Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
I had a male pitbull. Such a sweet loving pup. He had his first root and became a physco. Lock jawed on my knee and shook me for 20 seconds. He was put down the next day. He became a fucking evil aggressive monster. Some dogs are just evil no matter what the breed is.
maybe he saw what u did with the possums :bigjoint:lol


Well-Known Member
fuck en hell tryna send ans email to hy gen and i had 2 verify im not an robot fair enough but it won let me it keeps failing might just have 2 call em lol probebly for the best the way i type if thay ask what im growing will it be to suss if i say tomatos cuse what if it doas have silica in it it must cuse i would have run into a def buy now im sure of it


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm into pig dogs now. Wolfhound x bullmastiff x staffy.
Wolfies are a top dog go all day all night... Lol i got sick of there hair everywhere dont have that drama with the arabs the cunts are just to smart for my liking sometimes fuckin stealing my toast when i go take a piss haha I suppose id rather that then a dumb dog lol...

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Wolfies are a top dog go all day all night... Lol i got sick of there hair everywhere dont have that drama with the arabs the cunts are just to smart for my liking sometimes fuckin stealing my toast when i go take a piss haha I suppose id rather that then a dumb dog lol...
I wouldn' sell my mastiff for 10k ..seriously


Well-Known Member
Wolfies are a top dog go all day all night... Lol i got sick of there hair everywhere dont have that drama with the arabs the cunts are just to smart for my liking sometimes fuckin stealing my toast when i go take a piss haha I suppose id rather that then a dumb dog lol...
I've got an English Staffy x Belgian Shepherd. He's the smartest dumbshit I know.

He knows who I don't like. How to shake hands, high five... Or rather high ten. And get your >insert whatever toy he hasn't yet obliterated here<.

But at the same time- he falls over his feet just walking along. Constantly turns into walls, poles, doors... you name it. If it's head height. He's probably walked into it at least once. Yet he's not blind. Just spacially unaware.

He's that much of a derp. I watched him roll off the bed, hit the floor. And just be like- Meh, here's good. He didn't even lift his head. He just hit the deck and proceeded to go back to sleep.


Well-Known Member
I've got an English Staffy x Belgian Shepherd. He's the smartest dumbshit I know.

He knows who I don't like. How to shake hands, high five... Or rather high ten. And get your >insert whatever toy he hasn't yet obliterated here<.

But at the same time- he falls over his feet just walking along. Constantly turns into walls, poles, doors... you name it. If it's head height. He's probably walked into it at least once. Yet he's not blind. Just spacially unaware.

He's that much of a derp. I watched him roll off the bed, hit the floor. And just be like- Meh, here's good. He didn't even lift his head. He just hit the deck and proceeded to go back to sleep.
id take that dog any day over those fuken maltese terier yap yaps i fuken hat those yap yap handbag dogs i feel sorry for em in a way it not tjere foult breeding a dog to just be cute and small n shit no wonder there all fuked up


Well-Known Member
I've got an English Staffy x Belgian Shepherd. He's the smartest dumbshit I know.

He knows who I don't like. How to shake hands, high five... Or rather high ten. And get your >insert whatever toy he hasn't yet obliterated here<.

But at the same time- he falls over his feet just walking along. Constantly turns into walls, poles, doors... you name it. If it's head height. He's probably walked into it at least once. Yet he's not blind. Just spacially unaware.

He's that much of a derp. I watched him roll off the bed, hit the floor. And just be like- Meh, here's good. He didn't even lift his head. He just hit the deck and proceeded to go back to sleep.
Ahh sick he'd be a rippa very nice cross... The bigger they are the more clumsy and human like they are mine think there entitled to what ever i do... Can chase down just about anything but try and get em to walk in through the house without bumping shit or tripping ova nahh dreaming...


Well-Known Member
Ahh sick he'd be a rippa very nice cross... The bigger they are the more clumsy and human like they are mine think there entitled to what ever i do... Can chase down just about anything but try and get em to walk in through the house without bumping shit or tripping ova nahh dreaming...
what du u rekon would beva good dog for some one whos never had one n traind on b4


Well-Known Member
what du u rekon would beva good dog for some one whos never had one n traind on b4
Whatever dog you and ur environment can handle and have the time for... dont get it if ya cant give it the time and love man to many dogs and other pets getting dumped these days it shits me... There a good learning curve to getting ya independent but ya gotta put the time in... Like a lil something else we connect on i guess ;););)


Well-Known Member
Whatever dog you and ur environment can handle and have the time for... dont get it if ya cant give it the time and love man to many dogs and other pets getting dumped these days it shits me... There a good learning curve to getting ya independent but ya gotta put the time in... Like a lil something else we connect on i guess ;););)
ye tbh if i got a dog ited b a resceu fuken hate seing em loked up all sad n shit why cant thay do it like a zoo like if there ones people can be aroun em n thay have a good nature n people can come there n play with em n shit n thay have a place to runn around n shit like a zoo vut kids n people go the n play with em least then thay get some love idont wanna talk about dogs in the pound im getten al l teary now lol i just wanna take m all home n shit


Well-Known Member
fuck im a bitch id do time if i saw skme cu t domthid to an animal if i ever did sell and made cash i wouldent buy some flash car id do good things if i had money i hope the cunt that did this gets the worst posable karma what the fuck is wrong with people fuck how all these animals havent said fuck it and gone planet of the apes on our asses imwouoden blame em no wonder the alians dont visit putrid cunt also in my aria saw on facebook that some girl got busted tryna snatch some vodeys kids out the back yard and the cunt detained her while the police got there im not no tough cunt but id keep her loked up n turture her every way possable fuck theres some scum out there man


Well-Known Member
okey dokey iv found a pdf on the grow and the bloom and aparenly it doas have every thing in it so if these nutrients do have every thing in them
the only other thing i can think of is me being lazy i got salt build up i dont understand it 100 percent what i mean is when the run off ec is way to high ph is also fuked up witch fuked up nut absorbtion i may stay with this nute line depending how this grow goes ill most likly get the biggest size i can afford i figure i rekon i can get agrow a liter im sure house and garden is alot better but for the price may as well learn with this then upgrayed idk ill reserve final judgment apon smoking of tje bud Screenshot_20180202-032703.png Screenshot_20180202-032707.png


Well-Known Member
after clarification yet to haer from hy gen but on that feed chart it says during transition to use both so when i feed this morning that did i gues the one upzide to there not bein enough silica tho is it would be good for lst as there all pretty bendy