tank tane review

cookie master

Well-Known Member
I bought a tank from bvv and distilled it- it had like tablespoons of yellow oil??? I just distilled some xtane and it has almost none. I was grossed out the first time and figured it was normal for bulk butane to be nasty as heck. Anyways- distill the tane, you never know what you are getting.
I bought a tank from bvv and distilled it- it had like tablespoons of yellow oil??? I just distilled some xtane and it has almost none. I was grossed out the first time and figured it was normal for bulk butane to be nasty as heck. Anyways- distill the tane, you never know what you are getting.
It varies considerably by brand. Check out Skyhighler's Best to Worst Canned Butane List:

We've had our best luck with Praxair 99.5% Instrument Grade, which we pre-distill to better than 99.9% as well.
what a pain in the butt, nothing was flowing properly on m new bi directional unit. Turns out the 2 swagelok valves I got as new old stock are failed on the first try
An fyi, I opened that xtane once. Yesterday I noticed the tank leaking while inside my house? I put it underwater and the top valve on the cheap disposable xtane leaks. Their ig page brags about new tanks and data sheets but they drop shipped me old stock.
Im kinda slow I guess, but i figured out a better way to distill. Take it out of the original tank in vapor form. That way with one distillation you are distilling it twice. Once from the original tank to your base, and then again from the base to the recovery cylinder.
Im kinda slow I guess, but i figured out a better way to distill. Take it out of the original tank in vapor form. That way with one distillation you are distilling it twice. Once from the original tank to your base, and then again from the base to the recovery cylinder.
OK with a throwaway container, but consider that leaves the MO in the original tank, which is then recycled by the supplier if it is a rented tank.
they should be cleaning it but I guess they dont. The tank I bought from bvv, had a dented up handle but fresh paint. It releases black residue which is probably rust. They sourced it from a gas supply house a few miles from there. Check out these propane tanks exploding around 6 minutes.
OK with a throwaway container, but consider that leaves the MO in the original tank, which is then recycled by the supplier if it is a rented tank.
Its unlikely they would reuse it for butane, theyd just use it like the rest of te propane tanks. I dont refill.