DIY Topicals, Lotions, Creams. Salves

the more i use this concoction i made, the more i am seeing benefits. although it does relieve pain, its not instant. takes 20-30 mins and the pain subsides. joint pain in my case.

have been using it fairly regularly on my tennis elbow in my left arm. i feel like it has helped improved that also.

handed a few jars off to some friends over the holidays. one has reported back it has helped his knee pain and swelling. just kinda loosens things up a bit and removes some pain/swelling.

so, i will continue to pursue this recipe and possibly tweak it here and there.

stay tuned bongsmilie
Props on the good thread! I'll be trying this in the near future for sure. I feel like there isn't enough people all trying to progress the topical field/aspect. We're noticing the benefits from naturally occurring essential oils (terpenes) in consumption of flowers and extracts, but what can they do on the surface is my question...
well as i mentioned earlier, i am going to make this next time without the cayenne pepper. that will change the color from orange to white. but that is not the reason. the pepper is not having the desire heating affect, so i am going to BUMP IT UP !!!!

i am going with Capsaicin Oil drops instead !!!!!! :fire:

you're gonna need to wash your hands after applying Version 2.

have never used this stuff, but it is 1.5 million on the scoville scale. need to figure out how many drops to use for a nice heat after application.

anyone mess with this stuff before?

Definitely interested.
I have some degenerative disc disease
In my lower back that drives me nuts.

give it a try. it's a little expensive getting all the ingredients gathered up, but i made 4 2 oz containers the first time and easily wasted half (could have made 8 containers). and then the ingredients are enough to make 8 batches.

so in theory you could make around 65 2 oz containers for the amount of ingredients you have to buy.

not counting the cannabis, its only about $2 per container.

good luck
just put way less than a drop of the CAPSAICIN :fire: on a paper plate and applied it to a sore joint with my salve.

the heat effect was just what i was looking for. in fact, i could stand more.

i guess it was the combined capsaicin with the menthol and peppermint also created a cooling feeling at the same time.

the cooling wore off rather quickly but after 5 mins there is a slight warmth.

progress !!!!

for those with sensitive skin, you might wanna skip the EVIL DROPS !!!! :fire: