You saying they are klan members?
Obtuse much?You saying they are klan members?
i said they are on the klan's side dummyYou saying they are klan members?
He's saying they unquestionably support a President that refuses to condemn Nazis or their support.
Obtuse much?
i said they are on the klan's side dummy
cry harderYour comment is obtuse. “Unquestionably support”. “Refuses to condemn”.
How the fuck does he know either of those “facts”?
You guys are better for their cause than they are. We are fucking doomed if we rely on either party at this point.
Tell a human what you think they are wrong about and then make it much more severe. And guess what happens next.
Doomed I say!
try copping drugs in the city with a white face. They will haul you away while leaving the Black
So you betray your better judgment and values to troll?
It is entertaining to watch your self hate
cry harder
a few other klansmen like to make the same accusation too. something about hating my own race because i don't support the klan or some nonsense.
You are the troll.
Yes tell the good Jewish raised boy from Jersey all about Nazis and clansmen.
you only project hate and complaints here. Are you like that with your nice Jewish family?
I can’t even agree with you when you are right. You are too much of an asshole.
cry harder
didn;t you try to say you were just trolling after i called you out on your anti-semitic, jew hating remarks?
how much respect did your wife lose for you when you went broke because you refuse to work, even though your "disability" that keeps you from working isn;t even enough to allow you to draw that welfare check you want so badly?