WORRIED!!! Ordered from Attitude and I get this...


Well-Known Member
I think everyone steered you in the right direction this time and you stayed patient enough to do the right thing.


Well-Known Member
thanks. i don't want to shut my tent down too if you know what i mean... i didn't want to over react but the letter is sitting right next to me and it definately makes me think.. :weed:


Well-Known Member
hey send your seeds to me man when you get them and I will grow them for ya..smile..then we can split the harvest? all joking aside I agree with the others just call the bank and claim you made the order..then wait for a lil bit and grow on brother


Well-Known Member
i would be of the opinion that the address that you had them shipped to is under investigation of credit card fraud...


Thanks man, What'd you get? This was my second order w/Attitude and I got both of them within 10 business days. I def recommend them! BUT, I did notice that seeds boutique is a bit cheaper for the same seeds. Anyone ever use seeds boutique?


Well-Known Member
I'm no professional, but I've been in a lot of trouble. I can say with 99% certainty that letter is unrelated if you do a google search on victim programs (which I have put people into hehe) it generally means you or a member of your household at some point file a fraud complaint or your bank has problems and the feds are investigating to protect you, but like someone else here said, if your seeds arrive simply hand them off to a friend for a while or toss them, come back to the idea of growing when you know what the letter is truely about.

P.S. Got 25 seeds from attitude not long ago, and seeds from Nirvana only 1 weeks before that and I don't think seeds are even detectable especially since they are only a couple grams including the packaging and shipped well hidden.

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
i wouldnt worry just make sure nothing in ur house like reciepts and staements and such are throwen out and stuff and when they and if they ask u say i dont know im not sure make it seem like u have no idea what there getting at and if they confrount u about the seed say some one probly bought them using ur info or some thing make it seem like ur oblivous to whats going on ok.


Dudes the issue has been resolved why are we still addressing question 1? All that is left now is to find out what seeds he got!


if you do a google search on victim programs (which I have put people into hehe)
Wait a sec...what do you mean by that? Are you saying you stole ppls identities and/or committed cc fraud? If that's the case I hope you get busted by the feds and spend the rest of your life in a cement box. Admitting to that shit should be instant lifetime ban!


Well-Known Member
i ordered soma's nyc diesel (10), ghs super silver haze fem (5), then the super skunk and thai power skunk freebies


Well-Known Member
thanks dude. i can't wait to start a few too. gonna be cool to see diesel actually grow :weed:


Well-Known Member
Wait a sec...what do you mean by that? Are you saying you stole ppls identities and/or committed cc fraud? If that's the case I hope you get busted by the feds and spend the rest of your life in a cement box. Admitting to that shit should be instant lifetime ban!

Nah bro, When I was a kid did some crazy stuff. Paid my dues. And your not doing something wrong?

Cement box was included btw


Well-Known Member
Dont grow! If u get the seeds toss em or give em to a friend. If i got a letter from the FBI i would shit my pants on the spot. I would think its too hot to pursue a grow at this point. Its the god damn Feds man! the absolute last people a pot grower wants to hear from. Id rather get a knock on my door from Judge Sculleigha him self.

Thats funny dude!!!!:clap::clap::clap:


Active Member
lol damn man thats scary. the only thing i got in the mail that was something like that was when i got caught downloading stuff off the internet and my provider sent me a letter from the FCC. lol. but thats some diff stuff.


Nah bro, When I was a kid did some crazy stuff. Paid my dues. And your not doing something wrong?

Cement box was included btw
ok sorry, i thought you were admitting to being a credit card/identity thief.