The 2nd Annual unofficial, semi-certified, partally confirmed RIU TnT 2017 Awards Nominations


Well-Known Member
It's that time of year again. Can you believe 2017 was weirder than 2016? Hurricanes, floods, wiIdfires, no electricity to parts of the hurricane damaged US for months, bizzare socks and an unhinged president. What's next? A hailstorm of fruitcakes?

The first nomination this year is the Outstanding Community Service Award, and for the 2nd consecutive year goes to @.nobody.
His tireless service of supplying likes to the 'like challenged' members does not go unnoticed. Absent for a couple months, @.nobody. was last spotted on the hills of Puerto Rico helping to restore power lines in remote areas still not reconnected to the power grid. 948516.jpg
The committee thanks you for your service.

This year's Comeback of the Year Award goes to: @mr sunshine , who was noticably absent a year ago. There was some concern he was going super nova, but all is now well as his glowing warmth continues to keep the site at 78°.

@mr sunshine also is the very first winner of the Sunshine Shopping Cart Award, to be awarded annually to the member with the most impressive, inexpensive, and useful addition to their running gear.8959.png

This years award for Most Postings of the word Penis goes to @Indacouch who set a new record for a single year with 2,926.
And that's majestic as fuck.

The Most Turtled Award for 2017 goes to a living legend, @Bob Zmuda . Bob got a lot of fishing and photography in during his periods of turtle virus.
Bob also participated in a secret ceremony at @Singlemalt 's home late one summer evening. Something to do with a burning saint card, I don't fully understand it but I'm not full blooded SiciIian. I did get the memo about a new underboss.
"shoot your cuffs"

The 2017 Rookie of the Year Award goes to @Karah . There were several other very fine candidates who got votes, but they weren't as good looking so they lose. And that goes triple for Zoom Fucking Rabbit.
A Colonel Sanders avi? Too greasy, even for a grass shitty reject. Ba bye.

Most Impressive Tropical Underwater Photography Award went to @abandonconflict in a massive landslide.
Screensaver worthy and stunning, you don't get tired of looking at his work.
(I saved a few)

The committee has petitioned the academy to officially coronate @curious2garden as the 2018 Queen of the site. It has been unanimously approved, based on her long time helpfulness on medical information, cooking, growing, drinking, colorful Christmas cards from the North Pole, and all other things interesting.
And we all love you.

The Most Intriguing Vacation Award goes to world traveler, @neosapien
Neo is currently in China, visiting with family, studying the cuIture, and trying to secretly negotiate a peace treaty with Kim Jong Un in his spare time. Kim says he'll only talk to Neo or Dennis Rodman as the rest of the Americans just repeatedly insult him.

The I Cut Myself So Fucking Deep Award goes (posthumously-account wise) to Stoned Farmer who partied and cut himself right out of the league. He also wrecked my side job as his late night translator.
"Oh sjech fux or me dlequ kill fetanyl h spill or shdfe ah fux u saven trx aand vein prokbshun. Now note late fuxer"
He says he's doing fine without us. I think. Or maybe he needs a drink from a pregnant horse. I'm not sure. Something like that.

The You're Going to Have Fun in 15 Years Award goes to our 2 newest fathers, @UncleBuck and @Olive Drab Green .
Enjoy them while they're young and you aren't paying their car insurance yet. I loved when mine tripled over night. But there's lots of fun in the meantime while you remain their favorite guy. For a while.

This picture has been now declared property of the Grow Site Hall of Fame.
Congrats to @lahadaextranjera on your picture's induction to the HOF and for looking like you do. That's a lucky dog You have there. Woof woof. I heard that guys in the Witness Protection Program like being near her as they go completely unnoticed by anyone in the area ;-).

The most missed member for the 2nd year in a row:
Hurry back, somehow, someway, someday. A shooting star with star quality.
The 2017 Tragic Magic Award. Stay safe my friend.

The Brickwork and Chimney Repair On the Side Award for 2017 goes to @srh88 because who the hell else would qualify? I have a chimney on my older house. If it ever appears to be in disrepair, I'm choppering him in to extract the lawn mower out of it.

I'd like to now have a moment of silence for all the lost Abes. Lol.
No I wouldn't, but all awards ceremonies have a moment of silence for something.
And it also won't be ZaraBone.

Where's @Hookabelly ?
She will qualify for a Missing on a Milk Carton Award in another 90 days if she doesn't belly dance her way back in here soon. @Big_Lou is already on them in 12 states.

The 2017 Bear of the Year Award goes to @cannabineer
ursus marijuanus
Because he's smarter than the average bear.
You don't have to stare at the head if it makes you uncomfortable. It'll grow on you.

The best mods in the world are @rolli @sunni and @GreatwhiteNorth
And for my new year's resolution, I promise not to post Google Earth pics of anybody's horrible looking roof.

The 2017 Grilling and Smoking Pics Award goes to @Gary Goodson again.
Because they are as succulent as his dix tests. And he knows how to rub that meat the right way.

The Hardest Working Guy on the Site Still in his Prime Award goes to @420God
I could do more if I could be that age again 1 week a month.
And we have one down on Route 8 south, when you have time.

A Lifetime Achievement Award goes to @doublejj for the best pics on the site. Looks like a forest over there.

The Most Efficient Use of Space Because I Use Every Square Foot Award goes to @Aeroknow. You can't always camp out if the bedroom's full, bro. Priorities and all.

Other nominations must be entered before January 8, 2018 11:59PM through rolling time zones. Because I'm stopping right here to go party it up.
Have a great 2018
It's that time of year again. Can you believe 2017 was weirder than 2016? Hurricanes, floods, wiIdfires, no electricity to parts of the hurricane damaged US for months, bizzare socks and an unhinged president. What's next? A hailstorm of fruitcakes?

The first nomination this year is the Outstanding Community Service Award, and for the 2nd consecutive year goes to @.nobody.
His tireless service of supplying likes to the 'like challenged' members does not go unnoticed. Absent for a couple months, @.nobody. was last spotted on the hills of Puerto Rico helping to restore power lines in remote areas still not reconnected to the power grid. View attachment 4066065
The committee thanks you for your service.

This year's Comeback of the Year Award goes to: @mr sunshine , who was noticably absent a year ago. There was some concern he was going super nova, but all is now well as his glowing warmth continues to keep the site at 78°.

@mr sunshine also is the very first winner of the Sunshine Shopping Cart Award, to be awarded annually to the member with the most impressive, inexpensive, and useful addition to their running gear.View attachment 4066071

This years award for Most Postings of the word Penis goes to @Indacouch who set a new record for a single year with 2,926.
And that's majestic as fuck.

The Most Turtled Award for 2017 goes to a living legend, @Bob Zmuda . Bob got a lot of fishing and photography in during his periods of turtle virus.
Bob also participated in a secret ceremony at @Singlemalt 's home late one summer evening. Something to do with a burning saint card, I don't fully understand it but I'm not full blooded SiciIian. I did get the memo about a new underboss.
View attachment 4066073
View attachment 4066074
"shoot your cuffs"

The 2017 Rookie of the Year Award goes to @Karah . There were several other very fine candidates who got votes, but they weren't as good looking so they lose. And that goes triple for Zoom Fucking Rabbit.
A Colonel Sanders avi? Too greasy, even for a grass shitty reject. Ba bye.

Most Impressive Tropical Underwater Photography Award went to @abandonconflict in a massive landslide.
Screensaver worthy and stunning, you don't get tired of looking at his work.
(I saved a few)

The committee has petitioned the academy to officially coronate @curious2garden as the 2018 Queen of the site. It has been unanimously approved, based on her long time helpfulness on medical information, cooking, growing, drinking, colorful Christmas cards from the North Pole, and all other things interesting.
And we all love you.

The Most Intriguing Vacation Award goes to world traveler, @neosapien
View attachment 4066116
Neo is currently in China, visiting with family, studying the cuIture, and trying to secretly negotiate a peace treaty with Kim Jong Un in his spare time. Kim says he'll only talk to Neo or Dennis Rodman as the rest of the Americans just repeatedly insult him.

The I Cut Myself So Fucking Deep Award goes (posthumously-account wise) to Stoned Farmer who partied and cut himself right out of the league. He also wrecked my side job as his late night translator.
"Oh sjech fux or me dlequ kill fetanyl h spill or shdfe ah fux u saven trx aand vein prokbshun. Now note late fuxer"
He says he's doing fine without us. I think. Or maybe he needs a drink from a pregnant horse. I'm not sure. Something like that.

The You're Going to Have Fun in 15 Years Award goes to our 2 newest fathers, @UncleBuck and @Olive Drab Green .
Enjoy them while they're young and you aren't paying their car insurance yet. I loved when mine tripled over night. But there's lots of fun in the meantime while you remain their favorite guy. For a while.

This picture has been now declared property of the Grow Site Hall of Fame.
View attachment 4066120
Congrats to @lahadaextranjera on your picture's induction to the HOF and for looking like you do. That's a lucky dog You have there. Woof woof. I heard that guys in the Witness Protection Program like being near her as they go completely unnoticed by anyone in the area ;-).

The most missed member for the 2nd year in a row:
View attachment 4066121
Hurry back, somehow, someway, someday. A shooting star with star quality.
The 2017 Tragic Magic Award. Stay safe my friend.

The Brickwork and Chimney Repair On the Side Award for 2017 goes to @srh88 because who the hell else would qualify? I have a chimney on my older house. If it ever appears to be in disrepair, I'm choppering him in to extract the lawn mower out of it.

I'd like to now have a moment of silence for all the lost Abes. Lol.
No I wouldn't, but all awards ceremonies have a moment of silence for something.
And it also won't be ZaraBone.

Where's @Hookabelly ?
She will qualify for a Missing on a Milk Carton Award in another 90 days if she doesn't belly dance her way back in here soon. @Big_Lou is already on them in 12 states.

The 2017 Bear of the Year Award goes to @cannabineer
ursus marijuanus
Because he's smarter than the average bear.
View attachment 4066145
You don't have to stare at the head if it makes you uncomfortable. It'll grow on you.

The best mods in the world are @rolli @sunni and @GreatwhiteNorth
And for my new year's resolution, I promise not to post Google Earth pics of anybody's horrible looking roof.

The 2017 Grilling and Smoking Pics Award goes to @Gary Goodson again.
Because they are as succulent as his dix tests. And he knows how to rub that meat the right way.

The Hardest Working Guy on the Site Still in his Prime Award goes to @420God
I could do more if I could be that age again 1 week a month.
And we have one down on Route 8 south, when you have time.
View attachment 4066156

A Lifetime Achievement Award goes to @doublejj for the best pics on the site. Looks like a forest over there.

The Most Efficient Use of Space Because I Use Every Square Foot Award goes to @Aeroknow. You can't always camp out if the bedroom's full, bro. Priorities and all.

Other nominations must be entered before January 8, 2018 11:59PM through rolling time zones. Because I'm stopping right here to go party it up.
Have a great 2018
It's that time of year again. Can you believe 2017 was weirder than 2016? Hurricanes, floods, wiIdfires, no electricity to parts of the hurricane damaged US for months, bizzare socks and an unhinged president. What's next? A hailstorm of fruitcakes?

The first nomination this year is the Outstanding Community Service Award, and for the 2nd consecutive year goes to @.nobody.
His tireless service of supplying likes to the 'like challenged' members does not go unnoticed. Absent for a couple months, @.nobody. was last spotted on the hills of Puerto Rico helping to restore power lines in remote areas still not reconnected to the power grid. View attachment 4066065
The committee thanks you for your service.

This year's Comeback of the Year Award goes to: @mr sunshine , who was noticably absent a year ago. There was some concern he was going super nova, but all is now well as his glowing warmth continues to keep the site at 78°.

@mr sunshine also is the very first winner of the Sunshine Shopping Cart Award, to be awarded annually to the member with the most impressive, inexpensive, and useful addition to their running gear.View attachment 4066071

This years award for Most Postings of the word Penis goes to @Indacouch who set a new record for a single year with 2,926.
And that's majestic as fuck.

The Most Turtled Award for 2017 goes to a living legend, @Bob Zmuda . Bob got a lot of fishing and photography in during his periods of turtle virus.
Bob also participated in a secret ceremony at @Singlemalt 's home late one summer evening. Something to do with a burning saint card, I don't fully understand it but I'm not full blooded SiciIian. I did get the memo about a new underboss.
View attachment 4066073
View attachment 4066074
"shoot your cuffs"

The 2017 Rookie of the Year Award goes to @Karah . There were several other very fine candidates who got votes, but they weren't as good looking so they lose. And that goes triple for Zoom Fucking Rabbit.
A Colonel Sanders avi? Too greasy, even for a grass shitty reject. Ba bye.

Most Impressive Tropical Underwater Photography Award went to @abandonconflict in a massive landslide.
Screensaver worthy and stunning, you don't get tired of looking at his work.
(I saved a few)

The committee has petitioned the academy to officially coronate @curious2garden as the 2018 Queen of the site. It has been unanimously approved, based on her long time helpfulness on medical information, cooking, growing, drinking, colorful Christmas cards from the North Pole, and all other things interesting.
And we all love you.

The Most Intriguing Vacation Award goes to world traveler, @neosapien
View attachment 4066116
Neo is currently in China, visiting with family, studying the cuIture, and trying to secretly negotiate a peace treaty with Kim Jong Un in his spare time. Kim says he'll only talk to Neo or Dennis Rodman as the rest of the Americans just repeatedly insult him.

The I Cut Myself So Fucking Deep Award goes (posthumously-account wise) to Stoned Farmer who partied and cut himself right out of the league. He also wrecked my side job as his late night translator.
"Oh sjech fux or me dlequ kill fetanyl h spill or shdfe ah fux u saven trx aand vein prokbshun. Now note late fuxer"
He says he's doing fine without us. I think. Or maybe he needs a drink from a pregnant horse. I'm not sure. Something like that.

The You're Going to Have Fun in 15 Years Award goes to our 2 newest fathers, @UncleBuck and @Olive Drab Green .
Enjoy them while they're young and you aren't paying their car insurance yet. I loved when mine tripled over night. But there's lots of fun in the meantime while you remain their favorite guy. For a while.

This picture has been now declared property of the Grow Site Hall of Fame.
View attachment 4066120
Congrats to @lahadaextranjera on your picture's induction to the HOF and for looking like you do. That's a lucky dog You have there. Woof woof. I heard that guys in the Witness Protection Program like being near her as they go completely unnoticed by anyone in the area ;-).

The most missed member for the 2nd year in a row:
View attachment 4066121
Hurry back, somehow, someway, someday. A shooting star with star quality.
The 2017 Tragic Magic Award. Stay safe my friend.

The Brickwork and Chimney Repair On the Side Award for 2017 goes to @srh88 because who the hell else would qualify? I have a chimney on my older house. If it ever appears to be in disrepair, I'm choppering him in to extract the lawn mower out of it.

I'd like to now have a moment of silence for all the lost Abes. Lol.
No I wouldn't, but all awards ceremonies have a moment of silence for something.
And it also won't be ZaraBone.

Where's @Hookabelly ?
She will qualify for a Missing on a Milk Carton Award in another 90 days if she doesn't belly dance her way back in here soon. @Big_Lou is already on them in 12 states.

The 2017 Bear of the Year Award goes to @cannabineer
ursus marijuanus
Because he's smarter than the average bear.
View attachment 4066145
You don't have to stare at the head if it makes you uncomfortable. It'll grow on you.

The best mods in the world are @rolli @sunni and @GreatwhiteNorth
And for my new year's resolution, I promise not to post Google Earth pics of anybody's horrible looking roof.

The 2017 Grilling and Smoking Pics Award goes to @Gary Goodson again.
Because they are as succulent as his dix tests. And he knows how to rub that meat the right way.

The Hardest Working Guy on the Site Still in his Prime Award goes to @420God
I could do more if I could be that age again 1 week a month.
And we have one down on Route 8 south, when you have time.
View attachment 4066156

A Lifetime Achievement Award goes to @doublejj for the best pics on the site. Looks like a forest over there.

The Most Efficient Use of Space Because I Use Every Square Foot Award goes to @Aeroknow. You can't always camp out if the bedroom's full, bro. Priorities and all.

Other nominations must be entered before January 8, 2018 11:59PM through rolling time zones. Because I'm stopping right here to go party it up.
Have a great 2018

A truly magnificent conclusion to the year, Tangie. Somewhere out there is a signpost that didn't get straightened because you sank your energies into this. Officer thinking there.
I'd like to nominate for the category of best newbies that were not a sock. That would be @dstroy and @Possum1 who are currently tied. Hoping for the tie breaker for most valuable newbie in 2018.

The award for biggest attention whore (and the vote was unanimous) and all around bat shit craziest goes to Abe.Unfortunately he will have to create another sock or two to accept this award. We'll leave it in the men's room.

Award for kindest person and overall grow goddess goes to @Diabolical666 who managed to dodge all drama in 2017.

@see4 hereinafter known as C++++ gets the election for biggest and purplest erection (would you just look at that). The award for rolling with the punches goes to @Grandpapy (you can pay me off in pickled veggies next time I see you).

Awarding for being blue and a wizard (how can that be bad), and most epic DJ, goes to @Blue Wizard who I am honored to call friend.

LOL, fantastic. Kudos to our treasured wordsmith, @tangerinegreen555
He really is, wait don't you need to phrase that in the form of an erection, or is that election? Anyway it's large and veiny, 44 penis!