Final pot size for my 3x3 tent?

What should my final pot size be for best results?

  • 3 Gallon plastic

    Votes: 27 37.0%
  • 5 Gallon plastic

    Votes: 24 32.9%
  • 7 gallon fabric

    Votes: 22 30.1%

  • Total voters


Active Member
be careful about running the heater in the tent, it'll drop your rh quickly.
The winters where I live are wet and rainy so it’s pretty humid inside the shop. The rh sits at 50% in the tent with the exhaust fan and heater on, turn the fan off and the rh climbs to 70%...

I’m going to switch the oil filled heater out with a fan type heater once I switch to 12/12 in order to drop it some more. Or I might just get a small dehumidifier. I think the oil filled heaters are the safest bet fire risk wise.


Well-Known Member
fabric isn't great with soil, but its works good with coco and pro-mix.
Great discussion guys, glad I bookmarked it. It's my first grow, so much to learn!

Why isn't fabric great with soil?

With two 4 week old plant's in 1g plastic pots and soil, I'm wondering when to transplant?
Tent is only 20" x 36" but I'll put the carbon filter outside the tent and lights will soon be Bridgelux strips.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
the fine hair roots grow into the cloth pots, doing more damage when you have to repot.
you also have to water cloth pots about twice as often as regular nursery pots
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Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Good luck with your set up.
If heights an issue look into scroggin. Can get large yields with little height. If your unfamiliar with the technique (its very simple-like me!) then there's a good scrog thread at the top of the Advanced growing section.


Well-Known Member
I would go to the 5 gallon I use them get 5-6 ounces dry per plant, will pass along the math end as well Indica Strains
Most pure indica strains slow their vertical growth very quickly once switched to a 12/12 light cycle. It’s not uncommon for an indica strain to add only 25% to 50% to its total height after switching to a 12 hour light cycle. Most of this additional growth will take place in the first week or two of flowering. If an indica plant is switched to flowering when it is 12 inches tall it can be expected to finish flowering at about 18 inches, give or take. That math is pretty consistent, so a 2 foot tall indica will likely finish flowering around 3 feet tall.

Here is the equation for indica strains. The vegged plant height (V) multiplied by 1.5 equals the plant height at harvest (H) or 1.5V = H

Sativa Strains
Pure sativa strains are much more difficult to grow indoors and are becoming increasingly rare in general. I don’t recommend them for novice indoor growers for several reasons. What is important for this topic is that their growth after being switched to a 12/12 light cycle is unpredictable. Pure sativas often continue to produce significant vertical vegetative growth many weeks into the flowering cycle. Sativas often double in size while flowering, and in some cases, will finish at three times the height they were at when the light cycle was switched. A 12 inch plant switched to the 12/12 light cycle could end up as tall as 36 inches, sometimes even taller. This additional vertical growth can quickly become a problem in a normal grow room. I’ve seen growers flower sativas at 2 feet tall only to end up with 6 foot plants at harvest. Most grow rooms just can’t accommodate plants this tall, not to mention some other real problems with tall marijuana plants.

Here is the equation for sativa strains. The vegged plant height (V) multiplied by 2.5 equals the plant height at harvest (H) or 2.5V = H.

Hybrid Strains
Hybrid cannabis strains are crossbreeds of various sativa and indica plants that have been bred selectively to promote specific characteristics. Some hybrids strains grow similar to sativas, other grow more like indicas. Most of the strains sold by seed and clone vendors are some form of hybrid. Find out as much about the strain as possible so you can guess how much vertical growth to expect after the flowering cycle beings. As a general rule, leave enough room for the plants to double in size. Once you are familiar with the strain you can let them grow a bit taller if there is room. Don’t forget, at a certain point, taller is not better.

Here is the equation for hybrid strains. The vegged plant height (V) multiplied by 2 equals the plant height at harvest (H) or 2V = H.

this should remain consistent and let you know the right time to put them in flower and keep them in the tent ,there are other things you can do if you have few getting to big for the grow,some LST works than cheers mat grow on


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy. Make it easy on your self. One big tray with soil. Build one if you have to. It's just so easy to manage especially something that small.

The cloth pots are the best, no need to remove pot when transplanting. Just place in the next size as is. Roots grow right through.


Active Member
Very informative post Drewby! That's a very good rough guideline I'm going to use.
I'm always hearing different opinions on when to flip cause of stretch, lots of people seem to think that there is a hard rule of stretch, but its very clear that there isn't because of the different breeds and mixes of them.

Hey buddy. Make it easy on your self. One big tray with soil. Build one if you have to. It's just so easy to manage especially something that small.

The cloth pots are the best, no need to remove pot when transplanting. Just place in the next size as is. Roots grow right through.
What!? Of course that works why didn't I think of that! I think that may be what I do from now on. Reclaiming the pots after harvest might be a bit difficult? Do the larger roots poke through or do they turn into fine roots? Are you sure it doesn't slow down root growth since it has to run through fabric?


Active Member
I'm thinking going from solo cup to 2 gallon fabric then 5 gallon fabric could be what I do the next go around.


Active Member
Interesting note, I have noticed that the 5 gallon fabrics seem to dry at about the same speed as the 3 gallon plastic. I have 1 plant I left in the 3gal and the other 4 plants are in the fabrics. The one in the plastic pot is going to a new home in the next couple days.


Well-Known Member
The roots don't get as burly thick but they still get thick. I got holes in mine you could push a bb through from the roots. The benefit is the plants has hundreds times more micro-tipped roots giving more surface area available for nutrient uptake. When done just turn inside out let dry, shake off and wash at the laundromat with a front loading machine.

In my experience if you typically use a 5 gallon plastic pot a 3 gallon cloth pot is equivalent.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking going from solo cup to 2 gallon fabric then 5 gallon

That is what I do but I use buckets in my secret room,,my plants are almost 2 months old started Nov 11th few seed plants few clones that took me a month to get good and healthy,and 2 little indica seeds I started Nov 20th ,I left them in solo cups 3 weeks ,than into 5 gallon buckets,,,I had the clones on a heating pad the guy who had them had kept them to wet and had poor root development,all doing pretty good now took me a month to get those clones going good really they were growing but had some issues I had to fix up



Well-Known Member
& here are few more pics of them now,and that was seven dust around the base I have found bugs in soil before so always start off with some around the base ,just incase,all have 9-11 fingers on all my seed plants am up to 9 on the clones but they are coming along,for my poor boy set up,,



Active Member
They look better but they look over watered if you ask me. They appear to be doing the claw.
I'm guessing you transfer those later to a flower room? It seems a little crowded and wet in there...


Well-Known Member
I I just sprayed them with my little spray bottle so they may be wet,and the claw was N they were growing rapidly and the tops would be a much brighter lime green so I feed them up until leaves started to darken up had a little crow claw going but watered excess out and they perked right up I flower in this room as well,I generally will flower 4-6,,I have a friend up the road i will put 4-5 in his yard,for flower,I like throwing a few out doors in the colder months,helps if weather is not to bad cold ,,But yes I am running out of room will put the sativa dominant ones in his yard,they are heavy pushers anyhow ,the indica will fit better in my room


Active Member
Your getting 5-6 ounces dry per plant in that room? impressive. That means your getting 20-36 ounces dry out of that room with Fluorescents unless you were talking about a different room in first post here.
What sort of wattage are you pushing to get those numbers?


Well-Known Member
No I have bigger lights above ,just not on right now,, my fluorescents are full spectrum T8 bulbs ,I have 2, 400 watt MH with bulbs for flower or veg,flower bulbs is full spectrum 58,000 lumens and has the red and blue ,I run them in flower ,I just got a little 300 watt LED from a neighbor a mars hydro other week ,I added it and it is on with the fluorescent,but first time I have used a led,,I like the fluorescent,they do great in veg & seem to be a more compact growth,which does great in the room,my room has 9 foot ceiling ,but is only about 36 inches wide,,14 foot long,as they get bigger i will turn more lights on them as i spread them out ,am almost ready for few to leave and give me some much needed space,,will snap a picture of my overheads,just put new ballast in them booth ,new caps,and brand new bulbs,so they are just itching,to be on,I used the house ac system tied a 8 inch insulated duct and cut a vent hole,and made a self opening and closing vent so no smell back into the house,,,Have tried few different ways of having room set with the lights up but I think this does about the best for my limited space little heat in veg and flower the ac system helps a bunch,I have more vertical than I have width but have flowered 5 in 10 gallon containers in there,and my first run I had 16 in there but they were in 1 1/2 gallon pots ,but most I ever took down was between 5-6 ounces dry for 1 plant in 5 gallon bucket ,it was pushing the 6 ft mark for height,had a stalk bigger than the lid for a 1 gallon gatorade bottle ,I try hard to make them more healthy than big but sativa's grow like heck,i do a bunch of fimming and super cropping or bend and tie them to keep them and others close in height



Well-Known Member
here is a link from rollitup just a different section from back when i was building this room ,you will see my homemade tent,and how I use to have the room set up,is only two pages but but you will see the room as i was building it,my tent was little but i could start 60 plants in solo cups np,I was helping a buddy get going so I built the tent back than ,you will also see the vent system I made, I wish I had more room really do,I want to grow monsters but only have so much room to work with