Aussie Growers Thread

I know shit about breeding and how they use P and F and numbers and stuff.
For dummies like me, who are easily distracted, is there a breeding Cannabis explained 101 in plain English that anyone would recommend?
Nah I had a breeding book with 200 pages fuck it was hard to understand. Im not interested in having the exact same plants when I breed I'm after every plant being different . if I plant 20 females from one strain I want 20 different growing plants. Just throw pollen on a female and see what happens
Thats the book I had. Too much work ff FF Ff I bought it when I was 18 unless you have a massive greenhouse to breed in then these books arnt much help. Lukey just cross a pure sativa and a pure indica and enjoy the different plants.
That’s how you like to go about it and that’s cool but if you want to understand why you get certain types of phenos pop up from different P1 (parental) stock it’s good to have a basic understanding of dominant and recessive traits and how they are passed on through successive generations ie f1,f2,f3 etc. The same rules apply to all genetic pairings and can be worked out with maths to give a good guide as to what traits the offspring will carry (punnet square ). It’s probably more important for guys doing small numbers to understand these principles than a guy with a greenhouse,they can rely on weight of numbers to find the ideal plants to work if you only have limited space you have to have a really good eye for detail.
I know shit about breeding and how they use P and F and numbers and stuff.
For dummies like me, who are easily distracted, is there a breeding Cannabis explained 101 in plain English that anyone would recommend?
i think tjeres a few theeads on it but it was to advanced 4 me
That’s how you like to go about it and that’s cool but if you want to understand why you get certain types of phenos pop up from different P1 (parental) stock it’s good to have a basic understanding of dominant and recessive traits and how they are passed on through successive generations ie f1,f2,f3 etc. The same rules apply to all genetic pairings and can be worked out with maths to give a good guide as to what traits the offspring will carry (punnet square ). It’s probably more important for guys doing small numbers to understand these principles than a guy with a greenhouse,they can rely on weight of numbers to find the ideal plants to work if you only have limited space you have to have a really good eye for detail.
I only bought it because I had a ducksfoot and was trying to make a Mexican ducksfoot. Got a couple but never had the time to try and make it stable.
48 degress c there not droppy or canoing but the good one that got transplanted last night the lower leaves look burnt so im a bit woried now u wouldent happen 2 no if tjats from heat maybe i should flush im gunma be fuken spewing if it dies mynout door is doing it to maybe its the water on tje leaves that did it im starting to stress a bit
Pulled my auto pounder about a week ago and the numbers are in: 6 grams on the gangliest shit plant I've managed to grow in a long while - it was only getting 12/12 outside so not ideal for autos. Buds are mega smelly. Ended up with a bunch of seeds from the skywalker x NL male that was near it for a bit too - not sure what I'll do with them but I might grow them one out day. 4 other plants flowering - 3 got a bit of a dusting of pollen too so there will be a couple interesting backcrosses - at least 8-10 weeks to go but they have a nice evil look about them so I have high hopes
Pulled my auto pounder about a week ago and the numbers are in: 6 grams on the gangliest shit plant I've managed to grow in a long while - it was only getting 12/12 outside so not ideal for autos. Buds are mega smelly. Ended up with a bunch of seeds from the skywalker x NL male that was near it for a bit too - not sure what I'll do with them but I might grow them one out day. 4 other plants flowering - 3 got a bit of a dusting of pollen too so there will be a couple interesting backcrosses - at least 8-10 weeks to go but they have a nice evil look about them so I have high hopes
might get some semi autos out of it.i think that's what i got from bob.they trigger really easy and fast
all i can say is ill be putting mony away for the power bill fuck it not doing this again next year all tje ventalation in the world wont help what its 40s outside to hopfully it starts colling down 2 where its low 30s soon and no more days over 40 would be good but fuxk the power bill ay ill seal it up good the windows ansd what not might cost a bit more but i really feel like if it wasent for things i cant controll of all that was within range id be sweet owell im defenetly not flipping any time soon fick it id rwther waitlonger how long now untill summers over
48 degress c there not droppy or canoing but the good one that got transplanted last night the lower leaves look burnt so im a bit woried now u wouldent happen 2 no if tjats from heat maybe i should flush im gunma be fuken spewing if it dies mynout door is doing it to maybe its the water on tje leaves that did it im starting to stress a bit
Id say heat is contributing mate. Weather or not its the cause i dunno but heat at 48° under lights aint doing ya any favours and she's not full swing summer yet atleast not where i am. I feel ya tho man it aint so cheap to get ur environment dialed in but once it is you can focus more on the plants and not everything else... bit by bit man keep doing your thing....
Id say heat is contributing mate. Weather or not its the cause i dunno but heat at 48° under lights aint doing ya any favours and she's not full swing summer yet atleast not where i am. I feel ya tho man it aint so cheap to get ur environment dialed in but once it is you can focus more on the plants and not everything else... bit by bit man keep doing your thing....
im pretty sure summer ends march i think around the time school starts ether way just cheked the wether it aint gunna be 2 badd here might even rain in a few days tuen theres a few of overcast think im gunna go to feeding at a lower ec not a whole lot i an do but shell make it
im pretty sure summer ends march i think around the time school starts ether way just cheked the wether it aint gunna be 2 badd here might even rain in a few days tuen theres a few of overcast think im gunna go to feeding at a lower ec not a whole lot i an do but shell make it
Whats ur ph at in coco?