victims of feminism support thread

I have no problem or use for feminized woman but most woman in that movement seem to be "half liberated" they only do what they want to but expect a man to pay for it. don't know if it's a lack of maturity or a sign of mental illness
I have no problem or use for feminized woman but most woman in that movement seem to be "half liberated" they only do what they want to but expect a man to pay for it. don't know if it's a lack of maturity or a sign of mental illness
feminized woman?
Which is exactly what I pointed out. You simply ignore it because you want to sugar coat things and make it all look easy. It isn't.

It's no different than racism. This country is still rife with it. Why?

Because it's what is taught us and engrained in us from an early age and has been for centuries.

They're both the same in that regard. Until we change that, nothing will ever get better. Ever.

History proves me right because to this very day we have changed nothing in either instance. Not surprisingly, both instances still exist just as strongly now as they did before this country was even this country.
Lol. History proves you wrong dear. In both respects of racism AND sexism.
Am I “ignoring” it by talking about it? No. Am I “sugar-coating” it by saying there’s still a long, long way to go before any kind of equity/equality is achieved? No, no I’m not.
I have no problem or use for feminized woman but most woman in that movement seem to be "half liberated" they only do what they want to but expect a man to pay for it. don't know if it's a lack of maturity or a sign of mental illness
i'm sorry to hear mentally ill women are making you pay for things. can you please give some concrete examples so we can support you in this difficult time?
roy moore literally wrote a book saying women should not be allowed to hold public office and which was skeptical about letting women vote and you shitfucks still voted for him.

"but it was a joke"

blow it out your ass, roundbelly racist fuck.
We seem to agree that repealing the 19th amendment is a crazy idea. Two agreements in the same day! We are really starting to think alike!
We seem to agree that repealing the 19th amendment is a crazy idea. Two agreements in the same day! We are really starting to think alike!
you think disenfranchising women is a great little attempt at humor.

do you ever get tired of trying to excuse all the other fat bigoted losers like you?
recognizing that you are a fragile and insecure bigot is a good first step for you. with enough subsequent steps, you can get rid of that fat gut and be somewhat less unfuckable too.
Do you agree with me that institutional racism is a real problem in our justice system?
Do you agree with me that institutional racism is a real problem in our justice system?

good thing you voted for trump and celebrated his victory then, less than a month after he called for the execution of 5 innocent black men.
good thing you voted for trump and celebrated his victory then, less than a month after he called for the execution of 5 innocent black men.
Please answer my question, do you agree with me that institutional racism is a real problem in our justice system?
The Russian Constitution does not contain any definition of discrimination and definitely doesn’t prohibit discrimination on the ground of sex. Furthermore, the Constitution is not an effective instrument to prevent discrimination. The state, in turn, gives only minimal attention to issues of equality of sexes. According to the Moscow Helsinki Group, the majority of representatives of authorities do not consider the prohibition of discrimination as a basic principle of their work. Instead, most legislators, at both the federal and regional levels, view protection of women only as “social protection of motherhood and reproductive rights rather than the advancement of women and provision of equal opportunities”.

Violence against women
Violence, in the form of domestic violence, rape and sexual harassment is widespread and yet has elicited minimal state attention. Psychological and physical violence in marriage is not uncommon. 56% of women were threatened with beatings or were victims of violence at least once by their husbands. Almost a quarter of those women experienced sexual violence, and approximately 80% encountered psychological violence. Cases of rape are not usually reported in the Russian Federation. Women report that sexual harassment in the workplace is so common that it is almost considered as the “norm”. Moreover, the notion that violence against women is a “private” matter is widespread in law enforcement structures, in juridical system and among population as a whole.

—In what “position” is your wife referring to may I ask? Holding the same job title, description and duties in your work place as a male, yet still receiving a lower wage? Is that the kind of “position” people may wonder “why she put herself in that position to begin with”? Discrimination against female politicians accused of being “over emotional”, constantly “shrieking” when they’re merely talking, is that another position “she” shouldn’t have put herself in? Not attaining the job she’s “over”- qualified for, to a man, simply because she’s young without children but is honest in saying she does hope to start a family in the years to come? That’s her fault too, she should never have applied? You understand what I’m saying?
The moment you used the term “victim”, your sexism was displayed.

Found at
This is the text that you presented as your own, without attribution.
Are you seriously representing that it is fair for you to take someone else's work and present it as your own, without attribution? As both a feminist and the author of the Post-a-quote thread, you are doubtless aware that attribution is the lifeblood of honest intellectuality.
Please answer

Found at
This is the text that you presented as your own, without attribution.
Are you seriously representing that it is fair for you to take someone else's work and present it as your own, without attribution? As both a feminist and the author of the Post-a-quote thread, you are doubtless aware that attribution is the lifeblood of honest intellectuality.
Get yourself a hobby and stop following me around weirdo! I gave you the opportunity to have your way with me you chose not to take it. So here I am and here I will stay. Deal with it. Move on you’re bored, and boring.

As for the reply you’re referring to. It is very clear where I begin to talk, hence the hyphens, yes? (Especially if you claim to “know” me as well as you say you do.)

You my sweet are THE classic example of a man hell bent on dragging women, especially those with strong voices, backwards decades. You’re a meek human being who takes pleasure in shoving women back in their “so called” place.

So I’m a confident woman who chose to flaunt my body on riu. So fucking what dude? I flaunted my plants too did i not?
Cmon now seriously? Go away!:wall:

Actually I’m not telling you to “go away”, you’ve been here far longer than I. I am “asking” you to leave me alone. Go about your business as I go about mine. Find something to do OTHER than stalking a woman who will NEVER succumb to you. Please believe me. I asked you to be courteous with me and tell me in pm what you want? YOU COULDN’T DO IT. This is the bed YOU made, now lie in it sweet cheeks. You’re repetitive bluster is monotonous and irritating to everyone having to read it.
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Get yourself a hobby and stop following me around weirdo! I gave you the opportunity to have your way with me you chose not to take it. So here I am and here I will stay. Deal with it. Move on you’re bored, and boring.

As for the reply you’re referring to. It is very clear where I begin to talk, hence the hyphens, yes? (Especially if you claim to “know” me as well as you say you do.)

You my sweet are THE classic example of a man hell bent on dragging women, especially those with strong voices, backwards decades. You’re a meek human being who takes pleasure in shoving women back in their “so called” place.

So I’m a confident woman who chose to flaunt my body on riu. So fucking what dude? I flaunted my plants too did i not?
Cmon now seriously? Go away!:wall:
Plagiarism is theft.
Unattributed quotation is plagiarism.
Quote marks are not attribution.