Need help saving plants


My friend has two plants growing in one container that is far too small for either of them alone. I want to take a cutting and put it in my DWC system to maybe save it because it’s not lasting much longer especially without proper lighting. 53447274-8D63-4F54-BD64-043DFF4A416E.jpeg 6B625E0B-C15C-4CBF-93E8-82BF5B072815.jpegHow should I go about this? Can I cut it from the main stem? Multiple cuts? And should I take off the dead leaves? I can get better pictures if needed.


Well-Known Member
well you look at like spending 5 bucks... 2 bucks on a 5 gallon bucket at lowes and 3 bucks on a bag of pottting soil.... stay away from miracle grow brand.


Well-Known Member
are they potted in promix if so just remove the small one put bigger one right in dwc with the promix


Well-Known Member
Cut the top 2-3 nodes off each plant, place in rockwool with cloning solution and clone them and then throw the rest of the plants away. Poor thing is suffering.


Well-Known Member
I would say a trip to hd is gonna be needed. take clones put in rockwool see what is needed from there. those roots on those plants are shot imo so would try to save clones


Well-Known Member
You might as well leave them alone and grow them together. My neigh or put like 5 seeds in pot and they all grew and they all flowered. He had like 14 plants in 3 different pots. Take a cutting from both and clone them. It really isn' going to make a difference. I was worried that my neighbors plants would suffocate each other but they went from April. If anything they look over watered.

