What substances in dirty bong water cause it to stink so much?

I am going back to using 420 glass cleaner on my bong. The clerk at a glass/smoke shop in Philly on South Street mentioned that using 91 % Iso Alcohol with sea salt leaves a residue that you end up tasting after you clean with it tanting the flavor of your Cannabis . I think he is correct.
Give aerosol oven cleaner a shot, if you'll pardon the expression. The good stuff in the yellow can. I use denatured alcohol as a booster. After a water rinse your bong should look, smell and taste like new.

If there is a residual taste you can detect, let me know. My senses of smell and taste are a little bit shifted.
Give aerosol oven cleaner a shot, if you'll pardon the expression. The good stuff in the yellow can. I use denatured alcohol as a booster. After a water rinse your bong should look, smell and taste like new.

If there is a residual taste you can detect, let me know. My senses of smell and taste are a little bit shifted.

Im a fan of denatured alcohol and salt. a good rinse has cleaned my unit spick and span. and its a long thick unit, lots of places for the alcohol and salt to work in. i often have to shake my long thick unit up and down vigorously to get it thoroughly clean.

because it's a long thick unit.

is there anything i can spray on my pool rocks to prevent them from falling apart and crumbling into my god damn mother fucking pool? stupid friggin rock...

There's probably a ton of products. Epoxy bases are pretty big part of the market now. Try pool epoxy repair or something. We do all vinyl liner stuff so I don't know much other than our suppliers are always trying to push it on us.