Deficiencies and questions?


Well-Known Member
So I'm running several strains and some of those in pairs I'm running a four tube agro brite t5 for lighting and running general organics nute line with the occasional heavy 16 foliar spray temps fluctuate from 68 - 75 rh is very low do to forced hot air heating In my house that being said I'm having many deficiencies popping up this is my hollands hope #1 1516142368550.jpg1516142430501.jpg this is my green crack1516142538389.jpg lools like maybe P def1516142642737.jpg this is ky big bud#1 looks like N Def 1516142802613.jpg but my big bud#2 looks like N toxicity 1516142950578.jpg my qeustion is were I'm using the GO line how do I alter these deficiencies and why would I have two of the same plant showing the exact oposite things dinners ready so gotta go but have more info if need be thanks for the help guys


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Do you have a PPM pen and a PH pen? Follow the feed chart/ratios that are recommend for the "go line", but make sure you're around 400-600PPM's in veg and a bit more in flower. A couple of those plants look to have had deficiencies earlier but showing solid new growth.

I don't know all of the variables in your growroom and environment, but I can give you some basic pointers.

1. Make sure you're watering in the right PH range.
2. Make sure you're feeding them. 400-600PPM's for veg, 600-1000 for flower.
(adjust as needed depending on how hot the soil is)
Okay so heres my issue I have water that seems to buffer really well and it starts at around 8 have been using ph up and down aswell as my ph pen but it seems like I have to add allot of ph down to my sloution so wasn't sure if my pen was working correctly so stopped adding it i thought you only needed a couple drops in it and didnt want to nuke them with acid also my well water starts at about 523ppm off the bat so do I just add enough nutes to get to 400-600 over the 523?
All the pics look mag deficient to me except that one spot in the fourth pic looks p deficient which isnt that big of a deal if its only the one spot. You can try to recalibrate your pen if you don trust it. Your going to need the calibration solution to do this if you are able to recalibrate your pen. It depends on what kind of ph up down you use and how much water you are trying to ph are factors in how much you add so it varies. Get some microbes in there as well.
I calibrated when first bought the pen using general hydro ph up/down and only doing a gallon of water at a time and was having to do incraments of ten drops to get .5-1 ph movement will try ph ing feed tonite
Should I add extra calmag this feeding or does new growth look ok enough to just do the recomended dose
I calibrated when first bought the pen using general hydro ph up/down and only doing a gallon of water at a time and was having to do incraments of ten drops to get .5-1 ph movement will try ph ing feed tonite

You cant calibrate a ph pen useing ph up and down. there are special solutions to calibrate the pen. You can go online to see if your ph pen manufacturer has info on it and im sure youtube has videos of how to calibrate a ph pen. Ten drops sound doesn't sound unreasonable to move a gallon of water 1 ph point. I find that I have to use more ph up to move it up and it feels like I use less ph down to move it down when I adjust my ph.
Should I add extra calmag this feeding or does new growth look ok enough to just do the recomended dose
You would think that having a ppm of 523 out the tap you would have a bunch of cal mag in your water already. So I dont know why you would show signs of a mag deficiency unless the ph was way out of wack maybe. Maybe a root problem over watering idk. if you add calmag at the recommended rate I guess it would be ok. What I suggest is that you foliar feed epsom salt at about 450 ppms once or twice a week for a couple of weeks to see if it clears up any or stays away all together. I use ro water so I said ppms but I think its about a half a tsp per quart but dont quote me on that.
You cant calibrate a ph pen useing ph up and down. there are special solutions to calibrate the pen. You can go online to see if your ph pen manufacturer has info on it and im sure youtube has videos of how to calibrate a ph pen. Ten drops sound doesn't sound unreasonable to move a gallon of water 1 ph point. I find that I have to use more ph up to move it up and it feels like I use less ph down to move it down when I adjust my ph.
No my pen came with calibrating solution of 6.4 sorry my punctuation and grammer sucks
And any thought on my ppm and measuring that?

Well you cant ignore that your water is 523 ppms already. You just dont know what makes it to be 523 ppms. So you kind of have to guess and get to read your plant signs like a god. You should be adding some microbes to your grow to help take care of things in your soil. I feed my mother plants {3' tall} 7 gal pots about 1100-1200 ppms and microbes and still get deficiencies with them. So i guess bump it up a bit if it doesnt like it flush it out and renute at a lower ppm.
No my pen came with calibrating solution of 6.4 sorry my punctuation and grammer sucks
Sorry the only pens I have ever dealt with had a calibration solution of 7 and a solution of 4. You do the 7 first and then the 4 and then you should have a properly calibrated pen. If the solution is old maybe or if it got tainted some how it wont be any good to use. I tried to use old solution once and couldnt figure it out till I got some new stuff then it calibrated just fine.
Okay so heres my issue I have water that seems to buffer really well and it starts at around 8 have been using ph up and down aswell as my ph pen but it seems like I have to add allot of ph down to my sloution so wasn't sure if my pen was working correctly so stopped adding it i thought you only needed a couple drops in it and didnt want to nuke them with acid also my well water starts at about 523ppm off the bat so do I just add enough nutes to get to 400-600 over the 523?

You need to add what it takes to get your PH in the correct range. Your issues are likely PH related as in too high a PH from not using PH down. Your water ppm's are way too high as well. You should probably be using RO water.
Ill have to check that out and checkmy water test from when we bought the house and see what's in the water or if it even says
You need to add what it takes to get your PH in the correct range. Your issues are likely PH related as in too high a PH from not using PH down. Your water ppm's are way too high as well. You should probably be using RO water.
Not an option with buying the house and the small set up I got the wife and I are pretty tight budget wise so Im kinda stuck were I'm at water wise
Changed my water filter and got ppm down to 366 not great but better

Every little bit helps. Alot of people use tap or well water and it works out just fine for them. Its either that or r.o. water or rain water or suck it out of a fresh water lake.

what ppm did you feed at.