Screw it, shut it down

Should the government shut down over DACA?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 63.0%
  • No

    Votes: 10 37.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
i've been at work all day, buddy.

i'm pretty sure i offered to front some money to baldrick when i heard about this, but he said he was determined to find a way to pay you back.

baldrick always paid me on time and without many issues. and if there was one he explained it reasonably and then made good.

how much does he owe ya? i'll get cracking on it.
I owe him dick.

I guess we must be at the point where the only way they can get past the pattern of lies and betrayal to eachother is by ganging up on somebody in order to get along. Abe is gone so I guess it is my turn. Yawn.


Well-Known Member
I'm not real up on politics, how would a shut down affect an average middle class worker? I know the gov has "shut down" before and it was like nothing but glorified words.. I still went to work, I still had to pay bills, I still slept at night, and then the governent "opened back up"

The US is fucked in so many ways, so much that I figure it is what it is, nothing that I can do about it.

My biggest complaint is taxes, and the rich not paying their fair share. I grossed close to $60,000 this year, but only netting around 38,000 I believe. Where the F*** is the rest of my money is what I wanna know. I live alone and have no-one else to help pay bills, im by no means wealthy, yet over the past 3 years ive had to pay more and more and more for taxes each year. Last year I had a total of around 10,000 I want to say taken in taxes, I got a refund of 1,000 fed and had to pay in state. The daily taxes on everything that everybody buys everyday isn't enough? Taking a 1/3 of everybody's income on top of that isn't enough?? Do the math, there's a lot of people in this world, WHAT is really going on!?
the working man's loophole:

M/10>CPA $500>OIC>1/42 of what you owed:wink:

An offer in compromise (OIC) is an agreement between a taxpayer and the Internal Revenue Service that settles a taxpayer's tax liabilities for less than the full amount owed. Taxpayers who can fully pay the liabilities through an installment agreement or other means, generally won't qualify for an OIC in most cases.:mrgreen:
Topic No. 204 Offers In Compromise | Internal Revenue Service
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Well-Known Member
So, according to the results of this poll on this thread, most RIU members think that the government should shut down.
We were right, because it did happen.
Now we'll have to see how long it lasts, and I say fuck the Republicans and Trump, the Dems should at least match the record that the Republicans set in 2013 with a 16 day shutdown over Obamacare.
That would be justice.

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Well-Known Member
So, according to the results of this poll on this thread, most RIU members think that the government should shut down.
We were right, because it did happen.
Now we'll have to see how long it lasts, and I say fuck the Republicans and Trump, the Dems should at least match the record that the Republicans set in 2013 with a 16 day shutdown over Obamacare.
That would be justice.

if TTY were here he'd i'm pretty sure he'd vote this too.


Well-Known Member
A wall will not stop drugs but I believe it will significantly reduce both the numbers of people prayed on by coyotes and deaths that occur with illegal crossings. Plus, it is the only path to comprehensive immigration reform. So I can live with it.
so you're concern lies with the deaths of mexicans by coyote and THAT'S why we NEED a wall?:lol:


Well-Known Member
You owe Dia and me money.
The rest is diversion.
sadly fronts are for fools..they'll get you every time. no offense, but if they don't have today; they won't have tomorrow because they be needing something else; past is gone. unfortunately, it's one the the only things you can produce from nothing and make something = it's literally money. anything having to do with money will corrupt. I learned the hard way, too..all that time..i'd rather keep it and smoke myself.


Well-Known Member
Rural states take in the federal dollars and blue states pay for it. I get it that they are jealous but going out to earn it takes work.

So, Vicodin, cheap beer, federal assistance and whining like whipped dogs. The country life.
ahhhhhh, vicodin..hillbilly heroin.