The UK Growers Thread!

Well I ended up being the impatient cunt I am and got on a pal ended up getting 10 blues and 14 nitrazepam for 25 quid bit on pricey side but oh well one hour delivery lol
Sat on bog having now wobbling trying to type this happy days shit spliff and a very happy mood lol
Hope everything is working out for you sambo u know with all the crap and that good guys don't need that hassle man
What is it about getting mashed sat on the bog?
I've been in some right messes on my downstairs bog lol
That's where I start my canoeing expeditions from lol
Well I ended up being the impatient cunt I am and got on a pal ended up getting 10 blues and 14 nitrazepam for 25 quid bit on pricey side but oh well one hour delivery lol
Sat on bog having now wobbling trying to type this happy days shit spliff and a very happy mood lol
Hope everything is working out for you sambo u know with all the crap and that good guys don't need that hassle man

Thats not a bad price makka not at all, what was ya moggies tho 5 or 10mg n was the vals brand names? Still 24tabs for 25 uk to uk carnt grumble at all geezer.

Dont go doing a elvis or nowt tho n dieing on the bog lol or dont go on a benzo rampage n end up nicked either lol

Tbh mate i really think im alrite with all that shit that went on, i shat meself when it happend cause was for some heavy shit but i really wasnt involved like they thought and not heard nowt since sept last yr?! Prob get pulled in next wk tho lol but fingers crossed n all that.
I use to use a heated prop yrs ago but would get way to hot, ended using a timer on it to come on 15mins out of the hour and worked really well, would root the co's in 7-10days but you or i at least just get lazy and i think temps deffo play a huge part, ive had clones tho stay healthy in a prop but take 4-5wk but rooted all the same and grew into healthy plants.

I also tried 1 time literally chopping largish plants in half before soaked in rooting powder and planted them in soil and straight under a 600 kept the soil nice n moist but they rooted fine aswel.
I use to use a heated prop yrs ago but would get way to hot, ended using a timer on it to come on 15mins out of the hour and worked really well, would root the co's in 7-10days but you or i at least just get lazy and i think temps deffo play a huge part, ive had clones tho stay healthy in a prop but take 4-5wk but rooted all the same and grew into healthy plants.

I also tried 1 time literally chopping largish plants in half before soaked in rooting powder and planted them in soil and straight under a 600 kept the soil nice n moist but they rooted fine aswel.
I've hacked a load of branches off before flower and took clones. Two days later I left the lid off of the prop and fucked the tray totally. I took the branches out of the carrier bag trimmed them down to usual cut size then pulled the fucked ones out of the blocks and stuck the binned ones in and they all rooted lol
I think people make it too complicated.
Two days in the bin is now my preferred method lol
Deffo oscar people way over complicate all aspects of growing and make it loads harder than it needs to be.

Ive never done it meself but ive seen clones taken week 7-8 of flower with full developed buds on them that also had plenty of roots?! Yeah they take a while to reveg, but you also find with clones taken that late and reveged they then grow into some proper bushey plants
Yeah theres a few of em now skittles,gelato n glue are the only ones i can remember but theres all sorts of funky named strains going for silly money cause its imported from cali lmao

Bollaxs imo some fucker just has a label printer n fancy jars googles a dispensary address from over there n whacks it on the label with a fake thc % and a little weed leaf or some shite in the corner.

End of day indoor is indoor what can people taste its been grown indoor in cali?! Lol
I got wax sealed glass vials with a G stamp on the wax, living in hope
I got wax sealed glass vials with a G stamp on the wax, living in hope

All about having the market Z and you should have it with the tripping lot, cause it shore as shit aint no kid kids paying these prices for these funky strains they aint got the money n would just smoke spice nowdays instead lol

But country wide north and south you got smokers paying silly money for bud nowdays just cause the silly cunts think its imported lmao what do people think import is some new thing i member the "dam" bud import shite 20yr ago untll they fucked that up and "dam" import soon turnt to a meaning of sprayed weed lolol
All about having the market Z and you should have it with the tripping lot, cause it shore as shit aint no kid kids paying these prices for these funky strains they aint got the money n would just smoke spice nowdays instead lol

But country wide north and south you got smokers paying silly money for bud nowdays just cause the silly cunts think its imported lmao what do people think import is some new thing i member the "dam" bud import shite 20yr ago untll they fucked that up and "dam" import soon turnt to a meaning of sprayed weed lolol
Gg4 won’t disappoint, I got a fast food app delivery man interested
Gg4 won’t disappoint, I got a fast food app delivery man interested

Gg4 deffo wont disapoint lol it looks the bollax and is strong as fuck, but no weed imo anyway is worth the crazy prices some people are paying nowdays! Cause 80-120 a 8th like they are paying ffs id want that 8th to come with a blow job and could fucking afford it paying normal prices and a prozzie lol
For that kind of money I'd want the dealer to cut my hedges, mow my lawn and wash my car and give me fifty notes change. It's taking the piss.
A mate was telling me about it just yesterday. People paying £125 an 8th for GG#4 because it comes in fancy packaging ffs
He's got the cut and people are begrudgingly paying £250's on an oz and his is better.
Emperors new clothes and all that.
I know in parts of the country folk don't want exo and will pay stupid money for amnesia haze. Exo still goes for upwards of two's near me but it has to be well grown.
A knobhead at work showed me some "really good" haze and it was solid dense bud with virtually no smell. When I told him haze shouldn't be dense because it's a sativa he reckons I ain't got a clue lol he also says it's got a really mellow high ffs
It was fucking Orange Bud the clueless cunt. I might give him a few grams of GG and see what he thinks of that but I won't lol
Imo only a moron will pay more than 200 quid an oz especially if they buy the lot,ppl are getting greedy,I sell my exo and gg4 at the same price,keep the cunts coming back n imo I wouldn't deal with someone that gullible that theyd literally pay for packaging.. Shits like the iphones of the weed game
Moved to my big shed n have 3 tents now,planning on an 8x8 or something with my cobx16 and a 600w barebulb.
Sms fan speed controller is on the lowest settings with cobx8 (400w) and my cobx4 for the cutting bean tent n check these for temps 
only regret is not doi.g it sooner n simve the fans run at the bare minimum u cant hear shit

