High Times 2017 Best Vape Pen

If I put something tasty in my Puffco Plus...It vapes tasty for sure. The only drawback is the battery is only good for maybe 30 good hits. I have spare anyway. I always use the hottest setting as I like a big farkin dab. It cleans super easy as well.....love the thing. The Hippy gets high everywhere now......even the hospital is not imune to The Hippies high-jinx.
I use it there when ever i'm up there.....lol
From what I can see the real world has not discovered we have these things yet. They are still looking for joints to be burnt......fuck you Straighties.....hahahahahaha

You can literally smoke these things anywhere....the movies...the bus.....hospital bathrooms......your car.......in a boat........be stealthy and you'll laugh and laugh and laugh.

I love when we out smart em...and we usually do.....lol
About 30 hits. Some of the bigger units go longer of course because the battery is bigger. That is good if you need it. 30 easily gets me through a day. The puffco is very slim and sleak. Fits nicely into my pocket....most of them do really though. The Puffco is all smooth with no edges and I like that design aspect. Plus it works good...so a winner to me. It never leaks any goo either..that's a plus. Has it's own built in dabber and carb cap....sweet.
I've had a couple others but they were not in the same league.
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Any clue how the puffco compares to a 510 threaded ceramic donut atomizer for an e-cig mod ?
Well i don't want to sound like a salesman because i'm not promoting it. Just saying I like mine for some various reasons.
I don't know the unit you speak of. If it one of those bigger battery units then it would be really in a different class. Bigger...hotter...longer lasting.
One of the Puffco's advantages to me is that it uses a ceramic bowl will no metals or glues. No heating pad either. The bowl is only ceramic so the taste is superb. imo the way to go over a coil. Most of the better ones are offering that or trying to it seems. Coils can taste metallic like and burn the material. The Puffco plus use a little ceramic bucket
Did you watch this review? A little long but quite truthful I'd say. Skip thru a bit if you have any interest.
My kid got me one of these for xmas. works great but you need their refills at $50 a pop. A refill lasts about a month.