
4 weeks back and forth to Vancouver Island is not unusual as a package can spend a week or more in some bin in Chicago. Just the way it is. No one has Peak genetics. Have ordered for many years without incident. Only thing that showed up here with green tape was 1000 streamer hooks from Canada. Never had trouble getting emails answered in a few days. I do use US banks mostly now but I have hundreds of Peak seeds and dirivetives here.
I have no issue with peak seeds, just the post office. I used to order from Heaven's Stairway in Canada and never took longer than 2 weeks. I guess Homeland Security is responsible for that. I have received the green tape and its no fun!
I have no issue with peak seeds, just the post office. I used to order from Heaven's Stairway in Canada and never took longer than 2 weeks. I guess Homeland Security is responsible for that. I have received the green tape and its no fun!
It is simpler inside the US but IBLs and really stable strains can be hard to find. Only place I go outside US is Peak.
When weed is fully legal, seeds will cost no more than a good pack of heirloom tomato seeds.
Hope you’re right but there would be no incentive for anyone to maintain a seed company. I think what Mike charges is what they’re worth. Not sure what’s going to take place here when our great priminister(LOL) legalizes it. 4 plant for personal but he was all about a mandatory min of 2 years in the clink for 6 plants or more.
Hope you’re right but there would be no incentive for anyone to maintain a seed company. I think what Mike charges is what they’re worth. Not sure what’s going to take place here when our great priminister(LOL) legalizes it. 4 plant for personal but he was all about a mandatory min of 2 years in the clink for 6 plants or more.
The volume of sales would incentive, companies sell packs of seeds for 99 cents and make a profit, why couldn't they sell a pack of mj seeds for 10 bucks?
Having run lots of mikes gear it is absolutely fair price wise where it is.
What needs to be addressed is the price on the other end. It should hold no higher street value then any other grown product.
Cheers :)
Having run lots of mikes gear it is absolutely fair price wise where it is.
What needs to be addressed is the price on the other end. It should hold no higher street value then any other grown product.
Cheers :)
His prices are more than fair with the legal climate the way it is, when full legalization occurs seed prices will crash.
His prices are more than fair with the legal climate the way it is, when full legalization occurs seed prices will crash.

They will for the flood of shitty genetics. They shouldn't for the good ones like peaks. Even in full legalization proven and well worked lines like his will and should hold their current value or not far below it.
Cheers :)
Vaping some homemade Northern Skunk right now and thinking Peak goods are way underpriced!! The most solid genes around and very few phenos in most lines. Plants are robust and vigorous. His approach is entirely different than most breeders today and it will always show.
They will for the flood of shitty genetics. They shouldn't for the good ones like peaks. Even in full legalization proven and well worked lines like his will and should hold their current value or not far below it.
Cheers :)
Since Mike is so cheap to start with his prices MAY hold, the other ones will crash and burn. Oh by the way, I got my c99 and Sweet Skunk today, after 25 days. 14 seeds in the SS.
Since Mike is so cheap to start with his prices MAY hold, the other ones will crash and burn. Oh by the way, I got my c99 and Sweet Skunk today, after 25 days. 14 seeds in the SS.
Since Mike is so cheap to start with his prices MAY hold, the other ones will crash and burn. Oh by the way, I got my c99 and Sweet Skunk today, after 25 days. 14 seeds in the SS.
That’s unusually long for a peaks order. Worth the wait forsure
$2 to $5 a bulb for ornamentals is very common and they have been legal forever. Seeds of unknown heritage will be disregarded as they may have degraded or unknown potency and growth habits. Wild pollination may include hemp genetics also. There may be a lot of seeds from unknown sources that will act as a stabilizer of prices for high quality breeders.

I also have not seen beer prices crash with the advent of craft beers. Many times the number of brands than 20 years ago.
$2 to $5 a bulb for ornamentals is very common and they have been legal forever. Seeds of unknown heritage will be disregarded as they may have degraded or unknown potency and growth habits. Wild pollination may include hemp genetics also. There may be a lot of seeds from unknown sources that will act as a stabilizer of prices for high quality breeders.

I also have not seen beer prices crash with the advent of craft beers. Many times the number of brands than 20 years ago.
Bulbs are harder to produce than bulbs,craft beers are small volume, high price product that was never going to affect the mainstream. There will always be a niche market for seeds, but the big boys will dominate the market. They have plant breeders already and will hire mj breeders or use them as consultants. The main thing about breeding is being able to select from many thousands of plants. Something no small breeder can do now.
My first thought is the money creeps will try to own cannabis and exclude current breeders from the market and even patent certain gene modifications and tie breeders up in 5he legal system until 5hey are drained of cash and can no longer fight.
My first thought is the money creeps will try to own cannabis and exclude current breeders from the market and even patent certain gene modifications and tie breeders up in 5he legal system until 5hey are drained of cash and can no longer fight.
yep, and one thing they will do is cut prices at least til they get rid of the small breeders.
Crap, the Cindy seeds are cracked with small pieces of shell missing, wonder if they'll germinate? Guess i'm going to find out.
I have never had an issue ordering from peak, just for whatever reason I can't seem to get any answer to the emails I have sent. First time in 3 years I haven't heard back within a week. To not hear back at all is just strange.
Cheers :)
Not sure if you heard back from him but I know my first email to him about the c99 he never received. I'm fairly certain it was right address because I cut and pasted it but he responded promptly to my second one and said he never got the 1st. I sent M.O. on 1/29 and he sent email that it was shipped on 2/7.

Meanwhile I sent a money order to greenpoint seeds in Colorado on 2/5 and they still ain't sent me an email so apparently they haven't gotten the letter which sucks balls. I live in Oregon so Colorado is not very far and there is no reason the mail shouldn't have made it there other than the post office sucks donkey dick. I just sent another this monday so that's why I'm like fuck. Should have sent it registered, fuck me

Edit: I'm a single dude and it just dawned on me that the reason USPS might be slow is fucking valentines day, lol. That and taxes! Well I guess that's a reason for the delay as opposed to doom and gloom
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