Blue Mystic and Early Special...


Well-Known Member
Seeds came! WhooHoo. Now to germ. Lazy mail bitch refused to walk her fat ass down my driveway to deliver. (Registered Mail)


Well-Known Member
Stealth packaging?
Yes, wasn't as stealthy as I thought it would be but made it through customs and the Post office just fine! So I was more then happy with their stealth package. I started to germ a couple early special, I might be having a family member visit in the summer (june-ish) and dont want them to know so I might end up having to get rid of my grow by the time they get here, so I'm gunna start very small, possibly one or two. ( Germing four seeds )


Well-Known Member
I would not get rid of anything.
They are visiting.

Hey look at that thing over there,
I would not let them in the grow area.
Tell them something if they ask.
But nonononononono
YOu can not go in(over) there.
If inside I would just lock it up if possible.
Dead bolt them bitches.

Happy growing


Well-Known Member
I would not get rid of anything.
They are visiting.

Hey look at that thing over there,
I would not let them in the grow area.
Tell them something if they ask.
But nonononononono
YOu can not go in(over) there.
If inside I would just lock it up if possible.
Dead bolt them bitches.

Happy growing

Unfortuantly I live in the middle of nowhere, so I'm doing an outdoor grow for my current crop, and they are close to the house, for security, as my house cant be seen from property lines, and But not so well camoflauged from upclose looking towards the prop lines, so..... I'm going to be growing the Blue Mystic and Early Special indoors, but I'm thinking of holding it till after they come. Looks Like I made this journal a little prematurly huh? Oh well. I will keep updating this one on my current grow until I am able to start my next. But I'm still looking for a HPS system, and a nice vanity bulb holder thing-a-maginger. You all know what I mean. Anyway, planning on CFL's for Veg, and 400 watt HPS for flowering. Still pondering. Also was thinking of just a 400 W switchable ballast. hmmmm.... Any comments, suggestions????


Well-Known Member
Well, I decided I was to grow one early special just cause I couldnt wait! Lol. I guess I have to work on my patience. Anyway, this seed has been germing for 3 full days no and still no tap root. I'm hoping it'll start tomorrow. NEVER had a problem getting them to germ b4. But the first time I buy seeds online, they dont wanna germ. O well the rest will prolly be fine. And I found out today that my "Visitor" will only be here for two - four days, and is now coming on the 24th of this month!! YAY. My outdoor crop seems almost ready to harvest. Waiting till next friday more then likely. I'll get picks of some samples soon. I'm about 20-30% amber for my trichomes. MmmmMMmmm Can't wait!


Well-Known Member
I now have the early special in the pot. Its on its second day still not sprouting, but I'm sure it will. Patience...

Just checked during a good smoke, and I have green!! The early special popped her dirt cherry! Now waiting on sexing lol! I'm kinda impatient, can ya tell!?


Well-Known Member
This is One of my grows.
1/4 of this grow is located in a workshop(Soil)
3/4 of this grow is located outside.(Bubbleponics)

On May 6th I germinated 3 more of my bag seed. I will call them BS 1,2,and 3. On May 11th, I germinated one Early Special Seed. I will call it ES 1. The reason I only germinated one ES, is because I am to have a visitor coming to my home on May 24th, and don't have room to hide anymore plants. BS 1,2,and 3 are all in a Bubbleponic setup, which I acquired from ES was shipped from Nirvana and took 4 days to germinate. BS 1,2,and 3 all took between 2-3 Days. They are from bags up north in New Jersey, there are two different types of seeds mixed in that bag, so I might get Some medium quality or semi-high quality from it. The early special is supposed to be a quick flowering strain, and its THC ranges is 5-10%. ES 1 is in soil MG potting mix. The ES1 is under 400W HPS with extended blue spectrum, has a fan circulating fresh air throughout the workshop. No nutes in ES 1 but BS's are in the stealth hydroponic GROW nutes.

Heres some info on ES 1 (thanks to Nirvana Seeds):
Early Special is our earliest flowerer. Some individuals start flowering with 24 hours of light! Early Special is a strong yielder with a low-moderate T.H.C. level. It has a smooth semi fruity taste which can be enhanced under good growing and curing conditions. Early Special has vigorous flowering in good conditions and is disease resistant. This strain is very suitable for beginners.
  • Plant type: Best suitable for outdoor growing.
  • Plant height: Short- Mostly Indica
  • THC level: Moderate 5-10%
  • Flowering Weeks: 7/8

Then came those pesky fuckin frogs.
They Lamp Bathed on top of BS 1
So then I tried to sink the rock wool so that the bend would be supported by it and it would let it grow a little straighter w/o putting anymore strain on BS 1.

Not looking so bad now, all of them need bigger stems, I have a fan blowing near them and they get constant fresh air circulation. Under a 80 W florescent bulb. about 4 inches away.
Now back to ES 1!!! Yay

Two days after germination. Currently under 80W grow bulb.

Now she is under 400W HPS with an extended lue spectrum bulb. Do you guys think this will end up stretching severly?

Heres an update on local conditions(Workshop (ES 1 and 2 BS preview's(From last grow, still going!!)))

Thats good right?? And thats not condensation, I burnt the camera lens plastic cover over the shutter by accidently pointing it at the HPS. :( O well!

And last but deffinatly not least heres some pics from my last grow that are almost done. I have them under 24 lighting right now, because I want them to re-veg, I figured I'd get them back into veg stage and then harvest then reveg! Did I do somthing stupid?

How do you guys like it? Please leave comments and suggestions!


Well-Known Member
Nice going on the Early Special. I am curious to see how the 400HPS veggs.

You have frogs? Damn.

I cant wait to see how it Veg's either, I just hope she doesn't stretch too much. Its got the whole 30% more blue or whatever. But about the frogs, They like to hang out by the pool, and when I first had that light out there, they decided they wanted to get a lil warmer. Damn frogs!


Well-Known Member
Ok the HPS will be just fine for veg.
Many people use them for veg and flower.
The blue light is more for veg and the red spectrum is more for flower.

The frogs seem to be doing LST on your plants.
That is a good thing it will make them stronger as long as they do not break any stems you are ok.
They will probally eat insects also.

I seen a praying mantis on Al b. fucts post for jazers thread a little bit ago.

I would not worry about the HPS causing stretch unless it is too far away.
Low light intensity causes stretch.

Looking real good so far.

Happy growing


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics. For my own records I am keeping a log also, so I figured I'd give you guys some of that info too. These seedlings are 10 days from germination. They are all Bagseeds with the exception of ES 1 which is Early Special. The Blue Mystic will be coming soon dont worry, I am actually thinking about starting germination in about 3-6 days. Anyway here are the pics. I took them so I could record the height of the plants throughout there grow.

This one is ES 1 she is the only one of these four that are not Bagseed.

BS 1, I need to learn how to measure cause that tape measurer obviously says around 2.8 now that I'm not high! LMAO.

BS 2

BS 3

This is a picture of my seeded nugs from last grow. Wanted to be able to have seeds to play with.


Well-Known Member
Misted ES 1 with 1/4 strength nutes today, along with my 2 from last grow and a tomato plant :hump:. I will start straight ph'd water to them tomorrow morning.


Well-Known Member
Put BS 1-3 and BM 1 under 100 Watt CFL. total 6,700 lumens, plus between the hours of 6am and 2:30 pm, it gets direct sunlight. The Blue mystic, is having problems, with the wind stress. but so did the others. I have lots of bugs, and I cant stop them, but natures trying, the frogs, love it, I hate the frogs, but guess they are for the best. ES 1, was knocked over three days ago. I replaces her soil with 100% Medium Perlite. Suprisingly she is taking it just fine, with a little stunted growth. I have about 9-12 more seedlings, from a freak accident where about 20-40 seeds (from recent harvest ((Long story)), fell into my water that was left standing for the night. Now ES1 gets water fequently to accomadate for new soil mixture, or lack there of.


Well-Known Member

Growbox, is almost complete. Need to work on ventilation, will be back on with pics, tonight!.


I got so damn high while I built the god damn growbox, I lost my fuckin camera, I can't stop laughing about it and it happened last night! Lol:mrgreen::joint: