality than posing for another vapid shot of my sagging dermis.

*edited for accessibility
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Ursus marijanus
I would be more than happy to answer your question if you are happy to answer the questions I’ve already asked so many times before? Such as:
1.When and how have I “lied”?
2. Who have I “hurt” and how?
3. What have I done to you personally for u to believe that your persistent and constant stalker-esque, trolling behaviour is not only warranted but also acceptable?
4. And what is it ur hoping to achieve by this borderline, obsessive behaviour?

Only when u feel as tho ur ready to answer these questions *sans lies or assumptions, will we be in a better position to actually converse.

as words in their proper order appear to be beyond your grasp, allow me to do it with a picture.



Well-Known Member
LOL nice dodge so you have done nothing but rely on your inherited genetics?[...]
LOL nice answer to your own question. Why the need to ask me then if your assumptions are already deemed true?
At your age I was more concerned about morbidity and mortality than posing for another vapid shot of my sagging dermis.
Forgive my indifference. I don’t recall
soliciting the information? What I do recall is asking specific questions to be answered factually and not based upon “lies or assumptions.” To which you couldn’t adhere.

“You can’t expect to receive that which you’re not prepared to give.”


Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Wow some of you yanks are conservative..its just tits...
I cannot believe your picking and bullying a stranger over tit pics....never been to southern France or Spain? Greek islands? Tits everywhere..
Turn on TV and theirs tits on nearly every night and pussy on some nights as well.
Its just tits...

We can drive down the street on a Friday night and yell " show us ya tits" and get lots of flashes. We can go to the beach and see white pointers....I used to take the wife and in laws to the topless waitress's at the local every Friday night...lets face it even women like a good tit to look at.

And Venus, trusting anyone one on this site is silly. Expecting Americans to "get" us aussies is never going to happen. The majority just like picking and insulting and thinking their the best. It seems that way anyway as they seem to make the most noise..
The people your arguing with are known trolls. They jump as a group on any thread that they think may get a bite and throw insults about. They do it because they have nothing else in life and doing this makes themselves feel good. They will even resort to picking on spelling error's, which is funny when they had to change the English language to suit their poor grammar...
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Well-Known Member
lol harden the fuck up theres alittle aussie qoute for yas.. i dont no what youre beef is with miss venus but get over it trust americans to be buzzkills over dumb shit when its a time of celebration i love you cunts but fuck use need to harden up some times i swear fuck me dead
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