Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
idk man i honeslty cling on to tje beleaf that once most of tjese old cunts are gone hopefully the next gerarion will be smarter and maybe less evil
The old money may die. And things may change in future. But man will never be content with being equal. It's always been survival of the fittest. There's always going to be at least one person who believes they're better than another. And because of that. There will always be conflict of some kind. Man is incapable of being content with what they have.


Well-Known Member
loving this cold weather atm aay plants are doing good i rekon during winter ill be flowering with a hps o the next grow depending on hkw good this white widow is i might ne poping a few of those in nexg grow to might also get some more west coest og and see how it goes in coco