New style Samsung LM561C Board

Are you really not grasping the fact that it's the same as 3500k? No one is saying what your doing won't work it's just no different than 3500k so it's really pointless to mix the diodes. That's why you won't see companies doing what your doing the only benefit would be a marketing they could pretend it helps an people like you will pay a premium.
lol. you seem upset.

You like a comment who points out companies who use mixed diode boards with great success. Then you tell me that no company in their right mind would do it.

You're not a bright fellow.

But see4 will never admit he is wrong he thinks he found something new and great if only that were true

Never made that claim. If you need to make shit up to make a point, you've lost.
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He just argues for the sake of arguing . You could both be looking at a blue wall and he would argue it is black best way to get rid of him is to ignore him and get back to what this thread is actually about
And yet here we are, come full circle. 3000k+4000k > 3500k, and nobody uses green light because it's not as beneficial. 6 pages wasted for nothing. I still have my 3000k+4000k mixed boards and will likely have a nice harvest because of them, and you guys are still crying about it.
As your supreme leader would say, "fake news, so sad".
lol. you seem upset.
View attachment 4067364
View attachment 4067365

You like a comment who points out companies who use mixed diode boards with great success. Then you tell me that no company in their right mind would do it.

You're not a bright fellow.

Never made that claim. If you need to make shit up to make a point, you've lost.
Don't attach your drivers upside down like that, if you do, read the application notes first to see by how much they need to be derated.
lol. You are absolutely right. No point in using green light as it doesn't benefit us as much. My original point in this little micro debate.

Well, white LEDs are already delivering a lot of green light. The dominant wavelength is usually in the range 550-580nm. Incidentally, the SPD chart you posted back a few pages is of a CRI90 LED and not about the LM561c on your boards. The corresponding Spectrums look like this:
Screenshot_20180103-193127.png Screenshot_20180103-193138.png

The SPD curves you are using may actually give the impression that 3000 and 4000°k do not automatically give 3500°k. If I would mixing diodes, I would mix 4000°K/CRI80 and 3000°K/CRI90.


If you put the curves on top of each other, you see what I mean.
The really good thing about your boards is that you can design them to your liking. If you want to mix 3 and 4k diodes to get realy a different spectrum than 3500°k, then you need to use different CRI's. Thats the only way to get all the red and far-red from your SPD chart.
All this I expressly say only to help you to get what you are looking for. This should not sound instructive or upper clever.
If I would mixing diodes, I would mix 4000°K/CRI80 and 3000°K/CRI90.
Thanks for that man. That makes sense.
I wonder if I got lucky and received cri90 3000k diodes :razz: ... probably not.
The really good thing about your boards is that you can design them to your liking.
Yea, I suppose that's sort of the point in my adventure. Obviously I've got more research to do.

I appreciate how you presented the information. Concise and non-argumentative.
Hey @chuckduck,

Please don't think me lazy, but I can't slog through the 40 pages of comments about your new boards.... Can you tell me the name of the guys on Alibaba where you bought the boards.

thanks man,

Happy New Year!
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Thanks for that man. That makes sense.
I wonder if I got lucky and received cri90 3000k diodes :razz: ... probably not.

Yea, I suppose that's sort of the point in my adventure. Obviously I've got more research to do.

I appreciate how you presented the information. Concise and non-argumentative.

I know that Hanison and so offer also LM561c in CRI90. I consider myself ordering a few strips in 3000°K/CRI90 to mix it with my 3000°k/CRI80 F-Strips. I think about a 2: 1 ratio of CRI80 and 90 ...
Additional blue come from an 39w UVB tube(6500°k/CRI90), so no need for higher kelvins in my tent. If needed because of much stretch I would add a few 430nm diodes but from what I've seen in my groom it's really don't needed, 3k has plenty of blue and green to get well developed and branchy plants.
Plants needs only about 10-12w/m² of pure blue light to break down auxins and become short and branchy. The rest could be mixed as you like, as long as you do not use too much far-red and trigger SAS.
I consider myself ordering a few strips in 3000°K/CRI90 to mix it with my 3000°k/CRI80 F-Strips. I think about a 2: 1 ratio of CRI80 and 90 ...
That's interesting. Why not go with all CRI90? Do the CRI80 offer a benefit over 90? Like more of one wavelength than another or something?
Hey Chuck,
Please don't think me lazy, but I can't slog through the 40 pages of comments about your new boards.... Can you tell me the name of the guys on Alibaba where you bought the boards.

thanks man,

Happy New Year!
I'd shoot him a PM... it works better and avoids flame wars.
So now someone can't even ask OP a question in their own thread. Some of us are here to show some interest in what @chuckduck has done,

Maybe you should create your own thread already.

No. FranklinTokes did not "@" or reply to chuck, I was afraid FranklinTokes might not have had his question answered. So I offered a suggestion, which he took and messaged chuckduck directly. That way the question could be answered without any ubiquitous flaming. As you seem apt to conjure. Nice try though snowflake.
I may be able to get some boards built in the Philippines. My Dad is there for the rest of the month.
That's interesting. Why not go with all CRI90? Do the CRI80 offer a benefit over 90? Like more of one wavelength than another or something?

I'm very limited in heights and using only CRI90 is to much far-red for my taste. I would use ⅓ CRI90 only in flowering mode and on a secondary driver simply to enhance the red part of the spectrum.
Hey Chuck,
Please don't think me lazy, but I can't slog through the 40 pages of comments about your new boards.... Can you tell me the name of the guys on Alibaba where you bought the boards.

thanks man,

Happy New Year!

If you set an "@" in front of the username he will get informend by an alert.
Using only part of the name is likely to cause the post to be overlooked.
Just a tip! ;-)