you think this is true


Well-Known Member
I think the article is depressing, I'll go on record on this one with this: All things in moderation! If you read it right they said heavy continous smokers can develop depression and even schizophrenia, I'm inclined to agree that some people could develop those conditions with heavy continous use, Not all people have minds strong enough to maintain under constant barrage from any substance, including Pot!


Active Member
I think you can have a 'study' to prove or disprove anything you like. The article essentially makes this statement: 'heavy' cannabis users are more likely to become depressed / suffer from anxiety or schizophrenia from those that do not use cannabis at all.

I particularly like this statement:
"Whether the use of cannabis triggers the onset of schizophrenia or depression in otherwise vulnerable people or whether it actually causes these conditions in non-predisposed people is not yet resolved."

What this says to me is "we have no idea whether or not those that use cannabis in our study happen to use to escape from predisposed cases of depression, anxiety or schizophrenia". That's important. The users they studied could not have been regular people off the street that said "hey, I'll volunteer to smoke for a period of time and let you study my reaction", they must have been people that would have smoked already. The control group therefore is strictly people that don't smoke at all, which may have been specifically chosen because they were not depressed or not known to have any history of mental illness.

I could be way off here and it may be a valid, well thought out study. OTOH, don't believe everything you read, especially when the sources are not listed in detail. For all we know these doctors were hired by their respective governments to come up with contrived data to further enforce or create Marijuana laws.


Well-Known Member
And there you have it! "Cannibis only depresses me when I run out for long periods". A dependency is built up and when abruptly stopped can lead to depression. Again I''ll propose, "all things in moderation". Is there really a need to stay stoned all the time, I think pulling your head out once in a while would enhance the experience, and give you a better perspective. There are people whom never get stoned, and, see the world in a whole different way. Are they wrong and you right or are both of you entitled to your opinions. Being stoned is an experience, not a lifestyle!


New Member
I think the article is depressing, I'll go on record on this one with this: All things in moderation! If you read it right they said heavy continous smokers can develop depression and even schizophrenia, I'm inclined to agree that some people could develop those conditions with heavy continous use, Not all people have minds strong enough to maintain under constant barrage from any substance, including Pot!
Sorry med but I think the article is wrong. When you first start smoking cannabis it helps you by letting you see the real you, some people do not like what they see... this can be for varying reasons. Also, regular smokers are very healthy minded people as they know exactly who they are. They (we) smoke all day and have no problems interacting with people or with going about their (our) daily grind. You don't develop these symptoms they are in you to begin with. If you don't like who you are you should never take any mind expanding drugs if you aren't going to be able to handle what the drug shows you. If you are of strong mind you will recognise your failings and try your hardest to rectify them. Cannabis helps you do this.


Well-Known Member
And so my point: some people can withstand continous usage without any side effects, others cannot, It depends on the persons mental makeup, just as you have said! I myself do not like to be stoned all the time, but some people do. I think that even mega-stoners (as I believe you have described yourself) could use a reality check once in a while, maybe just to see what it's like. I went through a period in my youth (about twenty years) where I remained stoned every waking moment, I enjoyed it until I started getting paranoid, (for what reason I know not) and then I quit, (it might have something to do with the Cocaine habit I was amassing). Now I smoke for relief of Arthritus and enjoy the high, but I don't stay stoned as I used to, and I gave up all other habits (cocaine, booze, ciggarettes, etc) 20 years ago. It's all a matter of perspective. Peace!


New Member
Definitely the coke med'. One of the main causes of paranoia when you smoke is not having a healthy body, where you haven't been eating properly for example, or even eating too much. Also when you take a stimulant like cocaine smoking thc is enhanced and you may suffer hallucinations.

Confidence is down to the individual, it's up to you to do right by your body... do this and smoking weed will become even more pleasurable. Take care of your body and your mind will follow.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
pure propaganda, just because 2 things exist together does not mean they cause it, i mean shit i bet all the schitzos drank city water also but that does not make water responsible, this study was probably made by galaxo-smith kline or any of the others who will gladly pump your kid full of prozac or some other shit that actually makes them more fucked up, marijuana has a far safer record than flintstones vitamins and big pharma will do or say anything to scare people away from using it in favor of their bullshit pills, just listen to the next ad you see on tv for some pill where they read off a list of side effects, immagine if weed had even half the side effects of any of those, and by the way pot wont make the kid depressed, kids get depressed from other factors in their life, i refuse to believe that if you take a totaly normal well adjusted person and give them weed it will make them a paranoid depressed psycho, but if you take a depressed paranoid psycho and give them weed then it will make good bait for this bullshit study


New Member
Cannabis makes people depressed because they've always got to worry about the damn cops busting them. Take away the laws and see what happens.