Bluelab ph pen dries out...

You just sound LAZY... Going thru life half ass is a shame.
To be honest I couldn’t give a shit what you think nor do I care to take advice about being lazy from someone who can’t be bothered to spell correctly or maybe your just not capable of spelling correctly. It’s THROUGH not THRU incase you didn’t know. it’s a forum I don’t even know you thanks for the concern though I appreciate it.
To be honest I couldn’t give a shit what you think nor do I care to take advice about being lazy from someone who can’t be bothered to spell correctly or maybe your just not capable of spelling correctly. It’s THROUGH not THRU incase you didn’t know. it’s a forum I don’t even know you thanks for the concern though I appreciate it.
"blue lad meter sucks" Proper noun spelled incorrectly and should be capitalized.
"maybe your just not capable of spelling correctly" Should be you're not your.. Go back to school or read a book.
To be honest I couldn’t give a shit what you think nor do I care to take advice about being lazy from someone who can’t be bothered to spell correctly or maybe your just not capable of spelling correctly. It’s THROUGH not THRU incase you didn’t know. it’s a forum I don’t even know you thanks for the concern though I appreciate it.

preposition, adverb, & adjective
  1. informal spelling of through.
If you referring to my post. Just saying you can save time having to maintain an experience and sensitive peice of equipment that is fucked as soon as you make a little mistake with like forgetting to put it in the storage solution. Which is a pretty easy mistake to make btw when your in a rush when you can get pens for half the price which are just as accurate and are not going to break or be 1.2 out after you forget to put it in the storage solution. I’m not slamming the company atall have I said anything about bluelab? No I referred to one of there products! I have one of their EC meters which is great and has been going strong for theirs but from my experience with their PH pen it’s an expensive waste of money.
Letting a ph probe dry out is NOT a little mistake. They tell you specifically in the pamphlet the exact opposite and what not to do than what you or your lazy little grow buddy did. And that is let it dry out!!! Its a 50/50 crapshoot whether it rehydrates and works again. Some get lucky..most dont. No matter the matter the quality. And the cheap ones (those yellow crap ones)...they have a goofy screw turn calibration..its only one point and the reads are spotty at best. Thankfully with growing...plants arent so picky with an exact pH all the time..even in precision hydroponics. But my point is...the absolute WORST thing you can do is let them dry or or store them in r.o. (low to zero water). Trip to replacement town now. Hope you and your little grow buddys do well in your endeavors. Carry on!!!
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kids these days? Your the ones acting like kids being a bunch of 12 year old trolls. Social media gives people like you the opportunity to be brave when in actual fact you wouldn’t say anything to someone’s face because your cowards. Your keyboard warriors. I actually feel sorry for you it’s pathetic. Anyway, your boring me. Jog on you weasels.
kids these days? Your the ones acting like kids being a bunch of 12 year old trolls. Social media gives people like you the opportunity to be brave when in actual fact you wouldn’t say anything to someone’s face because your cowards. Your keyboard warriors. I actually feel sorry for you it’s pathetic. Anyway, your boring me. Jog on you weasels.


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