The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

I figure after a lifetime of government service Robert Mueller thinks this is the most important and historic thing he has ever done in his professional life. He is as motivated as it gets, as are his investigators and lawyers, all the stops are gonna be pulled out on this business and politics really doesn't have anything to do with it. Yea the GOP is dicking around in the house and senate and putting on a show for the base, but if Mueller and Rosenstein are touched with the help of the GOP, they will have crossed a Rubicon. I think Trump might try to fire Rosenstein, if he can get his head above water long enough with the current security clearance scandal unraveling around him. If either of these people is fired, there will be trouble in congress, the country and maybe on the streets.

So we got russia, security clearance fiascos, tons of corruption, fuckups, abuse of office, Stormy Daniels, incompetence, dereliction of duty and an endless list of other stupidity and evil. I could run out of electrons and life listing it all in detail. Remember when the Trump fans used to falsely say that Barack Obama was "The worst president ever", without providing any examples, racist assholes. Yep, the worst they could say at one point was that his wife's arms were too toned!

The fact that Don Jr. or Kushner haven't been charged yet is interesting. There is another possibility though, everybody, including his family turns on Trump and nobody will risk a day in jail by lying for Donald.
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when trump is long gone, we need to remember the fucking retards that voted this dick into office.

foxnews, hannity, rush, brietbart, drudge and others must be addressed. broadcasting lies to the retarded is bringing our country closer to violence.
Looks like Rick Gates is cutting a deal with Mueller.

That's 3 plea deals so far of very senior Trump people that are connected to russia. Obstruction of justice appears to be a separate track, all the public action has to do with russia, Flynn, Papadopoulos and now Gates. Paul Manafort knows he'll never see the light of day again unless he's got something extraordinary to offer up, Gates might have beat him to the punch though.

I'll bet this shit bothers Donald a lot more than the Rob Porter fiasco, or even the obstruction of justice charges. The russia business is the one thing that could separate him from much of his base and give the GOP enough cover to impeach him. What these people and others who will be convicted of conspiracy have to say at trial and sentencing should be quite interesting and sensational. Will Mueller try to impeach Trump before or after the trials and sentencing begin?

Bannon is all but flipped. Clovis, mcfarland, and probably sessions have flipped. The only question mark left is will kushner flip? He has the loyalty of a hooker at mardi gras, and both he and ivanka are in the shit.

But none of it matters if rosenstein is purged. Trump can put anyone in that chair that already has been confirmed by the senate. And if he does, he has the power to control who gets indicted, and what goes into a final report and who sees it.

Game over.

Protests? Give me a break. They don't care. They will probably jail the organizers at gitmo. Sign up to protest? You could be targeted. Show up and you could be arrested.

This isn't your daddies vietnam protest. This won't be a revolt without prisoners. While it won't be a tienemen square, it will be ugly and people will get destroyed.
when trump is long gone, we need to remember the fucking retards that voted this dick into office.

foxnews, hannity, rush, brietbart, drudge and others must be addressed. broadcasting lies to the retarded is bringing our country closer to violence.
It's better to grab the bull by the nuts before ya gotta handle him by the horns. Bring back the old equal time doctrine, that'll fix the FCC regulated ones. Tax laws are another way to reign in the worse of them, a rule of thumb is: News serves the user, propaganda serves the creators of it. The internet and especially the reward structure of social media makes traditional disinformation and propaganda an issue. They use existing wedge issues like racism and have help in the country when they echo divisive issues.
Bannon is all but flipped. Clovis, mcfarland, and probably sessions have flipped. The only question mark left is will kushner flip? He has the loyalty of a hooker at mardi gras, and both he and ivanka are in the shit.

But none of it matters if rosenstein is purged. Trump can put anyone in that chair that already has been confirmed by the senate. And if he does, he has the power to control who gets indicted, and what goes into a final report and who sees it.

Game over.

Protests? Give me a break. They don't care. They will probably jail the organizers at gitmo. Sign up to protest? You could be targeted. Show up and you could be arrested.

This isn't your daddies vietnam protest. This won't be a revolt without prisoners. While it won't be a tienemen square, it will be ugly and people will get destroyed.

i hope you aren't correct, because at that point there is only one option left :-(
Bannon is all but flipped. Clovis, mcfarland, and probably sessions have flipped. The only question mark left is will kushner flip? He has the loyalty of a hooker at mardi gras, and both he and ivanka are in the shit.

But none of it matters if rosenstein is purged. Trump can put anyone in that chair that already has been confirmed by the senate. And if he does, he has the power to control who gets indicted, and what goes into a final report and who sees it.

Game over.

Protests? Give me a break. They don't care. They will probably jail the organizers at gitmo. Sign up to protest? You could be targeted. Show up and you could be arrested.

This isn't your daddies vietnam protest. This won't be a revolt without prisoners. While it won't be a tienemen square, it will be ugly and people will get destroyed.

I don't think yer gonna see that kind of scenario, ya he will fire Rosenstein, but I don't figure it will play out like he figures. There will be no mass violence in the streets, protests yes, violence no. I don't think Mueller or Rosenstein are gonna sit by and passively allow this to happen, Mueller probably has a couple of pre signed letters from Rosenstein in his desk or at home. Unless Trump can pull off the firing and have the FBI on the spot to enforce his will etc, they can act before Trump and especially if they catch wind of any such moves and Trump is surrounded by informants. If Mueller figured he was gonna get fired, there are a lot of people who are ready to be indicted before grand juries, not an easy thing to roll back. Whatever can be done is being done, we and Trump only know a fraction of it. Trump is gonna start panicking soon and this is far too big and far too late to sweep anything under the rug, it wouldn't fit, the rug ain't big enough..
I don't think yer gonna see that kind of scenario, ya he will fire Rosenstein, but I don't figure it will play out like he figures. There will be no mass violence in the streets, protests yes, violence no. I don't think Mueller or Rosenstein are gonna sit by and passively allow this to happen, Mueller probably has a couple of pre signed letters from Rosenstein in his desk or at home. Unless Trump can pull off the firing and have the FBI on the spot to enforce his will etc, they can act before Trump and especially if they catch wind of any such moves and Trump is surrounded by informants. If Mueller figured he was gonna get fired, there are a lot of people who are ready to be indicted before grand juries, not an easy thing to roll back. Whatever can be done is being done, we and Trump only know a fraction of it. Trump is gonna start panicking soon and this is far too big and far too late to sweep anything under the rug, it wouldn't fit, the rug ain't big enough..

It can be done very quickly. Are they smart enough? Probably not. But whatever games you can think of being this far removed from the process and the rules, they can think of and try to block. All they need is one fbi insider on their side and they can pretty much decapitate the investigation in one orchestrated motion.

Trump has already called for an american lèse-majesté law. He may just get one if this plays out to a worst case scenario.
It can be done very quickly. Are they smart enough? Probably not. But whatever games you can think of being this far removed from the process and the rules, they can think of and try to block. All they need is one fbi insider on their side and they can pretty much decapitate the investigation in one orchestrated motion.

Trump has already called for an american lèse-majesté law. He may just get one if this plays out to a worst case scenario.
I don't think Trump is a leader, period, nobody would have confidence to follow his self serving lead on a risky ambiguous constitutional crises. Rosenstein can refuse the firing order, appeal it to a judge, make the FBI physically throw him out of office etc. I figure the GOP wants Trump gone and firing Rosenstein or Mueller would be that trigger, Trump should know it too, but is impulsive. I don't figure the Dems want to deal with Pence yet either, Trump is a gift that keeps on giving.

As for an FBI insider, he'd be a blackguard indeed! The way feelings are running in the FBI right now, they'd skin em alive! Besides, Trump leaks like a sieve and Mueller is tight as a drum. :cool:
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I don't think Trump is a leader, period, nobody would have confidence to follow his self serving lead on a risky ambiguous constitutional crises. Rosenstein can refuse the firing order, appeal it to a judge, make the FBI physically throw him out of office etc. I figure the GOP wants Trump gone and firing Rosenstein or Mueller would be that trigger, Trump should know it too, but is impulsive. I don't figure the Dems want to deal with Pence yet either, Trump is a gift that keeps on giving.

The gop is just fine with trump. They don't want him gone. They are basically staging a revolutionary coup and trump is taking all the blame.

Mid terms? We will see. We may have an enthusiasm advantage, which usually means higher turnout, but they still have a lot of tricks we can't completely stop.

By 2020, if they keep the senate, the damage will be done. It will take a century to get back what has been lost. You can destroy a lot faster than you can build. A scientist out of work for two years isn't going to be able to start back up from nothing when labs are gone, research is destroyed, and funding is gone.

So no, they don't want him gone. We will never get 18 of them to vote to convict. No matter what he does. They don't want pence because pence would insist on an agenda that isn't theirs. They can control trump because he is an empty suit.
Everyday with Trump is a disaster for the GOP and the closer to the election it gets the bigger the mess it will be for them. They want Trump to be a bad memory come election day, if he's around it will cost them more senate seats. Not many republicans are up for reelection this time around, those who are, are concerned, unless they live in lunatic states. There are lots of democratic senators who hope Donald will be around and up to his neck in shit during the midterms.

As for the midterms, it will be one for the history books, turnout will be massive.

If Mueller can get a case before congress Trump is as good as fucked, everybody knows it too. If Rosenstein is fired and Mueller resigns in protest or is fired too and the GOP sits on it's hands, yer right and God help us all. If Mueller is allowed to proceed, it's a foregone conclusion, bye bye Donald. Just look at the current security clearance scandal for a preview of the year ahead for the GOP with Donald on it's back.

I don't think God, guns, greed and the "south will rise again", is enough to hold this festering pile of shit together any more, Donald broke it. Have a little faith in Donald will ya, he'll fuckup bigly, he always does, remember, he didn't want to be president, but fucked up that too and got elected. This was all supposed to be a marketing and self promotion plan, but went terribly wrong, Donald got in way over his head and is in the process of publicly thrashing and drowning. The GOP tried to throw him a lifesaver many times, but Trump is too stupid, in fact he'll take a few of em down with him.

Donald is really like the pied piper, leading the rats off a cliff while playing out a tune on the dog whistle for them to march to.
By the time he leaves office some will want his head, including the Russian mob
Donald is gonna end up costing the russian mob and Putin a lot of money. When Uncle Sam gets up off the ground and shakes the dust off himself, he's gonna be look'n for a little payback. These pricks got hundreds of billions stashed away in western tax havens, banks, etc and Uncle Sam and a few of his buddies are gonna help themselves, payback will be a bitch and expensive too. Only question will be what to do with all the money... Should be some fresh high end New York real estate on the market around then too, maybe prices will drop for awhile...
Everyday with Trump is a disaster for the GOP and the closer to the election it gets the bigger the mess it will be for them. They want Trump to be a bad memory come election day, if he's around it will cost them more senate seats. Not many republicans are up for reelection this time around, those who are, are concerned, unless they live in lunatic states. There are lots of democratic senators who hope Donald will be around and up to his neck in shit during the midterms.

As for the midterms, it will be one for the history books, turnout will be massive.

If Mueller can get a case before congress Trump is as good as fucked, everybody knows it too. If Rosenstein is fired and Mueller resigns in protest or is fired too and the GOP sits on it's hands, yer right and God help us all. If Mueller is allowed to proceed, it's a foregone conclusion, bye bye Donald. Just look at the current security clearance scandal for a preview of the year ahead for the GOP with Donald on it's back.

I don't think God, guns, greed and the "south will rise again", is enough to hold this festering pile of shit together any more, Donald broke it. Have a little faith in Donald will ya, he'll fuckup bigly, he always does, remember, he didn't want to be president, but fucked up that too and got elected. This was all supposed to be a marketing and self promotion plan, but went terribly wrong, Donald got in way over his head and is in the process of publicly thrashing and drowning. The GOP tried to throw him a lifesaver many times, but Trump is too stupid, in fact he'll take a few of em down with him.

Donald is really like the pied piper, leading the rats off a cliff while playing out a tune on the dog whistle for them to march to.

Until the consensus of polls show his approval rating in the 20's, he won't be convicted in the senate. If we don't have the house, he won't be impeached.

Right now, his average of polls is up, around 37%. That is enough of the primary base voter to send a chill down the spine of any member who wants oppose him. Most who "might" have voted won't run for reelection, or they will die before they can vote.

We just don't have the numbers on our side. It would be a fun trial, but a bitter result. The gop just isn't going to give dem's a win on impeachment. And trump won't resign unless he can look like a hero and not a villain. Pence probably can't pardon him since he is caught up in the same legal issues. So that solution is off the table.

It sucks. But just because I'm a pessimist doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Donald is gonna end up costing the russian mob and Putin a lot of money. When Uncle Sam gets up off the ground and shakes the dust off himself, he's gonna be look'n for a little payback. These pricks got hundreds of billions stashed away in western tax havens, banks, etc and Uncle Sam and a few of his buddies are gonna help themselves, payback will be a bitch and expensive too. Only question will be what to do with all the money... Should be some fresh high end New York real estate on the market around then too, maybe prices will drop for awhile...

That's chump change to them. It's all stolen money anyway. And a billion won't be felt. Sanctions are felt, which is why they spent the money. The benefit of destroying an old adversary is just a tasty two scoop dessert to them.
Until the consensus of polls show his approval rating in the 20's, he won't be convicted in the senate. If we don't have the house, he won't be impeached.

Right now, his average of polls is up, around 37%. That is enough of the primary base voter to send a chill down the spine of any member who wants oppose him. Most who "might" have voted won't run for reelection, or they will die before they can vote.

We just don't have the numbers on our side. It would be a fun trial, but a bitter result. The gop just isn't going to give dem's a win on impeachment. And trump won't resign unless he can look like a hero and not a villain. Pence probably can't pardon him since he is caught up in the same legal issues. So that solution is off the table.

It sucks. But just because I'm a pessimist doesn't mean I'm wrong.
All possibilities have to be considered, including the unexpected. I'm watching the GOP former prosecutors who have some inside info and they look nervous, the more classified access they have, the more nervous they become. There's a reason why guys like Trey Gowdy and others have taken their cards off the table and are changing their tone. There's things to come that they have hints of and that will become public knowledge, none of the rats are publicly squealing yet and Mueller has got 3 for sure and probably a lot more.

Everybody is shocked by the behavior of the GOP, even former members who are now pundits, nobody can figure these crazy cocksuckers out. It must be hard to keep their members inline with all this shit going on, GOP town halls this summer might include some entertaining moments indeed!
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Oh boy, been waiting on the fund to start

Hopefully these are Russians that Donald Trump owes money too

What it did was to lay out how far, and how deep, the russians efforts to prop up trump and hurt clinton went. While no americans were charged in these indictments, there are footnotes that say there are others known to the grand jury, so they are likely buried in indictments to come.

Nobody can now say (with any credibility) that there was no russian influence in our elections. Watch congress do nothing however.

This was a preemptive strike against the white house. It makes firing rosenstein or muehler much more difficult. They didn't indict americans to keep the politics to us vs them.

Very smart. Now the focus is on the wh and treasury dept for not implementing sanctions......

Thewre is a related plea agreement against an american who was charged with one count of identity theft. But it wasn't part of the announcement.