Help Quick

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Looks like you still have a while before finish! If you can put it in a big enough pot so you keep lots of roots you will be OK. Use a trash can or something deep like that. And keep as much soil as possible. Be sure to use a shock treatment because its going to droop and not be happy!


Active Member
Well This all started when I was planting the vegies for the garden in the spring.
There was an ertra pot so I put a seed in it. It got bigger and bigger. The cable guy came,he made a comment to the neighbor. Then the guys from the power company came to trim all the trees in the neighborhood and I know they saw because they drooped branches all over the yard but left a nice space of about 8 feet around the plant. The neighbor on the other side made a comment but it was nice. Pickle, I am in a pickle, and this plant is big and lots of buds (big buds) This started out as a small idea and know I am in love and have a new hobby which will be in door next time ?? Damm newbies


Active Member
Well This all started when I was planting the vegies for the garden in the spring.
There was an ertra pot so I put a seed in it. It got bigger and bigger. The cable guy came,he made a comment to the neighbor. Then the guys from the power company came to trim all the trees in the neighborhood and I know they saw because they drooped branches all over the yard but left a nice space of about 8 feet around the plant. The neighbor on the other side made a comment but it was nice. Pickle, I am in a pickle, and this plant is big and lots of buds (big buds) This started out as a small idea and know I am in love and have a new hobby which will be in door next time ?? Damm newbies
Oh man that sucks so bad. Everyone's eyein' up your ladies, tryin' to hop into bed with them before you even get a chance. Erm...

A transplant might slow growth down or worse. And you'd need the lights, soil, nutes, all that jazz. It doesn't sound like your inside situation is any better? Only other thing I can think of is to move it to another outside location, but that could also be bad for its growth. That's a ball-buster :/


Well-Known Member
Chances are if someone was to snitch that the cops will be showing up soon... I would try and get it out of there altogether , Maybe a friends house or granny's place .. good luck


Well-Known Member
Well This all started when I was planting the vegies for the garden in the spring.
There was an ertra pot so I put a seed in it. It got bigger and bigger. The cable guy came,he made a comment to the neighbor. Then the guys from the power company came to trim all the trees in the neighborhood and I know they saw because they drooped branches all over the yard but left a nice space of about 8 feet around the plant. The neighbor on the other side made a comment but it was nice. Pickle, I am in a pickle, and this plant is big and lots of buds (big buds) This started out as a small idea and know I am in love and have a new hobby which will be in door next time ?? Damm newbies
Shit 1 lol(sorry);-).

The best advice u should be given is chop it down dry it smoke it and chalk this 1 up to the revolution!:!:! I dont suggest taking this baby inside unless u want the same problems that u have now(neighbours knowing)..if ur neighbour notices a big hole in the ground where u have dug this baby up,then he/she's gonna know that u have just MOVED it. I would let them see me cut it down and play the game.;-)..then after a while(after everything has blown over) i would start up again(INSIDE)

Just my 2 cents;-)...peace:leaf::-P

oh good luck with what u choose to do:?:(lol)


Active Member
Thank you!!!
All these posts have been helpful :bigjoint:I went out side this morning and this plant is soooo big there is no way I can bring it in unless I lay it on its side. I hate to cut it down :wall: This is tearable its like a friend coming over with a big bag of cronic and smoking in front of not with me!!!! It going to fucking kill me to pull this plant. I have a more recent pic the last one was 7 days old. I think it will be ready in 20 days any opinions?????



Well-Known Member
any full pics of the plant?
how tall is it?

i breed dogs and was selling one the other day, and the man who i took in my back garden ,to show him the dog, started to sniff
and said

that smells nice
it was in the greenhouse , what is green plastic and not clear glass." and you cannot see inside.
i took him inside my house and he asked what type it was it?,, said i dont know
just bag seed and i only have a small plant, but it stinks.
i got one of my smaller plants/clones and showed it to him, it was only 1 foot tall.
my proper plants are 4to5 foot square.
but the man thinks it was just one small plant.

anyway hope he dont grass me up.
i am going to take the risk as ive never had 2 lb of free weed before."hopefully"
finger crossed.

you could dig up your plant and put it in a pot and maybe move it into a friends garden or the woods or somthing.

how long was it when your plant got seen?.
i think the police would be round with in a week or sooner.

how big is your cannabis tree lol
your plant looks like it could do with 2 more weeks of feeding/flowering then 1 or 2 weeks flushing.
what have you been feeding?.

it would be a shame to chop early or even to move it.
maybe next year you could use big pots, so you can move it quicker,if you need to.

mate i feel your pain.
but im going to take the risk
what about you?
where you from?
how many weeks have you been flowering?.

good luck


Well-Known Member
Thank you!!!
All these posts have been helpful :bigjoint:I went out side this morning and this plant is soooo big there is no way I can bring it in unless I lay it on its side. I hate to cut it down :wall: This is tearable its like a friend coming over with a big bag of cronic and smoking in front of not with me!!!! It going to fucking kill me to pull this plant. I have a more recent pic the last one was 7 days old. I think it will be ready in 20 days any opinions?????


Well it seems that u have already made ur mind up about wether ur gonna chop it or not,coz u r counting the days.(lol)
just be carefull no matter what u choose to do. If the risk is worth it(as u seem to think-coz its still there;-))then let her flower away,just keep ur neighbour sweet.

looks a bit more than 20 days to go b4 the chop,if u dont mind me saying:leaf:


Well-Known Member
it soo would be a shame if i had to chop mine, it would make me cry.

i have 2 orange bud/venus crosses
and 1 ice all 4 to 5 foot square.

i feel your pain, i have never been seen growing for 1 half years, and its awful when some one has you futer in there hands.

maybe you could move your plant, to another part of your garden and tell your neibour it has been stolen or died?.
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Well-Known Member
This thing is 8 1/2 feet tall. In the pictures is my dog and he is a Mastiff Great dane mix so he is big... compare to plant :bigjoint:
u aint digging that up without anybody noticing...;-)lol
thats 1 big plant u have there(congrats)bloody nosey neighbours,they will be the death of us. may as well just let her grow to her full potential and glory now,everybody knows so just make sure that they think it is going to be ur only ever grow(purely unintentional by the way;-))

and be more cautius next time:leaf::-P peace and good luck


Active Member
She is 8 1/2 feet tall here is a pic my dog is Great dane Mastiff mix so he is big. Compare to plant:leaf: