Every one is allowed to have an opinion but it truly dont matter about her race. Men will run to a lady if they see her in distress plan and simple. Im with you that its a scam just seems off to me but to say cause she's a white lady is absurd. If it was a dude everyone would have wanted disounts and he would of had a lot harder time selling them.
I think
@Vato_504 is absolutely right. I consider myself as misanthrope, because humans are like that! I have not seen this woman yet (and yes a beautiful young woman, is getting more attraction, that an ugly one! And here in europe atleast racism is even more common!), just read the first 10 comments of her, when I stopped. Because it‘s really sad, how she is presenting herself to the community! That are no stories, someone needs to publish like that, if they are true or not.
„Hey hey, it‘s me. My husband tried to kill me! Please help me now!“
I think she missed the right place to report her story... should go to the police next time, atleast this would work out in europe... maybe america is different. Idk...
Where I live, it‘s common that a gang is taking young woman to beg on the streets... when I see a helpless woman now, I can‘t imagine she is really in need, because so many are betraying. Sad world!
But I am still trying! I am always carrying cookies with me (or other food) to hand them out
But I would never give them my money!