Israel starts deporting African migrants

Interior Minister Aryeh Deri said Israel's first obligation was to its own citizens, rather than the migrants.

"They are not numbers, they are people, they are human and I am full of compassion and mercy," Deri told Army Radio. "But the small state of Israel cannot contain such a vast number of illegal infiltrators."

Nothing conveys the essence of compassion and mercy more than referring to migrants as "illegal infiltrators".
I literally choked when i read that.... omfg.
Can you make ANY citation apart from uncited claims?

Any sort of Hamas literature that supports your assertion?

Cos at the minute there is no primary source to support your claims whatsoever.

Its really hard for you when someone refuses to be shouted down and actually asks you to support the things you're saying, isn't it?




In the very beginning of the charter, in, the section called "the platform"

Israel will rise and will remain erect until Islam eliminates it as it had eliminated its predecessors.

in another section they say that periodically there are peace initiatives that are worthless and to be ignored.

Regarding the continuance of the protocols of Zion:

Article Twenty-Two

The enemies have been scheming for a long time, and they have consolidated their schemes, in order to achieve what they have achieved. They took advantage of key elements in unfolding events, and accumulated a huge and influential material wealth which they put to the service of implementing their dream. This wealth [permitted them to] take over control of the world media such as news agencies, the press, publication houses, broadcasting and the like. [They also used this] wealth to stir revolutions in various parts of the globe in order to fulfill their interests and pick the fruits. They stood behind the French and the Communist Revolutions and behind most of the revolutions we hear about here and there. They also used the money to establish clandestine organizations which are spreading around the world, in order to destroy societies and carry out Zionist interests. Such organizations are: the Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, B'nai B'rith and the like. All of them are destructive spying organizations. They also used the money to take over control of the Imperialist states and made them colonize many countries in order to exploit the wealth of those countries and spread their corruption therein.

As regards local and world wars, it has come to pass and no one objects, that they stood behind World War I, so as to wipe out the Islamic Caliphate. They collected material gains and took control of many sources of wealth. They obtained the Balfour Declaration and established the League of Nations in order to rule the world by means of that organization. They also stood behind World War II, where they collected immense benefits from trading with war materials and prepared for the establishment of their state. They inspired the establishment of the United Nations and the Security Council to replace the League of Nations, in order to rule the world by their intermediary. There was no war that broke out anywhere without their fingerprints on it:

I'm not defending Israel's actions. Hamas, on the other hand, unless they alter their platform, doesn't appear to be willing to negotiate.If you go through it, their charter is radical, hard line and makes anybody -- including or especially Arabs and who they call Islamist who don't support their struggle against Israel to "fly the banner of Islam over all" of Palestine -- their enemies. In their charter, they reject peace with Israel.

I don't know what point you are trying to make but if you claim that Hamas can be a partner in peace with Israel under current conditions I think you should reconsider.

You said you couldn't go forward without a citation. I provided it.

We agree on many things. Not all.
You white knight for him like nothing I've ever seen before dude.

You couldn't help but dive in and try and save him.

Lapdog would be a more appropriate moniker.

As I'd already stated people under extreme sanctions and occupation elected extremists...George Washington was an extremist to the British.

But as has also been said, to say the whole Palestinian people are terrorists because of their Govt implies we're all Trumptards.
You white knight for him like nothing I've ever seen before dude.

You couldn't help but dive in and try and save him.

Lapdog would be a more appropriate moniker.
It probably will fall on deaf ears but I'll say you mistake me. Your bleat for a citation triggered my curiosity and I dug around and found the Hamas doctrine. Sure enough, it confirmed buck. It was your open and unanswered question that got me to dig for information. That's my nature. If I had found otherwise, I would have gladly shown buck to be wrong. That's my nature too.
It probably will fall on deaf ears but I'll say you mistake me. Your bleat for a citation triggered my curiosity and I dug around and found the Hamas doctrine. Sure enough, it confirmed buck. It was your open and unanswered question that got me to dig for information. That's my nature. If I had found otherwise, I would have gladly shown buck to be wrong. That's my nature too.
Read the edit, I already conceded the point about Hamas...they hate their enemy, the enemy that shells hospitals and uses white phosphorous rounds on civilians.
Read the edit, I already conceded the point about Hamas...they hate their enemy, the enemy that shells hospitals and uses white phosphorous rounds on civilians.
Ok, I get it. You got there ahead of me and my post was redundant. I didn't know it at the time I posted it. Still, your question brought me to useful information. Your earlier doubt about Hamas and their intentions comes up often enough. tty was obsessed to the point of liking marwan's posts. I also saw a lot of what marwan wrote in the Hamas manifesto. Knowing what Hamas says -- and no doubt about it, they are in fact promoting a centuries old myth of jewish conspiracy theories -- is useful. To me, if not you.
Ok, I get it. You got there ahead of me and my post was redundant. I didn't know it at the time I posted it. Still, your question brought me to useful information. Your earlier doubt about Hamas and their intentions comes up often enough. tty was obsessed to the point of liking marwan's posts. I also saw a lot of what marwan wrote in the Hamas manifesto. Knowing what Hamas says -- and no doubt about it, they are in fact promoting a centuries old myth of jewish conspiracy theories -- is useful. To me, if not you.
I had no doubt about their "intentions", the claim was that they follow the Protocols of the Elders of Zion... so naturally the implication being made was that the Palestinian people as a whole are both represented by them and follow their Nazi based antisemitic teachings.

It seems they took inspiration from it so I conceded that point but I don't agree it was the primary reason they were elected.

They were elected because the Israeli Govt forces the Palestinians to extremism.