Well-Known Member
I searched for existing threads on Tissue Culture but didn't really find anything. Mentions of it here and there but no legit recipes or step by steps. I will be attempting Tissue Culture on some plants soon and I'll post the entire process for anyone interested. Seems like an incredible idea to me and I'm shocked I just learned about it the other day for the first time. I've heard about it, but I don't SEE anyone doing it....Why is this? Is it really that difficult? Seems simple enough..
I found a recipe that apparently produces a 95% success rate and this is from a legit researcher, pdf attached to post. I found all the necessary ingredients but unfortunately I'm not able to grab them at this moment... Until then, I would love to discuss this further with anyone who has done it or looked into it deeply. So far what I assume, is to keep it extremely clean, get the recipe down, and keep the environment extremely stable. I feel if this is done, and the quality of the mixture is high, results will be great.
My next idea involving this, is a live seedbank of some sort. Keep all the great genetics/phenotypes stable and ready to go. Also offering the service to others. I already keep a somewhat live-seedbank in one of my rooms by keeping a bunch of plants in veg in very small pots but I feel this would obviously be more efficient. Just thinking outloud here... Anyone got opinions on this? Is anyone actively selling live tissue cultures of certain strains/phenos?
I found a recipe that apparently produces a 95% success rate and this is from a legit researcher, pdf attached to post. I found all the necessary ingredients but unfortunately I'm not able to grab them at this moment... Until then, I would love to discuss this further with anyone who has done it or looked into it deeply. So far what I assume, is to keep it extremely clean, get the recipe down, and keep the environment extremely stable. I feel if this is done, and the quality of the mixture is high, results will be great.
My next idea involving this, is a live seedbank of some sort. Keep all the great genetics/phenotypes stable and ready to go. Also offering the service to others. I already keep a somewhat live-seedbank in one of my rooms by keeping a bunch of plants in veg in very small pots but I feel this would obviously be more efficient. Just thinking outloud here... Anyone got opinions on this? Is anyone actively selling live tissue cultures of certain strains/phenos?