UVB/Cannabis science report

Never seen a forum block in my time here, just let it go :-)
A member above said it could be done so I would at least like to find out.

I'm doing it so I don't accidentally end up there. I search by new posts and don't want to end up there accidentally. Also if I'm reading something on a day I feel like responding I won't be able too. Why would the ADM mind. Next time I might not be so nice. I'd rather there not be a next time.
If it is a simple click to do it should not be a problem.
If they want I can go back there and earn a block if that makes it easier.
@sunni or
Nope we can’t we can ban from threads

How about people just stop posting control themselves called being an adult

Ah I was thinking of a guy who was banned from a certain thread in the LED section a while back. Sorry for the misinformation. At least we got to see you pop in though ey!

LOL I like your suggestion though! :bigjoint:
Nope we can’t we can ban from threads

How about people just stop posting control themselves called being an adult

OK then sunni, I'm feeling like I need a forced break from RIU.
Can you suspend my account for 3 months?
Maybe I can return with a fresh perspective.
You can block accounts right?
Seriously, block my account. I think it would do me some good. I feel like I might snap again say some things that I would regret more than the things I already said.
If I'm being childish, live with it.
OK then sunni, I'm feeling like I need a forced break from RIU.
Can you suspend my account for 3 months?
Maybe I can return with a fresh perspective.
You can block accounts right?
Seriously, block my account. I think it would do me some good. I feel like I might snap again say some things that I would regret more than the things I already said.
If I'm being childish, live with it.
I don’t have to live with it
You’re the one being a kid
This is An adult website log off
Leave for 3 months
It’s not hard
I don’t have to live with it
You’re the one being a kid
This is An adult website log off
Leave for 3 months
It’s not hard
lol. Thanks for the reply.
Last question.
How do I close my account permanently?
Can I do that or does it have to linger?
Can you do it or do I have to?
Tell me how and we can both move on.
I can ban it forever if you wish say the word
Ban it!

Goodbye everyone, see you on the other side. :)
If I end up on another forum someplace, you guys will figure it out in time and we can chat there.
This was the 1st forum I've ever participated in.
With a fresh start I should have a better attitude, perspective and understanding of how forums work and what to expect.
Dr.Who and MMD. Hope you guys find common ground someday.
Ban it!

Goodbye everyone, see you on the other side. :)
If I end up on another forum someplace, you guys will figure it out in time and we can chat there.
This was the 1st forum I've ever participated in.
With a fresh start I should have a better attitude, perspective and understanding of how forums work and what to expect.
Dr.Who and MMD. Hope you guys find common ground someday.

Perma bans are harsh, your stuff will still be here. Just chill in general with the others or somthing. Ive enjoyed the good and the bad here and dont use pm's to save any butt talk.

Whilst were at it can @sunni you make my name appear in gold writing and pop a little crown on my rabbit avatar...
Perma bans are harsh, your stuff will still be here. Just chill in general with the others or somthing. Ive enjoyed the good and the bad here and dont use pm's to save any butt talk.

Whilst were at it can @sunni you make my name appear in gold writing and pop a little crown on my rabbit avatar...
No but pretend I can see it

He asked he was banned
If he can’t control himself that’s fine he’s allowed to be banned
@Bob Dobelina Autoflower network and i love growing marijuana are some of the friendliest forums I've been in I think it has to do with age as well and not having kids behind a computer screen who are just starting to go through some hormonal changes. ROFL

Dear haters. Regarding your recent replies to my post...

CMH being required for greater potency: CMH does look promising, I'm planning to pick one up, along with a ceramic HPS and a COB LED so I can give them all a shot and put this shit to rest for myself. It's true that metal halide as well as CMH produce some UV, but I've yet to come across anyone besides you claiming they are the only source of effective UV.

LED's are trash: I've got all I want for me and the wife and plenty to share with friends with about 500 kwh total per grow in an organic soil medium. Works for me, way cheaper than buying it and way more fun. Anyway, the plan is to try different types of lighting for myself and see what works. All I can find for info about LED/HID comparison is trash talking and paid product placement by manufacturers. Actually, that's true for pretty much all the info out there on every topic related to cannabis growing: Sturgeon's law in full effect (9/10ths of everything is crap). I suppose LED manufacturers have it coming for exaggerating light footprints by 2-3x and saying you can grow twice as much with 1/2 the watts (both bullshit).

LED's aren't full spectrum/without full spectrum UV is useless: white diodes. Also, reptile bulbs have way more green than any other spectrum, so there's that.

Request to stop the shit talking and cock measuring being met with shit talking and cock measuring: predictable. Haters gonna hate, though I'll never understand why we waste precious moments of our fleeting lives making ourselves and others miserable. Best with that, I'll leave you to it. If you get tired of it and want to learn and to share what you've learned, come find me, that's what I'm about.

Finally, a general appeal: anyone found any forums that aren't rife with all this bs? I grow weary of sorting through these mountains of "push me, shove you, oh yeah, says who?" looking for tidbits of knowledge.

1000w Hortilux x 315w CMH x 2 Solacure UVA/UVB per 4 x 4.


FR40T12 multi-wattage, multi-peak UVB/UVA horticultural lamp.
Wattage: 32-40 watts standard, can be run as high as 80w for special applications.
Color: white to violet. Color temperature >10,000K
Dimension: 4 foot by 1.5 inches. Will fit almost any shop light.
Reflector: Built inside the lamp. No external reflector needed.
UVA/B: 5x the power of the SG-1 and Universal UV. About 20 to 50x the power of reptile lights.
UVA/B rating: Equivalent to a 30% UVB lamp, but we do this in very different frequencies, so they don't equate.
Life: 1000 hours at 70% of original power.

From the ground up, this lamp was engineered to do nothing but operate as a horticultural lamp. It can operate as low as 25 watts and as high as 80 watts, but is centered to us a standard 4 foot 32w fixture and it's own timer. It is four foot long, 1.5" in diameter, so it can be used in virtually every 4 foot fixture at the hardware store. Our entire goal was to make it simple and cheap to operate. All the really interesting things are happening inside the lamp, not in the fixture.

Again we licensed Sol Glass for this lamp, like our SG series lamps. It is more transparent to any other UV glass made, and allows transmission of UVB between 280nm and 300nm, something other lamps don't do well.

This is one reason our lamps have been so successful in the labs, testing for resin/flavonoids/terpenes/THC. The new spectrum uses many of the same spectral peaks as the SG, but are 3 to 4 times stronger in the UVB, while still having a solid UVA profile. UVA is seldom discussed in many circles, and it is too large a topic to discuss here, but we design our lamps with a sun similar UVA spectrum because we have good reason to think it is also very beneficial for UV started plants. The UVA to UVB ratio is very different than the sun, however, as the effective ratio is about 4 times higher than the sun. This is why you can use half as many lamps and still get twice as much UVB. In short, you use few lamps farther from from your plants. This makes using them easier and cheaper for you, while being more effective. It is hard to overstate how big a leap this lamp is.

So is there actual documentation with pics showing tests and results? I don’t understand how companies that make and sell products don’t have more information to back up claims. Unless they are pulling them out of their ass.

Last few grows I have used Reptisun 10.0 T5 24” in Sunblaster fixtures as a supplement to my Timber Cree lighting. I’m replacing them this grow, plants only two weeks old so no UVB for weeks yet, with a single Agromax PureUV 24”. Im a closet grower with a small footprint but 7 feet of vertical space.

I just bought a used Solarmeter 6.2 and am going to make some measurements when I get it next week. If I can afford to buy a pre owned Solarmeter they can sure as hell afford one. Or some lab tests to show their claims.

Why can’t the companies who make these bulbs do the same? I think cause most of their claims are bullshit. Agromax is the only UVB mfg. that I can find that has video proof of testing. Not saying they don’t have a way of fudging the testing in their favor or not.

I plan on taking some pics and will put them up. I will only testing the new Agromax and the Reptisun tubes I have. Yes I know that the Reptisun tubes have a total of about 4 months of 12/12 and won’t read as new but they should only be about halfway through their lifespan.
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One of the reasons the 315 cmd works so well is the additional uvb. I suspect that if using cmd no additional uvb would be needed.
A 5 year plus old study that doesn’t include other bulbs does not impress me or should it impress anyone else.

If you say so.

The university of Michigan seems the spectrum complete as well. They are going ahead with single discreet colored diodes to dial in specific crops to improve on it.

So for single lamps cmh wins.

I like it combined with hps for best results in flower. Mostly because it’s underpowered for my purpose.

The exact response from different spectrums is available from u of m.

It is all being tested for big agriculture.

Don’t know what more info you could want.


Growers house has a side by side comparison of many popular cmh bulbs. Phillips wins for par. Ushio for uv.