Well-Known Member
Buck claims Israel is innocent
quote it then.
virtue signalling.
only nazis use that phrase
Buck claims Israel is innocent
virtue signalling.
don't try to act like you care about black people you racist trump-loving shitstain.Looks like war monger,black person hater & bigot Bibi Nutin-yahoo may be going to jail. Apartheid Israel
where Palestinians and blacks are treated like dogs. Does Israel have Jim Crow laws?
Violence and racism against Africans in Tel Aviv.
Kicking out all the Africans. Wow. This lady said the Israeli police call the Africans monkeys and monkey shits! She says this towards the end of the video.
So you're calling me a Nazi because you don't like what I said?quote it then.
only nazis use that phrase
So you're calling me a Nazi because you don't like what I said?
Thanks for proving my point.
You argue against the Palestinians, and cheer for Israel's right to "defend itself" (kill brown people) and never criticize settlement building or any of the other stupid shit they do.just look up who has used the phrase 'virtue signaling' here and tell me i'm wrong.
also, quote one single example of me calling israel innocent.
you can admit that you lied when you claimed that i said 'israel was innocent".You argue against the Palestinians, and cheer for Israel's right to "defend itself" (kill brown people) and never criticize settlement building or any of the other stupid shit they do.
That's called defending them by default.
wikipedia_idioti have never ridiculed anyone for using wikipedia idiot.
this is borderline holocaust denial, to claim that the holocaust was merely a ploy to give the jews a home state.
i bet you and your klan chapter have worse theories about jews though
nice ellipses, new member!this is terrible trolling. a ploy and seizing a sympathetic moment are not the same.
your statement is therefore borderline racist akin to Mike Brown's death being a ploy to sell hands up don't shoot t shirts....that doesn't work though does it? so why would it work for you?
Buck claims Israel is innocent and defends them, he also keep associating Hamas directly with the oppressed ordinary people of Palestine.
He's fighting hard for those "Jew points" but due to the lack of a Jewish mother it is all for not, its basically just cultural appropriation and virtue signalling.
I don't care who has said it, it's an expression. Want me to call it peacock'ing instead?you can admit that you lied when you claimed that i said 'israel was innocent".
you also lied because i have criticized the settlements too, but no big deal. don't expect you to read every post here.
also, want to do a search to see who has used 'virtue signalling' unironically?
in think I will waste some time typing that was a waste of time. nice one, dog.zerohedge and youtube
waste of time
You support the oppression of the Palestinian people
in think I will waste some time typing that was a waste of time. nice one, dog.
There we go again, you spend all this time talking and then revert back to my very point.i think it would be great if the palestinian people elected a reform government instead of terrorists who spend their food and infrastructure money on terror tunnels.
Ben shapiro has been using that for years. he, unlike yourself is actually orthodox Jewish.just look up who has used the phrase 'virtue signaling' here and tell me i'm wrong.
also, quote one single example of me calling israel innocent.
Ben shapiro has been using that for years. he, unlike yourself is actually orthodox Jewish.
you seem to not want to discuss political issues but rather steer the discussion to posters group identity which you assign them based on your interpretation their view (s).
that's what got trump elected.
that's not a proper quote though, sad troll. I said that unlike yourself, shapiro is an orthodox Jew with Jewish parents. you didnt refute that earlier in the thread so why so butthurt to the point of misquoting?"ben shapiro is jewish unlike you, you only want to talk about group identity"
yeah, not retarded at all, socky McFistuptheass.
and shapiro was a writer for a neo-nazi publication for years, idiot.
again, welcome new member.
ben shapiro was a writer for the self proclaimed "platform of the alt right"thanks for proving my point. you are calling an orthodox Jew, shapiro; a Nazi.
it's beyond sad that you seem serious about this like you're not trolling from how I am reading this thread.