Some facts about indoor growing / seeds


Well-Known Member
Seedless Marijuana: The Hoax

Some intresting information on there.. dont know how reliable, but its some food for thought

"...The science and personal experience allow me to state as a matter of fact: "None of the marijuana grown under HID light has any real dope in it." Why? Because the UVB photon, the sine quo non of THC production, is blocked out of the light stream by the outer glass bulb of all HID lights. BY LAW!..."


Well-Known Member
Wow, if I wasnt such a pussy I'd break the outer glass on my hid's...Seriosly, my first indoor is kinda weak, and I was gona blame it on premature harvest...


Well-Known Member
i think that is all bullshit ive gotten pretty baked off seedless pot
and if hid's made the plant have no thc then noone would use them most people are going to be able to tell if ther is thc or not i can definetaly tell the diffrence in potency between some good dro (seedless) and some mids (loaded with seeds)


Well-Known Member
Well if you believe everything you read, you will think there is magic land in the sky but you can only get there by beanstalk, you may also believe that the sky is falling and that the iraq war was over weapons of mass destruction.

Fact of the matter is, I have seeded my own plants and to be honest It makes the weed crappy, it hasnt made me hallucinate because its got seeds in it. Neither did all that thai weed I smoked years ago with a whole van load of seeds in it.


Active Member
Sounds like malarky to me. But then again I've been around people who thought they were high off pot brownies when I tried them and I felt nothing. Some peoples imaginations can get the best of them, I wonder how many kids get tricked into buying oregano, smoke it, and think they're high?


Active Member
Lol that was the greatest part of having a middle school like 200 yards away from my h.s...... silly middle schoolers. Not only oregano though, I got a bunch of kids to smoke dried bananna peels by telling them they'd get fucked up lol. Sadly they actually came back admitting they'd tried it and saying how fucked up they got, god i love ignorance. And yep that whole article seems to be a bit bogus, I mean since when has our government had its shit together long enough to hatch a small planned out scheme let alone something carried out over 35 years lmao. That and if the high of seedless pot is all in my head haha then more power to me lol.


Well-Known Member
Banana peels ARE a jail high..guys have been getting STONED on them for years in the pen,,Ive smoked thia that would blow alot of growers shit out of the water..Just because its a hermie doesnt mean the weed sucks.
Ive never had weed make me hallucinate


Well-Known Member
After reading that I had to re-think and re-analyze all my growing principles and everything I learned and have read. And I have a question. If you were to Veg a male and a female, and pollinate the female with the males pollen, and keep them under a 18/6 or a 24/0 photo-period, will the female flower re-gardless? Or will she reject the pollen and remain in vegetative growth? Or would she flower and produce seeds only and no buds, or vice-versa? I'm confused now, fucking article...


Well-Known Member
"...The science and personal experience allow me to state as a matter of fact: "None of the marijuana grown under HID light has any real dope in it." Why? Because the UVB photon, the sine quo non of THC production, is blocked out of the light stream by the outer glass bulb of all HID lights. BY LAW!..."
Interesting article for sure - well worth reading. I think the author gets a bit carried away with his conspiracy theory of government intervention - I find that very hard to beleive - it's a bit far fetched for me.

The problem with this article, at least for me, is that he bases much of what he's saying on fact, he just interweaves that fact around his conspiracy theory making it tricky to know where the facts start and finish and where the conspiracy theory starts and finishes.

What is absolutely true in terms of that article is that pretty much all Trichome spheres grown indoors under HID lights, particularly HPS HIDs, do not contain fully realised THC due to the lack of that UVB photon.

The rest is a mixture of fact and fantasy.


Well-Known Member
After reading that I had to re-think and re-analyze all my growing principles and everything I learned and have read. And I have a question. If you were to Veg a male and a female, and pollinate the female with the males pollen, and keep them under a 18/6 or a 24/0 photo-period, will the female flower re-gardless? Or will she reject the pollen and remain in vegetative growth? Or would she flower and produce seeds only and no buds, or vice-versa? I'm confused now, fucking article...
It's not staying in veg state as a male, his way of showing you he's flowering is with a pollen sack..resulting in seeds at points you would normaly find bud site's on a female..This pollen sack flowers (opens up ) and releases its pollen'..
If you have a female that turns, your budsites will still produce like a female with male tendencies (seed's or hermie in other words)..


Well-Known Member
This is like my high school drug education teacher telling the class that resin contains 0 THC. She said "If you ever hear of your friends getting high off of this stuff, it's not true! They are lying!"

What a croc, I have gotten so blazed off of resin before.

In regards to this essay, it is certainly interesting. I hate to even think about government intervention into our lives because the truth is that we just don't know. We don't know what technology they have or what they are doing with it or who they are watching.

Anyone ever seen the videos about 9/11 being a hoax?

Anyone ever wonder why the US went to catch Osama like 5 years ago and we haven't even seen or heard of him since, and shortly after we go after Saddam he is caught?

When I see so many different takes on the same stories, you begin to realize that any of what you see on TV could be fake. Anything you read or hear from anyone, especially the government, could be fake. It just makes you think about this stuff.


Well-Known Member
nobody really knows what happens when we think, therefore no one can ever realy know anything..


Well-Known Member
I think you guys are getting the wrong idea here... He's not saying that it contains no THC whatso ever.. He's saying that indoor weed does not completely develop THC as well as outdoor pot does, which is 100% true. But im not sure if i believe the whole seed BS. Personally id rather have seedless weed.. but thats just me


Well-Known Member
Seriously, has anyone ever tryed to run HID without outer shell? On the bulb box it says not to do it due to risk of cancer, so theoreticaly it can be done, just wear a welding jacket and a mask in your grow room.I'm tottaly willing to try it, just want to make sure the bulbs will still work, and oh yeah it wasnt premature, ones it cured it is kick ass!


Well-Known Member
Someone actually thought that out, typed it up and posted that on the internet. Thats alot of effort especially when nothing thats stated is backed up with any proof.


Well-Known Member
OK bitches its on!!! Since no one gona tell me what exaktly is gona happened if I gently remouve the outer shell of my bulbs I'm definately gona do it! I just need to save some money first for replacements just in case...If anybody knows please tell me be4 its too late.