Tissue Culture


Well-Known Member
I searched for existing threads on Tissue Culture but didn't really find anything. Mentions of it here and there but no legit recipes or step by steps. I will be attempting Tissue Culture on some plants soon and I'll post the entire process for anyone interested. Seems like an incredible idea to me and I'm shocked I just learned about it the other day for the first time. I've heard about it, but I don't SEE anyone doing it....Why is this? Is it really that difficult? Seems simple enough..

I found a recipe that apparently produces a 95% success rate and this is from a legit researcher, pdf attached to post. I found all the necessary ingredients but unfortunately I'm not able to grab them at this moment... Until then, I would love to discuss this further with anyone who has done it or looked into it deeply. So far what I assume, is to keep it extremely clean, get the recipe down, and keep the environment extremely stable. I feel if this is done, and the quality of the mixture is high, results will be great.

My next idea involving this, is a live seedbank of some sort. Keep all the great genetics/phenotypes stable and ready to go. Also offering the service to others. I already keep a somewhat live-seedbank in one of my rooms by keeping a bunch of plants in veg in very small pots but I feel this would obviously be more efficient. Just thinking outloud here... Anyone got opinions on this? Is anyone actively selling live tissue cultures of certain strains/phenos? :)


All info on tissue culture can be taken from science sites, nutrient and agar percentage recipies etc etc. The process is the same for most plants, good luck :-)
All info on tissue culture can be taken from science sites, nutrient and agar percentage recipies etc etc. The process is the same for most plants, good luck :-)
Thanks ! Didn't know if there was certain recipes to abide by for certain species of plants or somethin.. Can't wait to do this :) Sorry Indacouch maybe nextime I can bring some butthole pics ur way lmao
Look up micro clone on you tube
I think thats his name.

I almost orderd the stuff to do it as i was desperate to save my goji og cut..
But i didnt ..
I should have i think its gone

whoa, that guys looks interesting. got some videos to go watch

Thanks ! Didn't know if there was certain recipes to abide by for certain species of plants or somethin.. Can't wait to do this :) Sorry Indacouch maybe nextime I can bring some butthole pics ur way lmao

As i remember it bacteria fungi and tissue culturing is very similar but the exact percentage of nutrient is slightly different. Im not well versed in it but all can be done on agar just vary the addition of maltose or dextrose.

Good if i knew more but i have skipped over it when growing mushroom spores in petri dishes. This is all off the top of my head, easy to be wrong but theres a whole load of science on interweb about it so should be easy and cheap to get started. Most times ive done similar was in bioligy classes at school and college so please dont quote me.

If you suceed then write a thread and let us all know, if you fail deny everything :-)
Now now thats not good character lol

But as far as the recipe if i recall its agar
Plus rooting hormones plus a nutrient mix

I really wanted to save the goji but alas there are more gems out there :)

But the tissue culture could have saved it as just a part of the plant is needed leaf growth tip ect.

I would also be glad to hear of yoyr findings
Cause it is a very interesting way to keep a massive strain collection in a small area
Just my 2
Now now thats not good character lol

But as far as the recipe if i recall its agar
Plus rooting hormones plus a nutrient mix

I really wanted to save the goji but alas there are more gems out there :)

But the tissue culture could have saved it as just a part of the plant is needed leaf growth tip ect.

I would also be glad to hear of yoyr findings
Cause it is a very interesting way to keep a massive strain collection in a small area
Just my 2

just finished watching a lot of microclone's videos. a lot of them are repetitive and he talks a lot, lol. however, very good info.

after i finished watching, i wasn't too clear on what advantages this might provide. when i take clones, i transfer directly to rockwool and root. but after reading your last sentence, that makes sense.

how long can the clones be kept in the tubes? seems like i remember him saying 1 month.

with that said, i may order the TC Starter Kit, and start putting strains into suspended animation so to speak. plant later or transfer culture to new tube for further long term storage.

it could also be an easier, smaller way of shipping clones, instead of the much larger clone shippers. transportation would be more stealth and portable
Thats the sweet part is shipping rooted clones too good thinking.

Yes saving my goji was the only reasonni was going to try but i thought i could get her to pull through.

She hung on for months but wouldnt root up:(

Oh well live and learn

Back ups, back ups ,back ups lol
I searched for existing threads on Tissue Culture but didn't really find anything. Mentions of it here and there but no legit recipes or step by steps. I will be attempting Tissue Culture on some plants soon and I'll post the entire process for anyone interested. Seems like an incredible idea to me and I'm shocked I just learned about it the other day for the first time. I've heard about it, but I don't SEE anyone doing it....Why is this? Is it really that difficult? Seems simple enough..

I found a recipe that apparently produces a 95% success rate and this is from a legit researcher, pdf attached to post. I found all the necessary ingredients but unfortunately I'm not able to grab them at this moment... Until then, I would love to discuss this further with anyone who has done it or looked into it deeply. So far what I assume, is to keep it extremely clean, get the recipe down, and keep the environment extremely stable. I feel if this is done, and the quality of the mixture is high, results will be great.

My next idea involving this, is a live seedbank of some sort. Keep all the great genetics/phenotypes stable and ready to go. Also offering the service to others. I already keep a somewhat live-seedbank in one of my rooms by keeping a bunch of plants in veg in very small pots but I feel this would obviously be more efficient. Just thinking outloud here... Anyone got opinions on this? Is anyone actively selling live tissue cultures of certain strains/phenos? :)


From what I've seen its way too slow

way to expensive and serious sterile conditions required

avoid being another bum-out and do some serious study

...and yeah....very little return

better value elsewhere


good uck
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I understand it takes a long time, and its expensive to start up, but from what I can tell if you master it, it becomes a very beneficial action in the grow room. Plus, one of my main issues is only being able to take a few clones from each plant, as I have to keep them cycling constantly for various reasons. I think this would help me preserve genetics a lot easier without needing big growth chopped. One clone turning into hundreds, perhaps thousands. If that's possible, even if it takes months and hundreds of dollars, its well worth it to me. Plus I want to dedicate an entire tent to this and keep it extremely sterile. I already practice extreme sterilization so it shouldn't be too difficult..... Hopefully it pans out how I vision it. Thanks for all the input fellas :)
Now now thats not good character lol

But as far as the recipe if i recall its agar
Plus rooting hormones plus a nutrient mix

I really wanted to save the goji but alas there are more gems out there :)

But the tissue culture could have saved it as just a part of the plant is needed leaf growth tip ect.

I would also be glad to hear of yoyr findings
Cause it is a very interesting way to keep a massive strain collection in a small area
Just my 2
This is the main reason why I want to do this. That way I can keep hundreds of strains alive in one tent for breeding purposes and cloning. and to the post above yours, LMAO at denying it if it doesnt work out hahahha. Naw not my style, I will post this As-I-Go once I get the supplies. Probably sometime in June.

And as for the recipe- I posted the best recipe I was able to find in my original post. If anyone has a better one or sees something that maybe shouldn't be in there, let me know.
Thanks again for all the input guys :) I can;t wait to try this. I Love the scientific process involved in things like this :)
I understand it takes a long time, and its expensive to start up, but from what I can tell if you master it, it becomes a very beneficial action in the grow room. Plus, one of my main issues is only being able to take a few clones from each plant, as I have to keep them cycling constantly for various reasons. I think this would help me preserve genetics a lot easier without needing big growth chopped. One clone turning into hundreds, perhaps thousands. If that's possible, even if it takes months and hundreds of dollars, its well worth it to me. Plus I want to dedicate an entire tent to this and keep it extremely sterile. I already practice extreme sterilization so it shouldn't be too difficult..... Hopefully it pans out how I vision it. Thanks for all the input fellas :)

i have yet to see a TC video that propagates cannabis. only preserves, strengthens and starts growth on a single cut.

is there a video out there that shows this? is it possible with cannabis?
Im sure it is

There are videos some where im sure.

Comon its from a" hydro store" its only for "tomatoes " lol

Im pretty sure i read about it in a high times way back or maximum yeild one of the two
Im sure it is

There are videos some where im sure.

Comon its from a" hydro store" its only for "tomatoes " lol

Im pretty sure i read about it in a high times way back or maximum yeild one of the two

based on the videos i have watched, a node was needed for each new growth area. in other words, with just one growing tip, can it be done?
i have yet to see a TC video that propagates cannabis. only preserves, strengthens and starts growth on a single cut.

is there a video out there that shows this? is it possible with cannabis?
Haven't been able to find any videos but I have been finding some people who research&study cannabis using these methods and having great results. Making tons of plants off one small cutting essentially. That's my ultimate goal with this is to make as many plants as I can from the smallest cuts possible. Even if it takes months, it would be worth it. I imagine it would work like most other plants are working but only time will tell... I will post as soon as I start it :)
I thought a breeder was doing it back in the day
I cant recall who

It might have been a dispensaries mother room or something.

If i have to search i will but i know it has been used for weed somewhere

If i a little hobby grower can want to try it
I only imagine someone has done it

Lol there is a youtube video where some little city kid like in his 20s that shows you how.to make the.mix at home:)