No pot party for Canada’s landlords who want to limit drug’s use

One reason landlords don’t want tenants lighting up is that many rental buildings are fairly old, so “smoke and smells are easily transmitted through hallways between units” and can disturb others who don’t want to partake, said John Dickie, president of the Canadian Federation of Apartment Associations. “It’s going to be quite a problem for people.”
Because we all know that no one is ever bothered by any smell other than cannabis.
“You could potentially cause a fire or short-circuit the whole grid in your building,” he said. “It never happened to me, but I was always afraid that could happen. And that’s the thing, right? How can you determine, as a landlord, who’s going to be a vigilant pot grower?”
The majority of apartment fires are caused by the kitchen stove. How can you determine, as a landlord, who's going to be a vigilant cook?
Because we all know that no one is ever bothered by any smell other than cannabis.

No, no no. No one is going to be bothered UNTIL it is legalized, it seems to be a non issue now based on my experience. I am very sure a landlord with have no success in having the police respond to complaints about the odor of anything.
No, no no. No one is going to be bothered UNTIL it is legalized, it seems to be a non issue now based on my experience. I am very sure a landlord with have no success in having the police respond to complaints about the odor of anything.

One time living in a condo in Toronto, a neighbor called the cops. Cops did show up but said just smoke on the balcony. They must have been pissed to even show up. I'm pretty sure it was the guy next door who thought I was banging his wife (I wasn't).
After it is legalized isn't it a legal smell? Can I call the pigs because of the constant Curry smell? Why should it be different with weed...? It shouldn't...
One time living in a condo in Toronto, a neighbor called the cops. Cops did show up but said just smoke on the balcony. They must have been pissed to even show up. I'm pretty sure it was the guy next door who thought I was banging his wife (I wasn't).
After it is legalized isn't it a legal smell? Can I call the pigs because of the constant Curry smell? Why should it be different with weed...? It shouldn't...
Apparently public humiliation in a hospital is a fitting treatment for us low life cannabis smokers if we smell like weed. (read the 'respect' article at I'm not going to allow anyone to pass judgement on me for a smell ever again. It's all just part of the stigma and I will not tolerate being treated as a second-class citizen because I use cannabis. I can be a nasty MF when I'm pushed, and I've been pushed too far. The next genius that thinks they have the right to determine how I smell is going to end up needing cannabis to treat their ptsd.
Apparently public humiliation in a hospital is a fitting treatment for us low life cannabis smokers if we smell like weed. (read the 'respect' article at I'm not going to allow anyone to pass judgement on me for a smell ever again. It's all just part of the stigma and I will not tolerate being treated as a second-class citizen because I use cannabis. I can be a nasty MF when I'm pushed, and I've been pushed too far. The next genius that thinks they have the right to determine how I smell is going to end up needing cannabis to treat their ptsd.

What an ignorant b*tch. Nice complaint though, well deserved! Too bad you did not get her name.
What an ignorant b*tch. Nice complaint though, well deserved! Too bad you did not get her name.
It took three weeks and several overpaid people to 'apologize' for the treatment and a 'promise' to talk to their staff. Nothing to suggest it won't happen again. They didn't even attempt to identify the nurse. I even had the nursing supervisor at the hospital try to blame me saying they try to keep the hospital fragrance-free. I asked if the flowers in the gift shop were a special fragrance free strain - shut her up!
I tried the civilized complaint route and got nowhere so it's time to change tactics.
Buy a house and stop renting. Landlords hate smokers too.

And move away from TO or VC and maybe you can afford it like the commuters. Then you can bitch at the gov for the GD stupid carbon tax. Which is really kicking the commuter in the balls tax.

I used to have rental properties in Calgary, you smoked in my places your damage deposit was gone and so were you if I caught you. Same with pets. I have easily spent over $100,000 in repairs, cleaning, etc. over the years. Then the Calgary flood fucked me hard and I ended up cutting my losses. I say if you own your property do whatever the hell you want, if not then follow the rules. Legalization seems to make people think they can do whatever they want for some reason, I agree with legalization but it doesn’t give people the right to walk around blowing it in other peoples faces. This is a chance to prove that users are normal members of society, medical or recreationally, not to act like the skeezy stoners everyone pictures when the debate comes up and don’t know any better. Man I wish I still had pics of some of the horrible grow ops I have seen, cigarette burns on almost every square foot of carpeting, holes in walls that I could walk through. Don’t miss that shit lol.
I used to have rental properties in Calgary, you smoked in my places your damage deposit was gone and so were you if I caught you. Same with pets. I have easily spent over $100,000 in repairs, cleaning, etc. over the years. Then the Calgary flood fucked me hard and I ended up cutting my losses. I say if you own your property do whatever the hell you want, if not then follow the rules. Legalization seems to make people think they can do whatever they want for some reason, I agree with legalization but it doesn’t give people the right to walk around blowing it in other peoples faces. This is a chance to prove that users are normal members of society, medical or recreationally, not to act like the skeezy stoners everyone pictures when the debate comes up and don’t know any better. Man I wish I still had pics of some of the horrible grow ops I have seen, cigarette burns on almost every square foot of carpeting, holes in walls that I could walk through. Don’t miss that shit lol.
I can imagine being a small independant landlord must be heartbreaking at times. To see you property destroyed as a small time owner. I sympathize. I also feel for the folks who want to live there and be able to do things they like. It's definitely a 2 way street.
its mostly about renting to people who are responsible ...and getting security and damage deposits...
its about the only way to cover yourself a little....
Back years and years ago ...when we rented....I always smoked cigs and weed in the rentals
and never once did we get a complaint.
Of course we did clean the place...regularly... so that the smoke and other household smells would be minimized
and were responsible enough to fix anything we had wore out or broken...
I used to have rental properties in Calgary, you smoked in my places your damage deposit was gone and so were you if I caught you. Same with pets. I have easily spent over $100,000 in repairs, cleaning, etc. over the years. Then the Calgary flood fucked me hard and I ended up cutting my losses. I say if you own your property do whatever the hell you want, if not then follow the rules. Legalization seems to make people think they can do whatever they want for some reason, I agree with legalization but it doesn’t give people the right to walk around blowing it in other peoples faces. This is a chance to prove that users are normal members of society, medical or recreationally, not to act like the skeezy stoners everyone pictures when the debate comes up and don’t know any better. Man I wish I still had pics of some of the horrible grow ops I have seen, cigarette burns on almost every square foot of carpeting, holes in walls that I could walk through. Don’t miss that shit lol.

I agree with the smoking part (although vaping I don't know how anyone could or would police that), since smoke does damage things and it is your property and your right to have reasonable conditions of rental. I fear though that policing the smell of marijuana in condos and apartments would be a totally futile endeavor, good weed is going to be stinky, even if you never smoke it and just have it sitting in a bowl. For some people even that will be "intolerable" and they will complain to condo board etc. But ......a legal smell is a legal smell...curry smells bad to some people too. I guess you can write whatever conditions you want in your rental but the courts at least here in Ontario will not hold those up on appeal a lot of times.
Most folks do not smoke inside these days like our parents generation did. I smoke cigs and weed but my wife doesn't smoke at all. I started going outside when my first kid was born 28 years ago.
I've been a landlord and a renter and I understand both sides - I just don't think banning the smoking of anything in a rental is an unreasonable request. It may be your home, but it's the landlords property.
I usually hot box myself....
actually had my neighbour(fireman) show up at the window of my car.. while parked in my driveway....age 17....
with a fire extinquisher in hand....and popped open my driver side door....
ready to put out a fire.....There were 4 of us in my ford granada laughing our asses off as we jumped out of the car....
But we did not actually see him as he walked across my lawn toward the due to the fog....inside the car