Aussie Growers Thread

whats the frostyest weed u ever grew
Tangie,Purple Train Wreck, White O.G all had good coverage most strains in the right conditions will look nice and frosty,a bit of sugar dissolved in water sprayed over buds will give them some nice looking “frost” lol ( so I’ve been told ). I prefer real oily buds though,frosty buds look good in the bag but those super oily ones get you fucked up I find,that’s just my experience though others have different opinions.
The strongest pot I’ve grown wasn’t overly frosty,it had a nice look but wasn’t anything special to look at but it could put an elephant to sleep it was fucking strong,I’ve never seen or grown anything that could green out seasoned smokers like this White Rhino could exept the Black Domina that some of the older guys a couple of valleys over from me used to grow but I never managed to get any seeds or clones of them.
Another good example of Hydro shops / companies fucking us in the arse
Over $250 for 5 litres,the NTS Potasium Silicate I got was $85 for 5 litres !!! and NTS is an Australian company aswell. Don’t believe the hype read the ingredients i know I like to have the extra $160 in my pocket than some other cunts.
In house just droped on tude gelato #45 x platinum candy, purple punch x platinum candy, the white x platinum candy and slurricane x platinum candy
Orange og is the strongest stuff I can say was one toke stuff
Regular seeds from my mate tmb in the states.
Still got a dozen or more of these beaties along with his sr71 which was prob a second in strength.
Thats saying something both seeds bred from the same person
Orange og is the strongest stuff I can say was one toke stuff
Regular seeds from my mate tmb in the states.
Still got a dozen or more of these beaties along with his sr71 which was prob a second in strength.
Thats saying something both seeds bred from the same person
Are you thinking of breeding them.
I’ll give them a good clean up prune over the next week otherwise they’ll have to much small shit I’ll end up throwing away.
When I get a lot of small buds on the bottom of the plant at harvesting I just trim them then put them all together and press one bug bud. Always saves having small shitty looking buds in the bag
When I get a lot of small buds on the bottom of the plant at harvesting I just trim them then put them all together and press one bug bud. Always saves having small shitty looking buds in the bag
I don’t even trim them they either get given away or thrown away
Are you thinking of breeding them.
Im definitely hoarding them thinking I need to do some breeding at some stage
Seriously if I had a male orange,gmk or sr I would definitely let it just spill its pollen over a fem providing that was a tmb strain
The father in his 4 strains I have all have the real deal sr as daddy
And yes that was a clone only but there' a nice story to it
You have heard it before