Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
I gave wonder woman to help my mates appetite as he wouldn' eat after chemo but he did when he had that yes like gigs I can vouch for something to
He has passed away now cancer is fucked
my pop had cancer for ten years thay gave him 6 months and it wasent like he went good then it came back n shit 10 years he suffered for this is part of the reason im pasionate about this plant im alao very fuken pissed off ill be kiking turnbull in the balls when i see him if i see him where crims cuse we grow but these ritch cunts can export it buy saying that ur gunna export it for medical doas that not admit its uses as an medicine i hope the cunt and others like him get whats coming to them fukers


Well-Known Member
Its fuckin sad ppl dying or have to break the law to get the meds they need for a better way of life... But hey now the gov see's the gold mine behind the movement that is cannabis, new businesses, medical, industrial, import, export, tax, tax, tax there nothing but money grabin cunts..

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
my pop had cancer for ten years thay gave him 6 months and it wasent like he went good then it came back n shit 10 years he suffered for this is part of the reason im pasionate about this plant im alao very fuken pissed off ill be kiking turnbull in the balls when i see him if i see him where crims cuse we grow but these ritch cunts can export it buy saying that ur gunna export it for medical doas that not admit its uses as an medicine i hope the cunt and others like him get whats coming to them fukers
Unfortunately gigs greed rules the world
We can only do what we can to help the inner sanctum that is our life

Greed rules
We cant control it

Our life we can

Over to you pastor


Well-Known Member
Australia is aiming for global domination in a growing industry: medicinal marijuana.
The country's government said Thursday that it was legalizing overseas exports of cannabis products for medical uses.

"We'd like to be potentially the world's number one supplier," Health Minister Greg Hunt said on local radio.

Some experts predict the government move could lead to a boom in the industry for Australia.

It "opens the floodgates for further overseas investment into Australia," said Niv Dagan, a director at investment firm Peak Asset Management.

He forecasts that the market for Australian medicinal cannabis products will quadruple to $1 billion by 2020.

The news gave a massive lift to the share prices of Australian companies that grow cannabis for medical purposes.

The stock of one cultivation firm, Cann Group, surged 35% in Sydney on Thursday.

Peter Crock, the company's CEO, told CNNMoney that he saw big opportunities in markets like Canada and Germany, where there could be shortfalls in local production.

A report last year by Grand View Research, a U.S.-based market research and consulting firm, forecast that the global market for medicinal cannabis would hit more than $55 billion by 2025.

Today, the major producers of medicinal cannabis for export include Canada and the Netherlands, while import markets include Germany and Croatia.

International trade in legal marijuana is still tightly controlled.

Sales are limited to medicinal use. Exporting and importing nations need to report all trades with the United Nations' International Narcotics Control Board,

according to cannabis information website Leafly.

Colorado facing influx of black market pot

The Australian Health Ministry said it hoped the decision to legalize exports would strengthen the market for local producers and ensure a more stable supply for Australian patients.

"Our goal is to ensure that Australian producers have every opportunity to be the number one producers of the highest-grade medicinal cannabis in the world," Hunt said. The changes are set to take effect next month.

Australia legalized patient access to medicinal cannabis at the federal level in 2016, but rules differ at the state level. Recreational use is still forbidden nationwide.

The drug is typically prescribed to help alleviate pain for patients with life-threatening illnesses, such as cancer and HIV/AIDS.

But it hasn't been widely adopted so far in Australia. Hunt said cannabis products had only been used to treat hundreds of patients.

Patients are reported to still have difficulty accessing the drugs, with some doctors refusing to prescribe it.

They can get fucked. I don't care how cheap it gets. I like knowing what goes into what I smoke.


Well-Known Member
some time a kinde wish the world would go thru some kind of apocalypse shit ov got 0 faith in the human race id probly be amongst tje 1st to die but fuck it
Well if the trumpwit doesn't stop talking shit. We may very well see that in our life times.

Unfortunately. Our methods to remove ourselves from the stage. Will also remove many other innocent lives. And I'm not talking about young homosapiens.


Well-Known Member
idk man i honeslty cling on to tje beleaf that once most of tjese old cunts are gone hopefully the next gerarion will be smarter and maybe less evil