Future Navy toys

You have something in common with somebody you purportedly despise. You repeat the same tripe over and over in the hope that someone, perhaps even you, will begin to believe it. The technique is called the Big Lie.

Good luck with that Hermann von ttystikk. Here is a sterling example of your course of performance.

+ rep should have known you'd do it first and better
Fascinating show me your statistics on that. I'd love to see them.
Perhaps I jumped to a few assumptions. I found this but no citation: 'One thing that can be said with assurance is that if the phrase existed beforehand, it was given a powerful new impetus after Lincoln's assassination.'
It was around in the 1700s in England and meant a fool. National Treasure movie claimed the Dr. was the origin. It was wrong.
It doesn't really show up in American literature, I think, until after 1865 but I cannot offer any proof on that. My purely personal feelings are people would have used it more so because of the Dr.'s involvement with Booth. Your mileage may vary.
Perhaps I jumped to a few assumptions. I found this but no citation: 'One thing that can be said with assurance is that if the phrase existed beforehand, it was given a powerful new impetus after Lincoln's assassination.'
It was around in the 1700s in England and meant a fool. National Treasure movie claimed the Dr. was the origin. It was wrong.
It doesn't really show up in American literature, I think, until after 1865 but I cannot offer any proof on that. My purely personal feelings are people would have used it more so because of the Dr.'s involvement with Booth. Your mileage may vary.
Thank you for sharing that information. I appreciate the thought process.
Last Thursday my SO and I split a dot of acid. Now at 74 & 70 respectively it may not have been the most well thought out decision. An hour before, we split an Adderall to keep us sharp. I also has some lorazepam and a split Percocet for any freak-out that might occur. We both had ample experience with LSD but that was in the 60s so who knew what may become.
So we settled back and watched the Grateful dead movie filmed in the early 70s. The 65 inch TV and my Bose speakers did it justice. I recall that acid came on 30 minutes after we took it back in the day. Even if injected to which she disagreed. Whatever. When two hours had passed I was disappointed in the mild effect. Overshadowed by the green crack pot we smoked and the Shatter we vaped. Then it hit. The best metaphor I can come up with is 'a runaway train'. Whoooosh. The movie was restarted and displayed a new view to us. It looked like a lot of the audience was tripping along with us. Yet no paisleys as were shooting off the top of the Golden Gate Bridge back in the day. Felt like I had to whiz at times and wasn't sure if I really did or did not have to. When not watching the movie and even while, we engaged in pretty much nonstop sex. Easily the best part of the experience. As you might imagine.
So would I do it again? Fuck no. The acid not the sex.
Last Thursday my SO and I split a dot of acid. Now at 74 & 70 respectively it may not have been the most well thought out decision. An hour before, we split an Adderall to keep us sharp. I also has some lorazepam and a split Percocet for any freak-out that might occur. We both had ample experience with LSD but that was in the 60s so who knew what may become.
So we settled back and watched the Grateful dead movie filmed in the early 70s. The 65 inch TV and my Bose speakers did it justice. I recall that acid came on 30 minutes after we took it back in the day. Even if injected to which she disagreed. Whatever. When two hours had passed I was disappointed in the mild effect. Overshadowed by the green crack pot we smoked and the Shatter we vaped. Then it hit. The best metaphor I can come up with is 'a runaway train'. Whoooosh. The movie was restarted and displayed a new view to us. It looked like a lot of the audience was tripping along with us. Yet no paisleys as were shooting off the top of the Golden Gate Bridge back in the day. Felt like I had to whiz at times and wasn't sure if I really did or did not have to. When not watching the movie and even while, we engaged in pretty much nonstop sex. Easily the best part of the experience. As you might imagine.
So would I do it again? Fuck no. The acid not the sex.
LOL yeah I swore off acid after my second trip. My first was using Sandoz LSD you took by eye dropper. It was incredible and life altering. I would do that again. However the second was some purple microdot I took and went to watch Tommy, never again. For that type of drug you simply can't improve on the big pharma product!
LOL yeah I swore off acid after my second trip. My first was using Sandoz LSD you took by eye dropper. It was incredible and life altering. I would do that again. However the second was some purple microdot I took and went to watch Tommy, never again. For that type of drug you simply can't improve on the big pharma product!

A crew of a half dozen of us did liquid 25 eight weekends in a row spring '74 semester.

I started feeling normal again in August.
Last Thursday my SO and I split a dot of acid. Now at 74 & 70 respectively it may not have been the most well thought out decision. An hour before, we split an Adderall to keep us sharp. I also has some lorazepam and a split Percocet for any freak-out that might occur. We both had ample experience with LSD but that was in the 60s so who knew what may become.
So we settled back and watched the Grateful dead movie filmed in the early 70s. The 65 inch TV and my Bose speakers did it justice. I recall that acid came on 30 minutes after we took it back in the day. Even if injected to which she disagreed. Whatever. When two hours had passed I was disappointed in the mild effect. Overshadowed by the green crack pot we smoked and the Shatter we vaped. Then it hit. The best metaphor I can come up with is 'a runaway train'. Whoooosh. The movie was restarted and displayed a new view to us. It looked like a lot of the audience was tripping along with us. Yet no paisleys as were shooting off the top of the Golden Gate Bridge back in the day. Felt like I had to whiz at times and wasn't sure if I really did or did not have to. When not watching the movie and even while, we engaged in pretty much nonstop sex. Easily the best part of the experience. As you might imagine.
So would I do it again? Fuck no. The acid not the sex.
The slow onset makes me think DOM, a potent psychedelic amphetamine that is more stable and way easier to prep than real acid.

Here's DOM.


Here's acid. It's a real tough molecule to work with, and the lysergic acid moiety is tough to come by without a massive fermentation and extraction facility. Not hobbyist chem, I'm afraid.

LOL yeah I swore off acid after my second trip. My first was using Sandoz LSD you took by eye dropper. It was incredible and life altering. I would do that again. However the second was some purple microdot I took and went to watch Tommy, never again. For that type of drug you simply can't improve on the big pharma product!

I did it during 66 and 67. I stopped doing it because the trips went bad after a while. In the beginning it was a vitamin C tablet with a purple dot on the top (methylene blue?). Said to be made by Owsley himself and I bet it was. This was San Francisco. Later shit I got just wasn't the same.
"cannabineer, post: 13990752, member: 367543"]The slow onset makes me think DOM, a potent psychedelic amphetamine that is more ...

I yield to your superior knowledge. (I could never get those tinker toy molecule models to stay together in Chemistry class.) What a shame that later generations never got to experience the real shit.
......snip....... What a shame that later generations never got to experience the real shit.
I often wondered if it might have been because it was a potent threat to the status quo. Once you've experienced those psychedelics your entire attitude was wrested about and you were no longer the complacent drone you had been prior to that experience.
I often wondered if it might have been because it was a potent threat to the status quo. Once you've experienced those psychedelics your entire attitude was wrested about and you were no longer the complacent drone you had been prior to that experience.

Once you take acid you never come down. Anyway that was the thinking back in the day.
BTW since taking it I've had some weird and colorful dreams. Yesterday I woke up and recalled that I was in a room with Eisenhower.
"cannabineer, post: 13990752, member: 367543"]The slow onset makes me think DOM, a potent psychedelic amphetamine that is more ...

I yield to your superior knowledge. (I could never get those tinker toy molecule models to stay together in Chemistry class.) What a shame that later generations never got to experience the real shit.
I never tried the real thing. I was seven in '68, and now I am too old to risk a psychedelic.