Leaving burners on 24-7


Well-Known Member
So i started leaving the co2 burners on 24h a day after seeing a friend get a crazy yield doing the same.
Up until i tried it i was very close to 1gpw on soil on some strains and after trying this with my trusted nl5haze i blasted that barrier for the first time. Some lamps got slightly over 700g.

I didnt do anything else different same temperature and humidity parameters, cut co2 at week 6 so i can start reproducing fall conditions to get that stench going. I dont know why it would have done better though my reasoning is that dropping from 1500ppm to 500ppm at night could beqa source of stress to the plant? I doubt several millions years ago when co2 was at a higher concentration in the atmosphere that it would drop by over half at night? Thats the only explanation i can conjure.

So who else has tried this or is doing this or can provide an explanation as to why it would work since it seems plants dont use co2 during darkness??
plants do use c02 at night
plants also gas off c02 at night
plants use/fix more c02 when photosynthesizing/lights on.
more is better
What light schedule are you running with the burners on 24/7?

Depends on strain, some straight into 12/12 and last couple of waterings at 10, while others 18 for up to 1 week before switching. Keep day temps between 28/30 C leaning closer to 30C and humidity around 55% while i try not to get much lower than 22/23 at night.
Depends on strain, some straight into 12/12 and last couple of waterings at 10, while others 18 for up to 1 week before switching. Keep day temps between 28/30 C leaning closer to 30C and humidity around 55% while i try not to get much lower than 22/23 at night.
It's hard to tell if it is the CO2 or some other parameter. I didn't so much change my grow technique as steadily get better at it. Hard to isolate that effect.