Economical heat options with LED lighting


Well-Known Member
So the guy who sold me the QB boards told me that it's best to have the room temps at 82-85 with the LEDs. So how do most people heat their tents/rooms efficiently? If I am saving 50% on the wattage of the lights, but now have to run 60% extra electric as heat, I'm not really saving anything, I'm spending more. So what heat options that are efficient do people use? My tent is like 15X8. The digital ballasts and HID lights currently keep it around 75-81 in the winter time with no extra heat pumped in except at night when lights are off. Now I am looking at having to heat it with the lights on as well.
So the guy who sold me the QB boards told me that it's best to have the room temps at 82-85 with the LEDs. So how do most people heat their tents/rooms efficiently? If I am saving 50% on the wattage of the lights, but now have to run 60% extra electric as heat, I'm not really saving anything, I'm spending more. So what heat options that are efficient do people use? My tent is like 15X8. The digital ballasts and HID lights currently keep it around 75-81 in the winter time with no extra heat pumped in except at night when lights are off. Now I am looking at having to heat it
Ah, I guess not being in a NG service area I would need to use propane? Could I attach a tank to that thing? It kinda feels like having a bomb in my grow room but I guess it is safe...
I don’t know much about LEDs
But I think running them at the higher temps extend there life.
Running C02 burner will increase your heat and put you into that sweet spot.
I run about 1200ppm of CO2
Most controllers have a light sensor on them, lights on c02 on. This isn’t the best because the plants stoma’s (spelling?)are not open when the lights come on. The plants should be given at least 30/60 min to wake. I run a sealed room ,so a few hours before lights out the CO2 goes off, the plants bring the levels back into normal for rest. I have 100% control over CO2
Because of the Sentinel controller , would be hard to find better.
Also with your size room, might want to run 2 burners for efficiency vs one big one.
I though there was a recall on those years ago as the anti tipping feature was failing or something and I remember a high failure rate when selling them. Also a burner will create humidity in the tent.
I didn’t mean that specific brand ..just suggesting an option,to create more heat,and the dehumidifier would work harder( assuming he has one) dumping even more heat into the room.therfore solving his problem.
I didn’t mean that specific brand ..just suggesting an option,to create more heat,and the dehumidifier would work harder( assuming he has one) dumping even more heat into the room.therfore solving his problem.

Sure but then a dehu will use up like 400-600W of power.
I do also run a dehumidifier right now anyways. I may just try running the room a bit cooler or maybe I won't even use the LEDs until it warms up a bit. It's nice to have some options, stoked about my indoor run this summer, never had that option before. Ultimately the most economical solution for the space is a heatpump I think, some of the newer ones run in -30 weather now, and are as efficient as natural gas. Plus they can do AC in the summer as well as heat in the winter. Looking at some $$ though, it's definitely not the most economical up front...
I do also run a dehumidifier right now anyways. I may just try running the room a bit cooler or maybe I won't even use the LEDs until it warms up a bit. It's nice to have some options, stoked about my indoor run this summer, never had that option before. Ultimately the most economical solution for the space is a heatpump I think, some of the newer ones run in -30 weather now, and are as efficient as natural gas. Plus they can do AC in the summer as well as heat in the winter. Looking at some $$ though, it's definitely not the most economical up front...

Just make sure the temps fall within what the dehu is designed to run at, too cold and it wont remove as much water, too hot and it'll overheat.
I do also run a dehumidifier right now anyways. I may just try running the room a bit cooler or maybe I won't even use the LEDs until it warms up a bit. It's nice to have some options, stoked about my indoor run this summer, never had that option before. Ultimately the most economical solution for the space is a heatpump I think, some of the newer ones run in -30 weather now, and are as efficient as natural gas. Plus they can do AC in the summer as well as heat in the winter. Looking at some $$ though, it's definitely not the most economical up front...
My temps are consistently running at about 80 plus degrees, maybe a bit cooler overnight. It is needed to run the room a bit hotter than with HPS etc to get the same leaf surface temperature and encourage good transpiration