Soil moisture for seedlings?


Active Member
So my seeds popped and I put them into soil today but after I watered the pot the soil doesn't feel wet enough.

Set up 7gL grow bag, 1000w led 24" above, 77deg. 60% hum soil PH is 6.5

Does the soil suppose to feel wet or damp to the touch?
add 1 3/4 gallon of water
be sure there are functioning drain holes in container bottom,
walk away until container is dry and light again, repeat
Until they are up and growing dont let the soil dry out.

you sure? I water this way and not again until the containers are once again light, right before the plant is wilting.
any other method and I see less bene's in my soil and slower growth. Maybe something to do with environment probably doesnt work the same way for everyone's habits.
I wouldn't put a seedling in a 7 gallon pot ever. Unless it was an auto. A tiny seedling with a tiny root mass isn't going to drink much so it's very easy to overwater and deprive the young roots of much needed oxygen. This is why starting in small pots or solo cups and up potting when needed is recommended by many.
Yes I I soaked the seed in water for 12 hours them put it I'm a damp paper towel until it rooted. I use fox farm frog soil

soaked the seafood... Intel... I wear fox farm frog soil... language barrier OP

I agree that a 7 gallon pot is too big. If your already committed to the pot, don't thoroughly water the entire thing. Water the center of the pot around the plant first, watering more and more towards the edges as it grows. If your roots are not in the area soaking up water, your left with consistently damp soil which the plants will not like. In addition, don't let them dry out the way you do with mature plants. Keep them damp at minimum until there halfway through their second leaf set.