republicans nominate a holocaust denying neo-nazi for IL-3 house seat

C'mon guys, it's clear he was just joking. He is the second least racist person you know. Trust him. He will be the greatest gop racist nazi in illinois history.

And he will be a tribute to his party.

Anf fox will love him, and therefore, so will 40% of the country.

btw, did you hear what Fox News’ Executive Vice President John Moody said today about the makeup of the us olympic team going to soul?

"In an op-ed on Fox News, he writes that having fewer white people on the team means that the United States won’t get as many medals."

""Unless it’s changed overnight, the motto of the Olympics, since 1894, has been “Faster, Higher, Stronger.” It appears the U.S. Olympic Committee would like to change that to “Darker, Gayer, Different.” If your goal is to win medals, that won’t work.""​
Might as well ask the same question about gays, woman, hispanics, jews, or anyone not fitting into the arian christian mold.

even back in the 1600's when they settled here, anyone construed as differing idea was called a's been the christian way or no way..perfect CEO, the WASP..then what did they do to the natives of this land?

the rest history..and we have archie bunker for president.