Aussie Growers Thread

just feed the girls i wanna flip it so fucken bad but i know i wont get fuck all im transplanting the bestone tho as soon as i get more coco i kinda dont wanna waste time on the others but nowi g me i should keep em it will be more bud than i had before im hoping to get a couple oz outta the good one
What do ya reckon. Do a 2ft by 4ft auto box with this? Give it a .9 cu ft pot to play with. And 120-160w of LED lights. Humidity and exhaust can be handled by one control board. Or more precisely with two. Depending on what exhaust fan you employ. Hyper have a temperature setting and speed controller for their fans. images (31).jpeg
lol i rekon everyone like subcool is gunna be fucked jeff sessions is reswnded tje thing obama did the hole not interfering with state law lol i hope subtool gets done