Random Jabber Jibber thread

Not to be a full on nutter or anything but for the 2nd time in my life I was guilted into getting a flu shot 2 weeks before China and have not felt quite right since then. Just to throw that out there. :razz:

14 years ago my Dad got his flu shot & the next day he was really sick - shortly after that he had to take an ambulance ride to the ER where he progressed onto life support.
He did recover considerably but remained partially paralyzed on his left side and almost completely from the waist down.
The prognosis was Guillain-Barré syndrome but sometime after that they decided it was Transverse-Myelitis.

Went from being very active & artistic to bed ridden in less than a week.

Pay attention to your health folks, it is fragile.
14 years ago my Dad got his flu shot & the next day he was really sick - shortly after that he had to take an ambulance ride to the ER where he progressed onto life support.
He did recover considerably but remained partially paralyzed on his left side and almost completely from the waist down.
The prognosis was Guillain-Barré syndrome but sometime after that they decided it was Transverse-Myelitis.

Went from being very active & artistic to bed ridden in less than a week.

Pay attention to your health folks, it is fragile.

Since we're trading flu shots stories I'll throw in the one about my wife getting guilted into her 1st flu shot at 30 weeks pregnant and 10 days later having full blown Bell's Palsy. She has since recovered. But still, seeing your beautiful, 30 week pregnant wife with the complete right side of her face paralyzed is pretty fucking scary. Just to throw it out there. I found a study in I think Sweden that found a casual link. But what do I know.
Not to be a full on nutter or anything but for the 2nd time in my life I was guilted into getting a flu shot 2 weeks before China and have not felt quite right since then. Just to throw that out there. :razz:
Get the culture. Also a nice blend of Chlorpheniramine and Phenylephrine such as Chlortrimetron D, it's an antihistamine and a decongestant.
I like to think that I live in a small town, however that is not the case.

In the last 2 weeks my daily drive has forced me to recognize the truth.

Almost every day I see

at the local known speed trap.

occasionally I see an unmarked car.

Sometimes I see

at a known local drug housing development.

Last month I saw

surrounding a house in the next neighborhood over.

Today I saw all of the above and men in black.

Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore.o_O
Watching the local news and they just said, 53 children have died from the flu since October. Scary shit. When I heard that, I went and gave my daughter a big ol squeeze and she said, "daddy I can't see my iPad" Lol.

I get a flu shot every year as it is required by work.