H0T: Authorities raid marijuana grow, lab in central Colorado


Well-Known Member
WOODLAND PARK, Colo. — Authorities say marijuana and hash oil were seized

after raiding an illegal grow and processing lab in a rural area in central Colorado.

The Teller County Sheriff’s Office says authorities raided a house outside Woodland Park

on Thursday, finding 60 plants and dozens of pounds of processed marijuana.

Authorities also found several pounds of hash oil in a THC extraction lab on the property.

THC is the active ingredient of cannabis.

The sheriff’s office says no arrests were made, but the investigation is ongoing.

Authorities say these labs are potentially dangerous as hash oil explosions

cause a number of deaths each year in the state.

Authorities raided three marijuana grows near Woodland Park and Divide on Wednesday,

seizing more than 100 plants and 80 pounds (36 kilograms) of processed marijuana.

I'm in Co and it's getting pretty common to hear about these kinds of grows getting popped. There was one about a year ago near me, and one of the dudes killed himself so he didn't have to do time.
Doesn't surprise me, if they're growing that much and making oil that's pretty gangster shit. Making oil is a risky thing.
"Raiding and illegal grow"


Still, looking over my shoulder for Sessions....

Yup, this sounded like a state level action. Would have happened even if cheech was the ag.

But really, making oil is dangerous? Sheesh. Is anybody still spraying butane through open tubes? I doubt it. The closed loop systems are fairy safe. So are gas stations, but they still catch fire every once in a while.
Yup, this sounded like a state level action. Would have happened even if cheech was the ag.

But really, making oil is dangerous? Sheesh. Is anybody still spraying butane through open tubes? I doubt it. The closed loop systems are fairy safe. So are gas stations, but they still catch fire every once in a while.

Yes it's dangerous. There is no shortage of idiots out there.

A North Portland fire that killed two was caused by a hash oil explosion, Portland Fire and Rescue said Wednesday.
Behind the scenes of a deadly hash oil explosion in Portland

Pair tied to butane hash oil explosion in Astoria accused of assault

Oregon dad sentenced for hash oil explosion triggered while daughter slept

Neighbors angry, but thankful to be alive after hash oil explosion levels home

i don't like to hear about anyone getting arrested for weed, but you roll the dice, and if you land on go to jail...you go to jail and hope to roll doubles.
i'm not going to say that making hash oil is incredibly dangerous, but it would probably be a good idea not to make it in a residential area.
all it takes is one bad accident then the people wanting to shut it all down have the leverage they need to at least fuck things up, maybe more. don't give them the leverage they need, find someplace without any neighbors to set up the chemistry lab
hash oil explosions? Am I missing something?

Yes, it's "The making of hash oil", as in butane fumes, enclosed space, some idiot lighting a joint, and, well, I think you get the rest.

There's been a few strange explosions in the UK because of the same, gas explosions in buildings that don't have a gas main, that sort of thing.
Again, is anyone on this side of a burn unit still blasting butane through tubes into the open air? That was the old ghetto method, but I can't believe people are still doing that. Not with low cost closed loop systems available.

Not to mention that co2 extraction is completely safe (as long as you asphyxiate yourself on co2 in the process).
Yup, this sounded like a state level action. Would have happened even if cheech was the ag.

But really, making oil is dangerous? Sheesh. Is anybody still spraying butane through open tubes? I doubt it. The closed loop systems are fairy safe. So are gas stations, but they still catch fire every once in a while.
i do..
These systems cost money, and I doubt an illegal setup like the one busted would be investing in anything like that.
Again, is anyone on this side of a burn unit still blasting butane through tubes into the open air? That was the old ghetto method, but I can't believe people are still doing that. Not with low cost closed loop systems available.

Not to mention that co2 extraction is completely safe (as long as you asphyxiate yourself on co2 in the process).
DON'T....asphyxiate yourself....
DON'T....asphyxiate yourself....

This is actually a thing in the brewery industry. A large beer vat can accumulate a deadly amount of Co2. Workers have passed out and died by climbing into them to clean without a sufficient air purge.

The big guys like AB have protocols and automation that will lock out a worker until the air is safe in the vat, but smaller breweries have to be diligent. Snce it's usually something newb's get tasked with, and since they frequently work alone, they can screw up.

Co2 is not to be trifled with.
This is actually a thing in the brewery industry. A large beer vat can accumulate a deadly amount of Co2. Workers have passed out and died by climbing into them to clean without a sufficient air purge.

The big guys like AB have protocols and automation that will lock out a worker until the air is safe in the vat, but smaller breweries have to be diligent. Snce it's usually something newb's get tasked with, and since they frequently work alone, they can screw up.

Co2 is not to be trifled with.

You don't go into manure pits on a farm without respirators or purging the pit first either! In this case, it's methane. Same issue though.

Saw a pig farmer shoot a bottle rocket into his pit once. Impressive mushroom cloud! Less impressed with the fire dept having to put out the resulting pit fire. The same guy drinks silage run off (Yeah there's a fair amount of alcohol in that but, yuck!)
Make some more sense now? LMFAO!
The same guy drinks silage run off (Yeah there's a fair amount of alcohol in that but, yuck!)

I used to work on a dairy farm. Round about april the cows would all be drunk eating the sileage that had been fermenting all winter. Funny to watch!