I need help determining the cause of yellowing.


New Member
Hello, this is my first growth and the plant has started dying quite rapidly. It's quite hard to diagnose the problem because there are soo many symptoms that look like to be caused by multiple things.

SYMPTOMS: Slow growth, yellowing, browning, leafs look dead..

So, here's some info:
1) PICTURE OF PLANT - attached
2) Growing indoor or outdoors - indoor
3) Watering schedule - once i feel the soil's dry. (mostly every 3 to 4 days)
4) Growing Medium - soil with ph ranging from 5-7
5) What stage of growth - seedling ~ 4 weeks
6) Lighting: CFL lights (120watts) placed around 2 inches away from the plant
7) Temperature: around 79 Fahrenheit most of the time.
8) Lighting cycle: 18-6
9) Water source: tap water

The growth seems to be very stunted too.

The possible causes I found are: nutrition defficiency, root rot, ph problems.

I uploaded 2 pictures, one taken 2 days after the first (it's progressing quite rapidly).

I need to mention that I have transplanted the plant a lot of times so that might have caused stress?

If anyone knows anything, I would be grateful of any help!


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Looks as though that’s little guys getting burnt, what soil are you using? It may well be too hot for the seedling, also ph 5-7 isn’t great, should be looking for a ph of between 6.2-6.8 ideally, yeah it’s probably getting too many nutes from the soil by the looks of things, looks like your gonna have to transplant yet again my friend, at that age plants don’t need lots of nutes, try buying some softer soil ideally for seedlings/cannabis.
Well for small seedlings like that, it is hard to tell if it is burning or deficiency but since you have not fed anything for 4 weeks, I would bet it is just hungry. It could also be too late to save but you can still try feeding.
4 days he said, IMO shouldn’t be watering with nutes yet with the size it is, soft soil will have all its needs to keep it green and healthy until proper vegative period begins.
Thanks for the tips!

I will consider getting softer soil at first to see how it will react.

Alse, this is my other plant, it seemed healthy at first under the same conditions but now starts concerning me. The lowest leafs are lime colored and I'm afraid it's gonna end like the other plant... Here are some shots of it:



What do you think?
Them pics don’t look so much like the others, seems that’s lacking as opposed to too much.
Them pics don’t look so much like the others, seems that’s lacking as opposed to too much.

Well that itself raises other questions.. they were totally treated under the same conditions but this one was not transplanted as much and that makes me think that the first plant dies because of too much stress. Identifying the issue seems a lot harder than I thought. helppp :p
Look into bio bizz light mix or something similar from eBay and just use water for a few weeks, then look into a heavier soil for end of veg/flower, that should sort it right out, quicker you act the better
I don't know the name but herebare the ingredients:
Peat: 65%
Compost: 20%
Perlite: 5%
NPK fertilizer, N, CaCl, Ca, P, K..

Maybe the fertilizer is hurting the plants
Yes it's the ferts in the soil, burning up the poor little plants. They don't need much the first few week of their lives as long as it's quality soil. Slow release ferts will kill a cannabis plant quick.
Well its stem was really weak and it showed signs of slow growth so I though it might have something with the roots.. maybe I was wrong idk.
Could have been lack of light? Doubt it needed transplanting but it definaltly does now dude!