The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

i doubt that shit. bunch of gun slinging, bible toting, homophobic retards once you leave Dallas, El Paso, San Antonio, Houston and Austin.

Texas has the largest rural population of any state. it is getting closer however
LOL, you're right.. its getting more and more progresive, though.. in some ways, more than others.. TX aint perfect, but i love the state and the land and most of the people. i love the cultural.. One of the things that i'm upset about the most, is the CBD thing..
abbot ok'ed it, bc the optics look good. there was no noble or morally just reason behind it.. he set up the whole program to fail, before it even got off the ground. Said he'd allow open reg for vendors. only allow 3 contracts and the cocksucker gave them away to out-of-state businesses.. I mean, aint we an agro state? talk about reviltizing places like the Valley! Ganja money could save small town usa, ya know?
But the real kick to the nuts, is the limititations. its not real cbd, not at all.. he's only allow that fake shit made from Linnaeus. We all know that only cannabiniods derived from plants that were original bred down from the THC-side of the family are the legit stuff.. and that anything with Linnaeus in it is snake oil... So, Abbot leaglizes this fake CBD, to pacify the ignorant norml people, and the fake cbd wont work, and then abbot will call the program a failure, and use it as political fire to keep weed outlawed.
This dumbass cbd venture will set TX back, at least by 5 yrs. i bet u OK will legalize before tx does!

I left b/c i was sick of his shit. In a perfect world, TX will legalize and then go back home..
TX is complicated. It has a large eligible hispanic voting block, but they haven't been showing up at the poll's. They also have large minority communities in the urban centers, and austin has a large pool of libertarian/progressives.

If they ever get to the point where entropy moves all of those groups in the same direction at the same time, it would get very exciting.

But entropy being what it is, everyone moves in random directions and no momentum is gained.

Maybe this is the year. Who knows. The one thing the resistance has on it's side is motivation. People want to vote, and vote now, damit.

In six months, well, we will see.

believe this... a shitload of hispanics in texas vote republican, but they are on a sharp learning curve and they are not stupid people.
LOL, you're right.. its getting more and more progresive, though.. in some ways, more than others.. TX aint perfect, but i love the state and the land and most of the people. i love the cultural.. One of the things that i'm upset about the most, is the CBD thing..
abbot ok'ed it, bc the optics look good. there was no noble or morally just reason behind it.. he set up the whole program to fail, before it even got off the ground. Said he'd allow open reg for vendors. only allow 3 contracts and the cocksucker gave them away to out-of-state businesses.. I mean, aint we an agro state? talk about reviltizing places like the Valley! Ganja money could save small town usa, ya know?
But the real kick to the nuts, is the limititations. its not real cbd, not at all.. he's only allow that fake shit made from Linnaeus. We all know that only cannabiniods derived from plants that were original bred down from the THC-side of the family are the legit stuff.. and that anything with Linnaeus in it is snake oil... So, Abbot leaglizes this fake CBD, to pacify the ignorant norml people, and the fake cbd wont work, and then abbot will call the program a failure, and use it as political fire to keep weed outlawed.
This dumbass cbd venture will set TX back, at least by 5 yrs. i bet u OK will legalize before tx does!

I left b/c i was sick of his shit. In a perfect world, TX will legalize and then go back home..

it OK legalizes before Texas, i will be making trips out of state and the backroads back in, lol...

Texas DPS will have their fucking hands full. fucking retards !!!!!
Trump will legalise pot to piss Jeff Sessions off and get him to resign, create a big distraction and he can also fire Mueller. Now all ya gotta do is get the idea to Fox and Friends, explain it's advantages to him and yer as good as done. Considering everything else the GOP is going along with, pot should be a breeze.:lol:
Nothing to see here citizens: move along, move along.

Charlie Cook After Dem Win In Donald Trump Country: There Is A Wave
Democrats just flipped the 35th State Assembly seat from Red to Blue since Trump was elected president, and Charlie Cook says it's clear there's a blue wave. Will it last? He joins Lawrence O'Donnell to explain the signs he sees ahead of the 2018 midterm elections.
Even George W. Bush Sees Evidence Of Russia Meddling
We've entered an alternative universe where Former President George W. Bush is right about things.

Late night comedians do a pretty good job of summing up the news these days, seems the mainstream media is learning to laugh at the clown too.
Smoke mirrors and bullshit
All that comes out of the WH is smoke mirrors and bullshit, distractions. None of it matters, in fact it's good, it doesn't distract Mueller or the investigators, it does keep the press busy and because of it, Trump too. The latest examples of spousal abuse are a good example, Trump didn't create it (his own example aside), but has been consumed by it, its stripping away his help and might get Kelly fired too. There are lots of people in the WH that still don't have a security clearance, Porter didn't and apparently he's far from alone, this latest scandal highlights severe security issues. Trump is still moving to fire Rosenstein and this is gonna be his main defense, he just needs a better excuse, since the "Nunes memo" blew up in their faces.

At what point does supporting a traitor cross the line into becoming one? When do you have to make people responsible for shutting down reality and being willfully ignorant? Do you need to wait until ya gotta put em on the end of a rope or in front of a wall? What are your responsibilities as a citizen, you know all about your rights? Right now the ratio is about two to one strongly against Trump as opposed to those who support him. It looks like the republicans are gonna get destroyed in the midterm elections unless they break with Trump and if that happens more than Donald Trump and family are gonna go to jail. The GOP is not just courting political disaster, but many in it are playing with the fire of treason, conspiracy and obstruction of justice. This will be the results of investigations and commissions over the next several years, no prosecutions will be politically motivated, no need, there's plenty of guilt to go around.

This is gonna come to a head in the next month or so, and if Trump is not impeached then, he will be after the house and senate change hands. I think the senate might even come into play, those GOP senators who are up for reelection this fall might be a bit concerned at what might come out between now and then. I don't think yer state can be red enough to withstand the assault of "Trump, destroyer of the GOP"! The redder the state the deeper the senator will climb into bed with Donald, the bigger the impact of bombshell news coming out of leaks trials and investigations. Trump did manage to turn an Alabama senate seat democratic, a miracle on par with Christ turning water into wine! I'm sure the future church of Trump will cite this miracle of divine incompetence as some kind of perverted proof, irony would be completely lost on such people. Ok, he had help from Roy Moore with the election, but still...

Trump seems to have gathered every con man, loonie and slimeball to his banner and his supporters seem unable to discern this, or perhaps just don't care. Ya got yer faith based movements and with Trump ya got yer hate and fear based movements, by now many of the misguided have fallen away, leaving only a hard hearted core blinded by hate and made stupid by ignorance and fear. "Cut your nose off to spite your face", is a fact of life and scared stupid is a truism. Idiocy has a long history, this is just the latest chapter.
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Smoke mirrors and bullshit
All that comes out of the WH is smoke mirrors and bullshit, distractions. None of it matters, in fact it's good, it doesn't distract Mueller or the investigators, it does keep the press busy and because of it, Trump too. The latest examples of spousal abuse are a good example, Trump didn't create it (his own example aside), but has been consumed by it, its stripping away his help and might get Kelly fired too. There are lots of people in the WH that still don't have a security clearance, Porter didn't and apparently he's far from alone, this latest scandal highlights severe security issues. Trump is still moving to fire Rosenstein and this is gonna be his main defense, he just needs a better excuse, since the "Nunes memo" blew up in their faces.

A what point does supporting a traitor cross the line into becoming one? When do you have to make people responsible for shutting down reality and being willfully ignorant? Do you need to wait until ya gotta put em on the end of a rope or in front of a wall? What are your responsibilities as a citizen, you know all about your rights? Right now the ratio is about two to one strongly against Trump as opposed to those who support him. It looks like the republicans are gonna get destroyed in the midterm elections unless they break with Trump and if that happens more than Donald Trump and family are gonna go to jail. The GOP is not just courting political disaster, but many in it are playing with the fire of treason, conspiracy and obstruction of justice. This will be the results of investigations and commissions over the next several years, no prosecutions will be politically motivated, no need, there's plenty of guilt to go around.

This is gonna come to a head in the next month or so, and if Trump is not impeached then, he will be after the house and senate change hands. I think the senate might even come into play, those GOP senators who are up for reelection this fall might be a bit concerned at what might come out between now and then. I don't think yer state can be red enough to withstand the assault of "Trump, destroyer of the GOP"! The redder the state the deeper the senator will climb into bed with Donald, the bigger the impact of bombshell news coming out of leaks trials and investigations. Trump did manage to turn an Alabama senate seat democratic, a miracle on par with Christ turning water into wine! I'm sure the future church of Trump will cite this miracle of divine incompetence as some kind of perverted proof, irony would be completely lost on such people. Ok, he had help from Roy Moore with the election, but still...

Trump seems to have gathered every con man, loonie and slimeball to his banner and his supports seem unable to discern this, or perhaps just don't care. Ya go yer faith based movements and with Trump ya got yer hate and fear based movements, by now many of the misguided have fallen away, leaving only a hard hearted core blinded by hate and made stupid by ignorance and fear. "Cut your nose off to spite your face", is a fact of life and scared stupid is a truism. Idiocy has a long history, this is just the latest chapter.

I've held security clearances in the past, but nothing is current. The process can be gruelling. Depending on your clearance level, they want information on every place you have ever lived, every person you have ever worked for, every foreign trip you have ever taken, and for the highest levels, lie detector tests with deep lifestyle analysis.

It has taken as long as 18 months for my applications to clear. Sometimes it's mundane, "we need an explanation of xyz" that you were invlved with 10 years ago. In some cases they just dig deeply into a particular avenue at a very slow pace; an example would be you have close ties to family members living abroad.

Until you complete the process, but after a lot of prelim work is done, you have "interim" status; which is pretty much full clearance pending the completion of the final investigations. This whole process got a lot slower after that asshat snowden decided to crap on his oath to the constitution and take state secrets first to china, and then to russia. But that digresses...

Anyway, the way it's supposed to work is that as soon as the FBI decides it has a disqualifying fact, you are supposed to have that interim clearance yanked.

There are lots of immediate disqualifiers; money trouble, having a DUI, having been charged with a violent crime, most drug offenses, etc.

So while there are questions, the fact that a lot of indiividuals haven't been fully vetted isn't unusual. The fact that the FBI found disqualifying facts, and the people retained their interim clearance, is and should be the issue.

Omarossa is hardly a fountains of truth, but she did dish out there are a lot of WH staffers who have DUI's and violent crimes in their records. Why are they still working there?

To even set an un-escorted foot in the wh, and especially the west wing, you must have a high level security clearance. They won't even let you go to the restroom without an escort.

So why do all these people seem to have DQ facts on their records and are still getting ts/sci (and higher) level access?
I've held security clearances in the past, but nothing is current. The process can be gruelling. Depending on your clearance level, they want information on every place you have ever lived, every person you have ever worked for, every foreign trip you have ever taken, and for the highest levels, lie detector tests with deep lifestyle analysis.

It has taken as long as 18 months for my applications to clear. Sometimes it's mundane, "we need an explanation of xyz" that you were invlved with 10 years ago. In some cases they just dig deeply into a particular avenue at a very slow pace; an example would be you have close ties to family members living abroad.

Until you complete the process, but after a lot of prelim work is done, you have "interim" status; which is pretty much full clearance pending the completion of the final investigations. This whole process got a lot slower after that asshat snowden decided to crap on his oath to the constitution and take state secrets first to china, and then to russia. But that digresses...

Anyway, the way it's supposed to work is that as soon as the FBI decides it has a disqualifying fact, you are supposed to have that interim clearance yanked.

There are lots of immediate disqualifiers; money trouble, having a DUI, having been charged with a violent crime, most drug offenses, etc.

So while there are questions, the fact that a lot of indiividuals haven't been fully vetted isn't unusual. The fact that the FBI found disqualifying facts, and the people retained their interim clearance, is and should be the issue.

Omarossa is hardly a fountains of truth, but she did dish out there are a lot of WH staffers who have DUI's and violent crimes in their records. Why are they still working there?

To even set an un-escorted foot in the wh, and especially the west wing, you must have a high level security clearance. They won't even let you go to the restroom without an escort.

So why do all these people seem to have DQ facts on their records and are still getting ts/sci (and higher) level access?
Because Trump said ethics was bullshit and swept it away with the wave of his hand, he thought he was elected king, not president. Besides, why waste time with security clearances when the guy at the top is a traitor and would give anything to Putin he wants. I would expect Putin to flash the American president's "biscuit" at a news conference to show that Trump had given it to him when told to. The fish rots from the top and this latest security fiasco is just another example of it. The worst possible person became the US president and he has almost total power over the GOP base and through them congress. Most citizens fear even this incompetent fool could destroy your country with the help of the GOP and every hate filled fool in it.
When the depth of the Trump administration's betrayal and incompetence becomes known, the reaction will be like that to 911. Trump supporters are already split off from reality, but the reality they are filtering is a major national security concern. Will these people, many of whom are indirectly under the control of Moscow, accept a verdict by the senate or even a jury? How much more evidence of treasonous conspiracy has to be accumulated? Mueller knows and so does Rosenstein, they could put these guys away for a million years blindfolded, if it were up to the law and courts. This is as serious business as there is, the russians have thousands of nuclear warheads pointed at the US right now and they are probably the only country that does so. They have compromised the president in a politically broken and corrupt government. The GOP congress has utterly failed in its constitutional functions and appears to be almost as compromised as the administration. Looking at this situation with what is already known, it's obvious that Trump is owned by Putin, the GOP knows this and doesn't care. What Trump and the leadership of the GOP have done here is worthy of the label high treason, high crimes for sure, misdemeanors doesn't even come close.

When the house changes hands I hope they have Rupert Murdoch and some FOX executives in for a little talk. All broadcast media needs an overhauling, including AM radio, anything that is spoon feed to low IQ voters needs to be regulated. Don't just restore net neutrality, but get to a big part of the problem that feeds the world of alternative reality that echoes Moscow's line. You need hate laws that apply to broadcasters, including Youtube ranters and even people like me! Seriously, just applying reasonable laws in the area of broadcast media will do a lot, your free to get on a soapbox or print what you will, but public broadcast and news is different. You have free speech, but can't shout fire in a crowded theater, same idea, it works in lot's of other free countries too. It looks like Facebook and Google might have seen the light here too and I would expect they are taking measures to counter this kind of thing as well. One thing is for sure, Trump and the GOP have done nothing to protect the 2018 election from interference by russia. The attacks are ongoing, #release the memo bot messages and memes on social media and they are coordinated with the GOP.

This is turning into a life or death struggle of the most serious kind, countless lives have been taken and given for far less than these clowns do in a day. The sacrifice of millions of patriots will be all swept away in a self serving act of betrayal that will have few equals in history.

I hope they bust the cocksucker soon, cause the longer this goes on, the harder folks are gonna look at the GOP. Everyday Trump is in office is a risk to national security and is a real and present danger the country and constitution. I figure those who still support this clown should trade in the MAGA cap for a dunce hat
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When the depth of the Trump administration's betrayal and incompetence becomes known, the reaction will be like that to 911. Trump supporters are already split off from reality, but the reality they are filtering is a major national security concern. Will these people, many of whom are indirectly under the control of Moscow, accept a verdict by the senate or even a jury? How much more evidence of treasonous conspiracy has to be accumulated? Mueller knows and so does Rosenstein, they could put these guys away for a million years blindfolded, if it were up to the law and courts. This is as serious business as there is, the russians have thousands of nuclear warheads pointed at the US right now and they are probably the only country that does so. They have compromised the president in a politically broken and corrupt government. The GOP congress has utterly failed in its constitutional functions and appears to be almost as compromised as the administration. Looking at this situation with what is already known, it's obvious that Trump is owned by Putin, the GOP knows this and doesn't care. What Trump and the leadership of the GOP have done here is worthy of the label high treason, high crimes for sure, misdemeanors doesn't even come close.

When the house changes hands I hope they have Rupert Murdoch and some FOX executives in for a little talk. All broadcast media needs an overhauling, including AM radio, anything that is spoon feed to low IQ voters needs to be regulated. Don't just restore net neutrality, but get to a big part of the problem that feeds the world of alternative reality that echoes Moscow's line. You need hate laws that apply to broadcasters, including Youtube ranters and even people like me! Seriously, just applying reasonable laws in the area of broadcast media will do a lot, your free to get on a soapbox or print what you will, but public broadcast and news is different. You have free speech, but can't shout fire in a crowded theater, same idea, it works in lot's of other free countries too. It looks like Facebook and Google might have seen the light here too and I would expect they are taking measures to counter this kind of thing as well. One thing is for sure, Trump[ and the GOP have done nothing to protect the 2018 election from interference by russia. The attacks are ongoing, #release the memo bot messages and memes on social media and they are coordinated with the GOP.

This is turning into a life or death struggle of the most serious kind, countless lives have been taken and given for far less than these clowns do in a day. The sacrifice of millions of patriots will be all swept away in a self serving act of betrayal that will have few equals in history.

I hope they bust the cocksucker soon, cause the longer this goes on, the harder folks are gonna look at the GOP. Everyday Trump is in office is a risk to national security and is a real and present danger the country and constitution. I figure those who still support this clown should trade in the MAGA cap for a dunce hat

these fuckers are dangerous and anti-democratic. i hope they do get regulated so that the mentally handicapped (repubs) can get back the REAL facts.
I've held security clearances in the past, but nothing is current. The process can be gruelling. Depending on your clearance level, they want information on every place you have ever lived, every person you have ever worked for, every foreign trip you have ever taken, and for the highest levels, lie detector tests with deep lifestyle analysis.

It has taken as long as 18 months for my applications to clear. Sometimes it's mundane, "we need an explanation of xyz" that you were invlved with 10 years ago. In some cases they just dig deeply into a particular avenue at a very slow pace; an example would be you have close ties to family members living abroad.

Until you complete the process, but after a lot of prelim work is done, you have "interim" status; which is pretty much full clearance pending the completion of the final investigations. This whole process got a lot slower after that asshat snowden decided to crap on his oath to the constitution and take state secrets first to china, and then to russia. But that digresses...

Anyway, the way it's supposed to work is that as soon as the FBI decides it has a disqualifying fact, you are supposed to have that interim clearance yanked.

There are lots of immediate disqualifiers; money trouble, having a DUI, having been charged with a violent crime, most drug offenses, etc.

So while there are questions, the fact that a lot of indiividuals haven't been fully vetted isn't unusual. The fact that the FBI found disqualifying facts, and the people retained their interim clearance, is and should be the issue.

Omarossa is hardly a fountains of truth, but she did dish out there are a lot of WH staffers who have DUI's and violent crimes in their records. Why are they still working there?

To even set an un-escorted foot in the wh, and especially the west wing, you must have a high level security clearance. They won't even let you go to the restroom without an escort.

So why do all these people seem to have DQ facts on their records and are still getting ts/sci (and higher) level access?
Here's an answer