Pineapple Express G13 Lab's Seed to Harvest

Just a quick note on this.. We found that
a) We had to supplement with calmag 1 tsp per gallon in RO water.
b) Things look better since we started using floranova veg during veg
c) We are running around 600 ppm and the plant is healthy.
d) It may take longer than 30 days to fill a 3x3 scrog. We're at day 45 and just about ready to toss the screen on and flip.
One of the best threads I've ever seen. And I've been on Overgrow and the likes since 2001. Like so many already have pointed out, it shows hydro doesn't have to be as expensive or complicated as some might think.

Actually pushed me over the edge after 16 years in the dirt. My newly bought Waterfarm is setup and ready for when my g13Hazes in the soil is done. Can hardly wait. Even more stoked about starting it up than I am about harvesting. Which feels kinda strange.

Thank you so much Scotty.

Hydro, here I come!
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It seems people still want a pdf of this grow. I have thrown one together. I had some trouble working out the exact days and also the feeding guide. If anyone wants to check this, modify and/or improve it feel free. I have also uploaded the guide as a Word doc which maybe easier to modify. If in doubt check the original thread here.

Link to word doc

Thanks for this. I appreciate the time you took to put that together.
Long time smoker, soon to be first time grower here. This thread is amazing. I know I'm a few years late to the party - but a big thank you to all of you who have contributed. Thanks!
Hello everyone just dropping in to say hello have not been around much for a few years, But I’m blown away guys I had no idea this thread has made so much of a impact on the growing community I’m really I’m speechless.. and look forward to seeing your waterfarm grows. Remember guys keep it simple don’t overthink it!
Very nice upskirt shot dawg got to love it when it all comes together in the end.. hope you get some help with trimming them beast up my hands hurt even thinking it lol ... nice grow man I’m impressed..
Thanks I Trimmed Them All Myself Over 5 Days. Now Are You Planning A New Thread?? And Have you Thought About Switching To Cob Led.
Dawg, unfortunately do to local laws, family, job it’s no longer a option for me at this time but I do miss it, it was more then just growing a plant, that was my passion for so many years.. hell I don’t even smoke it anymore besides the occasional puff every other month or so, but still want to grow dose that make any sense lol.. I am thinking about doing a micro grow of some sort. Extremely compact and stealth just for shits and giggles. Please enlighten me on what Cob LED is .. it looks amazing in your photos and I’m guessing it runs way cooler then HPS/CMH/MH?
Scotty, first and foremost I have a lot of respect for you. It's definitely not easy to weigh out your options and stop doing something that you love because of family the law or any other reason.

With that being said, here are four advantages to using cob LEDs versus what you stated above.

Power Consumption, Spectrum, Efficiency, Lifespan

In my opinion, it's definitely worth a go. The initial cost is higher but you'll make up for it in the long run. Those who are way more educated in cob LED can definitely chime in and get into more detail
Holy shit balls dawg that’s fucking fantastically beautiful man! Absolutely love the fucking disco balls!!! Nice set up.
Dude classic thanks, so much for your super easy explanation on fert's!
I have grown Lb's of some great weed for my friends and I thank you for all of My successes! Of course any fuck up's. Well that's completely on Me.
You made it easy to get rid of the soil clogging up My grow room and blowing everywhere.. Hydro is so much easier and fun to do.
Thank You!!!
Dawg, unfortunately do to local laws, family, job it’s no longer a option for me at this time but I do miss it, it was more then just growing a plant, that was my passion for so many years.. hell I don’t even smoke it anymore besides the occasional puff every other month or so, but still want to grow dose that make any sense lol.. I am thinking about doing a micro grow of some sort. Extremely compact and stealth just for shits and giggles. Please enlighten me on what Cob LED is .. it looks amazing in your photos and I’m guessing it runs way cooler then HPS/CMH/MH?

Cob Stands For Chip On Board And They Use An Silica Substrate Instead Of Remote Phosphorous For Their Spectral Blend.Besides What Mike Has Stated As Benefits The Only Other Benefit Is You Can Make Them Yourself. I Believe Cutter Is In Your Backyard Plus I Attached A Fine Tutorial That Should Sort You Out.

Here's Cutter

Scotty I Hear Ya Unfortunately This Next Grow Will Be My Last Until The State I Live In Goes Legal. Reason Are My Girlfriend Coming To Live With Me And My Business Is Really Taking Off And I Dont Want To Screw It Up. Now The Girlfriend Doesn't Mind Me Smoking And If The Sate Was Legal She Wouldn't Have An Issue. Now You Mention Stealth Below Is Pic's Of My Current Build. Its A Micro Tent 0.30x0.30x0.60 It Will House A 60 Watt Citizen 1212 4000k 90 Cri The Heat Sink I'm Using Is A Liquid Cooled Dual 120mm Fan CoolMaster Radiator Which Is Another Cool Thing About Cobs Designs Are Basically Endless. I Will Be Running My 16 Oz Party Cup Hydro Setup :hump:

IMG_6748.JPG IMG_6749.JPG IMG_6752.JPG

Here's My Swc Setup Anit She Cute :P
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Look what you made me do.

First try with hydro. This thread pushed me over the edge.

Serious Seeds White Russian under 240w blurple Black Dog led. Day 33. Had some root rot problems in the beginning. Were a bit too light on her feedings. Suffers from TMV.

Didn't really fill the screen but new system and new strain so I'm not being too hard on myself.

She seems happy now!

Thanks for this thread!


Dawg ... I love that micro setup I have a similar water cooler on my gamming pc. that’s great so how did you go about mounting the cob to the water cooled heat sink? is it worth the extra price over air cooled cpu cooler? I was actually thinking about going with my cooler master hyper T4 since I already have one laying around.. and thanks for the info I’m about ready to build me a light see what this is all about