SickFest 2018 ... Calling all Sickos

Fuck, I don't wanna get sick, I'm outta here.
I'm safe for now. I am land locked on a project and working from home. No airplanes and grown kids usually makes for a bug free existence. ;)

When my kids were young and going to/from school, they were like friggin petri dishes though. There was always someone down with something.
Been avoiding people like... well... the flu

Don't want my lil one to catch anything.

Some fucking sea cow was hacking a lung not covering her mouth at a restaurant where I was picking up food, and a lil Asian fella started in on her yelling shit i couldn't understand. the message was quite clear though. Fucking hilarious.

Keep your sick ass home you inconsiderate pricks:razz:
I rarely get sick, mostly because I'm such a recluse. When I do venture out I use sanitary wipes often, NEVER touch my face with my bare hands, try not to touch anything directly preferring to open doors and such with a sleeve or bandana over my hands, and wash my hands immediately upon returning home. I would wear a scrubs face mask in public if it were socially acceptable. I HATE being sick, such a bummer...

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