Greenpoint seeds!!

I wouldnt exactly consider that bad thing. A grower could most certainly grow worse.

I cant hate on Top Dawg no matter the drama. Granted, I lean toward GPS due to price, availability, and incredible service but I'll still grow and lurk TDS.

And yeah...lets settle this once and for all

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Yeah true that... I mean, there would be no Night Rider if it weren't for top dawg... I don't grow his gear, never have. I don't promote money hungry bling slingin' assholes.

But thankfully Gu~ made the i95 better. Cheers!
Holy Fuck....HissyGrow,

or is it Hissyfitgrow

Every fucking thread you participate in you have to shit it up like it's your own personal diaper.

Is there one member on here that you have not cut up ??

This was a good thread until you came in here and started bitching about everything.

Six months ago you couldn't pop a fucking seed and you had no idea what peroxide was and now you're a pro grower....smmmmh

Yup. That hydrogen peroxide episode is what caused me to ignore him. I don't understand why people continue to put up with his bullshit.
i just found them all.impressive.youll have a good night
I actually find your pics to be quite good. You seem like an adept grower, and have definitely mastered a complex RDWC system, judging by how healthy your roots look and plants are. (Srsly tho, try to look into knf bacillus teas and oxygenated, diluted molasses to help you sweeten up that crop - it's the only place where DWC suffers, imo).

However, you seem to drag on petty insults about some of us noobier, beginner growers way too much. You have also talked down to some of the most oldest, reputable members here. Just smoke a doob, reflect a little on your outward attitude, and call it a day. Adios, and I <3 Greenpoint
I actually find your pics to be quite good. You seem like an adept grower, and have definitely mastered a complex RDWC system, judging by how healthy your roots look and plants are. (Srsly tho, try to look into knf bacillus teas and oxygenated, diluted molasses to help you sweeten up that crop - it's the only place where DWC suffers, imo).

However, you seem to drag on petty insults about some of us noobier, beginner growers way too much. You have also talked down to some of the most oldest, reputable members here. Just smoke a doob, reflect a little on your outward attitude, and call it a day. Adios, and I <3 Greenpoint
I know all about the teas i just dont have the time to mix a tea every week.I use to run the molassis and Humic Acids but i found it was more work than worth the trouble.The concept behind my system i designed is simplicity and as less work as possible.It was very tedious and difficult to build the system from scratch and improve on it over time so that its basically on auto pilot..Hydroguard contains bacillus and they also make a more concentrated mix but like i said hydroguard works well for me and 1 bottle will last me forever.I never change out my res.I found it was better to have a sterile system that wasnt full of organic matter.
Let's be real with the measuring device necessary for this job.

I wouldnt exactly consider that bad thing. A grower could most certainly grow worse.

I cant hate on Top Dawg no matter the drama. Granted, I lean toward GPS due to price, availability, and incredible service but I'll still grow and lurk TDS.

And yeah...lets settle this once and for all

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Via @sackmastaflex


This should be a post that everyone reads.....

100% true

When you speak the truth, it is interesting.

I never thought it would get that many likes, but man its coming from the heart.

This state, especially this particular area I reside in.. Well lets just say the law enforcement doesn't play around. We have KSP (cannabis suppression branch), national guard, HIDTA, U.S. Marshalls and a few more task forces that I will not mention due to the fact that it would give a better overview of my residing location.

People used to tell me when I first became a member on here to chill out and quit being so paranoid but they don't know what its like and how "under the table" and dirty the game is here in South Eastern Ky.

I have passion and love for marijuana and have since I was about 15 years old. Yes I grow somewhat comerrcially, maybe not as large scale as some folks in med or rec states because you really don't have to around here to make a decent living... The weed is not taxed and the economy here is shit. So selling herb is a great way to put food on the table and buy my kids clothes. I have a bunch of friends and family in the moonshine business that would get in less trouble than I would for growing marijuana. Yet I can go to sleep at night and know I sold someone some herb to maybe brighten their day or to keep them from going to see the meth/pill/heroin dealer on the other side of hollar... Knowing they can smoke a whole entire fuckin bag of that shit and just get stoned the fuck out and not worry about having to reach for the Narcan to keep themselves from going into respiratory depression or getting bugged out on bad meth and shooting up their family (yes that kind of sad shit happens a lot around here).

Yet these folks around here slingin' dope and pills and even moonshine get lesser of a sentence than I would for growing weed and have to go to sleep at night knowing they could kill every single person they sell the nasty shit to or take out some innocent family driving down the road and they dont, give, a single flying shit. Oh... "The court rules a Drug Rehabilitation program for 4 months including time served for 10 days for Mr. John Doe for driving intoxicated and hitting Mrs. Does family and killing her children and husband"... Yeah that's how it is.. And I would be brought to the stand serving a flat 5 plus fuckin years for trying help old man Johnny kick the lethal dose of morphine the doctors (killers) shove down his throat 4 times a day and live a pain free life so his children can have their father back.

I started growing weed when I was 15. I seen a high times magazine at school and was quickly obsessed. I would get off the bus everyday and go straight to my computer and start reading about growing, smoking, etc... Everyday, even sneaking into the night and getting caught by my momma and getting my ass whipped.

I was popping seeds by 15 1/2 in my closet and trying to convince my mother they were tomato plants. She knew better. Plants in the burn barrell and a belt to the ass...

I finally moved out on my own and had children, being a convicted felon by time I was 20 years old and couldn't find a job in this shit hole state for the life of me.. I watched my kids cry because they were hungry and the neighbors poke fun of them cause their shoes weren't new and dirty and they didn't have name brand clothes. I had to steal propane and kerosene to keep my kids warm at night because I couldn't pay the fucking electric bill because this judgmental town criticized everything about me and my family, so therefore I couldn't find a job. No one was happy. My family falling apart day by day and then one of my children passed away (due to a medical problem)... Then my best friend... Still no job... Still no respect for trying and working hard labor in the oil fields and coal mines till my hands bled on a daily basis and changing my habits. Was not a day that went by that I didn't think about loading up the 12 gauge and ending it all and hoping my family would find a man that could take care of em... Come so close, so many times... Tired of hearing my children cry and my woman pray...

I remembered what I did best... Headed to the "mountain man" and told him I wanted the seediest bag he had.. Ended up buying a whole over priced QP just for the seeds. I knew what good strains were , I knew where to get them (but couldnt aafford it), I knew EVERYTHING I needed to know, as it was my blood... It was my love... It was my life. Marijuana... My answer to freedom and happiness.

I planted those seeds my first year of guerilla growing in the bush... Had a lot to learn physically. Crawled under the thickest thorn bushes you could ever imagine and climbed the biggest mountains you'd ever seen (it felt like it anyway) carrying bag after bag of promix up and down those hills and hollars praying to god I wouldn't have a heat stroke or heart attack.... Falling and tripping over the vines and roots with my heart pounding out of my chest... Yeah I fell down. Then I remembered that painful scream go through my head of my daughter begging for new shoes and talking Bout being made fun of because she wasn't good enough... I got my ass up and I didn't give a fuck if I stroked out or not...

I had faith in this shit. I had faith in God giving me this ability. I pushed and I pushed and I over grew the government. I had blackhawks hoover over my head not even 20 feet above me several times.. Covered in camo hurried beneath the cedars and blackberry bushes just praying to god they would not see me. And I got lucky because they didn't. I passed so many LEOs and cops running on empty down the interstate with a beat up nearly totaled SUV filled with good selected bag seed clones from back seat to back hatch, luckily making it to the plots to plant. Passed road blocks with qps to lbs and the good lord was with me cause I made it through them all..

I have never been so lucky. That is why I believe that God gave me this ability to grow and make myself and others happy. Especially my family...

And guess what... I'm in my 30's now and things are starting to turn around for me. I can finally afford to take my wife and kids out to the steak house and go on small vacations. My little girl has turned into little "girls" and some boys as well. I have finally have a dependable vehicle now and stability in a new home. My kids are warm and they stay cool in the summer and I don't have to worry about them losing sleep at night because they are drenched in sticky sweat or can't get warm enough. My daughters and sons have the shoes they want and the clothes they feel happy in. My wife has her bills taken care of and o struggle with my own because I put them first. Because, I don't take the herb for granted...

Remember, I said that back when I was living in hell that I stole for mine and my kids survival. Not for dope, not for drugs but to keep my kids and family warm at night. To keep food on the table. To buy them hygiene supplies and school supplies. And no I didn't steal much, I wasn't a full blown thief... I took some propane and gas and kerosene a few times only because I HAD to have it. Now i'm the one donating Christmas drives, children's hospitals, local benefits and even doing things like sending @Gu~ tips in my cash orders.

That's why I put everyone else first. Because I know what its like to be in and beyond hell, a place that is so severe it is lost for words. Now where I'm at in life being able to keep others happy is enough to fuel my own happiness. Nothing like seeing the little ones smile and tell me they couldn't be any happier for once in their lives... Nothing better than being able to get the wife little gifts here and there. Nothing like hooking up my clients with free bags from time to time...Nothing like marijuana...

There are so many people out there that do not understand me.... Why I choose the life I chose... Growing illegally and selling bud. But that's okay because they don't need to understand. Its something deep in the that no one can undsrstand except for us true, 110%, full blooded, soul deep ganja growers.

I would not trade it for nothing as the herb has saved my life. And when my harvest is done and over, its gonna save me again... Its gonna take me away from this shit ass big pharma bullshit pain management that the the doctors have me dependent on. I'm not falling for that path, I'm only on it because I was in pain and they lead me into it. Already almost n withdrawal by the time I wake up in the mornings. I don't abuse it but it doesn't matter anyway. Doesn't matter who you are you become dependent on it after so long. But not this cowboy, that shots going down the drain as soon as I harvest my first bunch of killer buds...

I know this was a long post but I wanted to spill it. I want it legitimately carved into this thread somewhere upon this forum so all those people who think they got it bad don't know what bad is. To those that can't find joy in life other than bitching and poking fun of someone else just because someone may or may not be as "good" as they are. Or putting someone down because they can only afford miracle grow and fuckin bag seed and maybe a simple little closet grow with spindly plants that don't produce but 14 grams tops. Who gives a shit? A real grower with a real heart for growing sure doesnt give a shit at all. Not the least bit...I anything they see something in that small grow and growers work that has some form of amazement or hope. Dreams are built on love. Not on hate or criticism... Those types of people fail at everything they do in life.

Sorry for such a long ass post and I'm sure there are tons of typos with this spellcheck shit, but oh well. Maybe a few that understand will get the point!

I have love equally for all of you!
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Great job @typoerror

Purple Badlands is basically a shorter Blueberry Chem, it's crazy it's not more popular.

I am excited to run that one. As blueberry is by far one of my favorites and always has been!

So Gu~, what about this whole growers contest thread? How we gonna do this and exactly what is gonna be like? What are the rules or in other words, how will this be setup.

I am excited as hell... I just popped Night Rider and Jelly Pie. May pop some more tonight of something. Your gear is addicting and I have not even grew the first plant out yet! Lol.