Well-Known Member
ODF- Nice little set up you have there man looking good Love the even canopy!
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I'm Going To Use Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive To Mount The Cob To The Cooler, The Above Lights I Used The Arctic 11 Plus Cpu Coolers And No Not Worth The Extra Price. This Is My Last Hooray I Decided To Use A Gamming Water Cooler Just For A Cool Factor.Any Pc Air Cooler Will Work.Dawg ... I love that micro setup I have a similar water cooler on my gamming pc. that’s great so how did you go about mounting the cob to the water cooled heat sink? is it worth the extra price over air cooled cpu cooler? I was actually thinking about going with my cooler master hyper T4 since I already have one laying around.. and thanks for the info I’m about ready to build me a light see what this is all about
YOUR A LEGEND FOR THIS THREAD I BOUGHT A COUPLE OF WATERFARMS SINCE ,THATS ALL I USE NOW BEST THINGS TO GROW IN!Hello everyone just dropping in to say hello have not been around much for a few years, But I’m blown away guys I had no idea this thread has made so much of a impact on the growing community I’m really I’m speechless.. and look forward to seeing your waterfarm grows. Remember guys keep it simple don’t overthink it!
@SCOTTYBALLS Whenever you top off the water, do you top off with just ph’d water each day and then at the end of the week provide a fresh supply of nutrients or is the water you top off with mixed with the nutrients?
I would luv to see how u did that...if its ok with @SCOTTYBALLS , or maybe a diy thread ?!!!I modified two of my WFs to use the drip ring in each WF to circulate water from the remote reservoir.. I used a 315cmh over each WF.. Don't want to post the mod in your thread without asking..
I am having trouble determining how much nutrients to mix per unit. When I flush it and refill it to the white line on the blue tube, it takes 5 gallons of nutrients. The directions and other posters say it takes 2 gallons of nutrients. When I put in 2 1/2 gallons, the drip ring hardly has any output. I am afraid I am over watering by putting in 5 gallons, but it doesn't go to the white mark without that amount. Can you please help me?IMO its the best hydro system out there Ive done custom built High pressure Aeroponics you name it, nothing has out performed it yet. I have had 15 oz yeilds on a regular with one water farm, 400w hps and one plant.
It works by pumping air in a tube witch makes bubbles the bubbles push water up the tube pushing water with it.. the water enters the drip ring spiting water and air.. I think the reason they work so well is 90% of oxygen in water is picked up threw the surface layer of the water.. well all the water that drips over the hydroton is all surface water.. so its really oxygenated... great system I end up with a brick of roots in the top bucket and a brick or roots in the lower bucket when its done..
I am having trouble determining how much nutrients to mix per unit. When I flush it and refill it to the white line on the blue tube, it takes 5 gallons of nutrients. The directions and other posters say it takes 2 gallons of nutrients. When I put in 2 1/2 gallons, the drip ring hardly has any output. I am afraid I am over watering by putting in 5 gallons, but it doesn't go to the white mark without that amount. Can you please help me? I can't calculate how much nutrients to mix up. This is probably just a silly problem, but I just can't get it. Thank you so much.
Thank you. This is my first hydro grow. Also, I can't figure out where the thread menu is and how to get on the correct thread.Great, you finally got around to reading the thread. If you had done it to begin with, you would have known, from the start that there was a mod that should be made.. Also,if you missed it, this thread is about using only one fertilizer the entire grow.. It's up to you to figure out any changes you chose to make as to the feeding of the plant..
If you can't figure out how to pour rocks out of a bucket you're beyond help... If it dies , you learned a lesson... Own your own fuck ups, finish your grow in a journal so we can all follow it there....