Oakton or blue lab ph pen?

Oakton ph2 or Blue lab what tester is better?
I have blue lab and Hanna stuffs and like them. I don’t have info on oakton though. Blue labs makes a decent product. I’ve never had an issue with my truncheon it’s always my go to ec/ppm meter.
Never used Oakton but prefer Blue Labs over Hanna. Bulbs seem to last longer, less calibration issues.
Never used Oakton but prefer Blue Labs over Hanna. Bulbs seem to last longer, less calibration issues.
I like their new all in one commercial or half ass commercial ones however you’d describe it. But like I said I’ve always loved my truncheon.
Blue labs hands down, have used the oakton and had problems. I have used several different ph meters over the years. Go with Blue Labs
I just went through the pain of comparing the Oakton PH2+, Blue Lab and Apera PH60. I have lots of cheapos but I moved to pure hydro and the calibration and the hit and miss was not working and wasting hours of my time.

Oakton PH2+ - This is the newest version, most people are unhappy and want the older model back. Takes too long to PH and jumps erratically.
Blue Lab - This seems to be the go to for PH pens that wont break the bank, but maintenance seems to be tedious.
Apera PH60 - This is the pen I chose, its accurate, fast, holds its calibration, measures 0.01, and the probe is replaceable and interchangable with an ORP, Spear or Flat sensor. Comes in a nice professional case with KCL and calibration solutions.

All of them are similar pricing 50-80 dollar range
I just went through the pain of comparing the Oakton PH2+, Blue Lab and Apera PH60. I have lots of cheapos but I moved to pure hydro and the calibration and the hit and miss was not working and wasting hours of my time.

Oakton PH2+ - This is the newest version, most people are unhappy and want the older model back. Takes too long to PH and jumps erratically.
Blue Lab - This seems to be the go to for PH pens that wont break the bank, but maintenance seems to be tedious.
Apera PH60 - This is the pen I chose, its accurate, fast, holds its calibration, measures 0.01, and the probe is replaceable and interchangable with an ORP, Spear or Flat sensor. Comes in a nice professional case with KCL and calibration solutions.

All of them are similar pricing 50-80 dollar range
My blue lab pen stays calibrated for months on end. I check it never moves. It’s all in the everyday care of your gear.
Had the oakton waterproof ph meter (older one I’m assuming) and I will say that one lasted for almost 8 years for me and I gave it away still working. Not sure on the new model though.

I just bought a bluelab waterproof ph meter about two months ago and it is very nice and so far very reliable only issue I have had is battery died yesterday, swapped it and good to go.
I’ve had oakton, Hanna, bluelab, HM, and they all crapped out after a couple of years. I should say that I treat them with the utmost lack of care :(. I figured fuck it and tried this one 469EB178-9190-4D42-8D0F-0456A318C93F.png off eBay for $30 and it’s been very good although I calibrate every week just to check, it’s been bang on. Perhaps I lucked out but going to buy another.