You mean the same guy tasked with helping re integrate ISIS fighters into Canadian society with workshops and poems made ANOTHER poor judgment? SAY IT AINT SO lolwho has Pot killed?
this idiot SHOULD BE FIRED
Theres about 6 letters missing. Keeps expanding weekly. That's what identity politics does, fractionate people into groups, instead of addressing the individual...2sp?
Theres about 6 letters missing. Keeps expanding weekly. That's what identity politics does, fractionate people into groups, instead of addressing the individual
next flamboyant gay I see I’m looking for naners lolm/f or hermi...thats all there really is..
I was thinking along the same lines. The cannabis culture is as important to me as getting your dick chopped of is for a trans. I'm not asking society to pay for my lifestyle like we do for the gender-confused, I just need to be treated with respect.Much like the LGBTQ2SP communities, I too consider that I was not my true self until I experienced Cannabis, some 30 years ago. I throw off all of these societal strictures about my age and all of that, I am actually only 30 years old, because that is when I first imbibed Cannabis, and it made me a new creation. So I am not my government age, I am my WEED age, and I deserve to be accepted, reefered to, and included in my age appropriate group. Also society needs to be inclusive of my Cannahumanism, since I need to be able to be served only Cannosher foods.